
The "Angel's Share" whisky you may not understand – "The Water of Life"

author:Cooking wine is about the storm

As we all know, there are many kinds of liquor, such as Chinese liquor, foreign foreign liquor and beer, and there are many kinds of these liquors. The main types of foreign wine are tequila, gin, rum, vodka, liqueur, wine, and whiskey. And what I'm going to talk about here today is the whiskey in foreign wine

The "Angel's Share" whisky you may not understand – "The Water of Life"

To put it simply, whisky is a distilled wine made from grain ingredients. Of course, all whiskies end up distilling at an alcohol content of more than 40 percent, and the differences between whiskies are mainly in the type of grain used to make the ingredients and the amount of time the wine is matured in oak barrels after fermentation.

It is said that the Irish already brewed whisky in the 15th century, after which the Irish passed on the production technology of whisky to Scotland. By the 18th and 19th centuries, many whisky makers continued to brew in the Scottish Highlands to escape the country's heavy taxes on the production and sale of whisky.

There, they found quality water and barley raw materials. When the highlands were short of resources, they used local peat instead of fuel, and when the containers were insufficient, they used empty oak barrels containing Spanish sherry to hold whiskey, and the wine that could not be sold for the time being was stored in the huts in the highlands. Who knows the blessing of misfortune, which in turn produces a unique style of Scotch whisky.

The "Angel's Share" whisky you may not understand – "The Water of Life"

The brewing technique of the "Water of Life" was learned by John Cole, a monk from a Scottish monastery. In 1494, he succeeded in turning 1 ton of barley malt into 1400 bottles of amber spirits, which is the origin of Scotch whisky making.

Good things are always willing to be shared, and slowly, many family-run wineries have emerged in Scotland. Brewing whisky became an inevitable part of the Scottish manor economy.

During the brewing process, it was found that the water quality of each river in the Spey Valley was perfect for making whisky, where the fertile laterite soil could grow the best whiskey raw material - barley. They brew barley malt with a special kind of peat, and hide the wine in empty oak barrels to preserve it, making the flavor of the wine more unique. To this day, this place also produces the world's top Scotch whisky, Martin's Whisky.

It was found that whiskies that were sleeping quietly in oak barrels waiting to ripen mysteriously decreased by 2%-3% per year, and winemakers believed that these vanished whiskies were secretly drunk by angels, so they called them "angelic pleasures". They firmly believe that after tasting by angels, the aroma of whisky will be more attractive.

The "Angel's Share" whisky you may not understand – "The Water of Life"

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