
Why is the scorpion of Taihang Mountain called the whole scorpion story (Wang Lang chased Liu Xiu story 3)


The scorpion of Taihang Mountain is also called the whole scorpion, which is a good Chinese medicine, which can detoxify and dispel the wind and treat facial paralysis, etc., why is it called the whole scorpion? There is such a saying in the legend of Wang Lang chasing Liu Xiu.

Legend has it that the scorpion of the Taihang Mountains originally had a head like a scorpion, and although the scorpion was poisonous at that time, its poison could detoxify hundreds of poisons, and the scorpion lived peacefully with people, and often used its venom to treat and detoxify the poisoned people.

Why is the scorpion of Taihang Mountain called the whole scorpion story (Wang Lang chased Liu Xiu story 3)

All scorpions and centipedes

It is said that when Liu Xiu was chased by Wang Lang's pursuers, there was no way to enter the sky, there was no door to the ground, and when he fled to the edge of the Taihang Mountains, he saw that he was about to be caught up by the pursuing soldiers, and at this time he encountered the old peasants of the cultivated land, and the old peasant pressed the plough with his hand, and the ground plowed out a ditch that was not shallow or deep, so that Liu Xiu lay in it, and then he was once again attacked, and the overturned soil just covered Liu Xiu in the soil, and it was not visible from a distance that he was hiding in the soil. The pursuing soldiers came, and when they looked at the edge of the ground, there were only old farmers, cattle, and ploughs in the bare fields, and they had to look for them in the nearby fields.

At this time, Liu Xiu, who was lying in the soil, was motionless, and suddenly felt a pain in his leg, but he heard that the pursuing soldiers did not go far, so he endured in the soil, and for a while he felt that his legs were numb, and gradually his whole body became numb, lost consciousness, and fainted. When the pursuing soldiers could not find Liu Xiu and left, the old farmer dug Liu Xiu out of the soil, and Liu Xiu gradually woke up. At this time, he was conscious in his legs, but it hurt. Quickly pulling up the legs of his pants, he found two red and swollen wounds on his legs, and there was a scorpion crawling in that place, and the scorpion's barbs dripped venom on the wounds in its two wounds. Liu Xiu thought that he had just been stung by a scorpion, and did not think much about it, knocked the scorpion off his leg, drew out his sword, and looked down at the scorpion's head. At this time, seeing the venom spilled by the scorpion on the leg wound seeping into the wound, not only did the leg not hurt, the red and swollen place quickly became smaller, and he stood up and did not feel any pain at all. Because he was worried about the return of the pursuing soldiers, he quickly thanked the old farmer, walked in the direction pointed out to him by the old farmer, and found a sheep intestine trail hidden in the trees into the Taihang Mountain, getting rid of the pursuing soldiers.

That night, Liu Xiu fell asleep in a mountain temple on the mountain, dreaming that the mountain god had come and told him that he had done something wrong. Saying that his wound was bitten by a centipede, the scorpion saw that he was poisoned and sprinkled his own venom on his wound to detoxify and cure him. The mountain god told him that if he didn't believe it, just look at the wound. After saying that, the mountain god is gone. Liu Xiuyi woke up, at this time the sky was already light, he quickly pulled up his pants leg to look at the wound, and suddenly knew in his heart that he had killed the scorpion by mistake. Because the scorpion stab wound has only one wound, the centipede bite is a pair of wounds, and he has a pair of wounds on his leg. Liu Xiu quickly went back to find the scorpion's head, trying to put the scorpion's head on. But the scorpion and the centipede are old rivals, the centipede bites Liu Xiu and hides in the soil, Liu Xiu cut off the scorpion's head and left, the centipede ate the scorpion's head. Liu Xiu returned to the ground and couldn't find the scorpion's head, and he regretted it, so he said to the scorpion, you can live without a head. Liu Xiu is a god and immortal, and after he said it, the scorpion has lived, but it has no head. Liu Xiu said to the scorpion, in the future, people can't laugh at you for not having a head, so they call you a full scorpion, which means a scorpion that lacks nothing. Since then, the name of the scorpion of the Taihang Mountain called quan scorpion has also been passed down. The centipede bit Liu Xiu and ate the scorpion's head, and Liu Xiu sealed the centipede as food for the scorpion for generations, so that the scorpion could eat the centipede for generations.

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