
Chen Jinsong: Are you still hesitant to take and not to get the new crown vaccine?

author:Health world

Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic at the end of 2019, scientists from all over the world have raced against time to develop a new crown vaccine and launched a number of new crown vaccines at the fastest speed, including the first MRA new crown vaccine for healthy people.

At present, vaccine manufacturers in various countries are operating at full capacity to produce new crown vaccines at maximum capacity, and countries have also begun to receive new crown vaccines on a large scale.

However, in the face of the rare COVID-19 epidemic of the century, some people are hesitant to vaccinate.

The first is fear of psychology, worried about the safety of the new crown vaccine. Affected by the media, the domestic media, including some mainstream media, have reported a lot of so-called side effects after receiving the new crown vaccine in foreign countries (in fact, many of them have been clarified, some are normal reactions, some are occasional phenomena), and they are worried about the fear of these so-called side effects after receiving the new crown vaccine.

The second is the fluke mentality, and when others are vaccinated, they will be safe.

The third is to wait and see, and not to be in a hurry. At present, the domestic new crown epidemic is too peaceful, there is nearly a year of the new crown epidemic is far away from themselves, accustomed to the days without the new crown epidemic, I think I can wait and see.

First, let's talk about whether COVID-19 vaccination is safe and the side effects.

China's vaccines have very strict management regulations in the whole process of research and development, testing, approval, listing, storage, transportation, vaccination and so on.

According to the latest data from the National Health Commission, as of March 27, 2021, a total of 102.417 million doses of covid-19 vaccine have been reported in various places. The incidence of adverse reactions is very low, and the symptoms resolve spontaneously.

As long as you follow the guidance of medical staff, safety can be guaranteed and you can be assured of vaccination.

The second is whether the new crown vaccine is necessary.

Vaccination is very necessary.

Almost all people do not have immunity to the new crown virus, the new crown virus is generally susceptible, after the onset of infection, some people will develop severe illness, critical illness, and even cause death.

After vaccination, on the one hand, the vast majority of people can obtain immunity, experts agree that after the new crown vaccine, even if re-infected with the new crown virus, the critical illness is significantly reduced; on the other hand, through the orderly vaccination of the new crown vaccine, the immune barrier can be gradually established in the population to block the widespread spread and epidemic of new crown pneumonia.

Third, for a long time in the future, the new crown virus will coexist with human beings for a long time, and it is still unknown when the global new crown epidemic will end. Therefore, it is important for us humans to be prepared for a long-term battle against COVID-19.

Fourth, some people hope that herd immunity, others hit, they will be safe. Herd immunity is to immunize more than 70% of the population, and herd immunity is aimed at preventing large-scale geometric exponential spread. The chance of local infection of individuals is still 100%. At present, it is very difficult to achieve herd immunity. For example, the effective protection rate of domestic new crown vaccines is about 70%, that is to say, all Chinese people (including old and weak women and children) have all been vaccinated against the new crown, and the protection rate is not forced to meet the requirements of herd immunity. But this is impossible, after all, there is a small group of people who cannot be vaccinated for various practical reasons.

Fifth, it is inevitable that all countries around the world will open up at a certain time in the future, and it is impossible to seal off and lock the country for a long time.

Sixth, there are already countries ready to implement vaccine passports, and not vaccinating may be difficult to move at home or internationally, and your movement is restricted.

The country's new COVID-19 vaccination guidelines have greatly relaxed the vaccination restrictions in the early stages, and the vast majority of the population can be vaccinated, and it is expected to be further liberalized in the future.

Are you still hesitant to get or not get the COVID-19 vaccine? If you have no doubts, if you can get the new crown vaccine, don't hesitate to get it.

Do not think that vaccinated people have become guinea pigs, on the contrary, those who may not be vaccinated have really become guinea pigs, and they have gone to test the new crown virus.

Chen Jinsong: Are you still hesitant to take and not to get the new crown vaccine?

The author Chen Jinsong, male, from Yingshan County, Hubei Province, with the rank of colonel, chief surgeon, professor.

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