
"Nan Nan said to himself" Wang Shuo gave me sorghum dumplings

author:Anhui net

Yes, it was so at the time. When "The Wonder of Immortality" was first released, two things happened: the circle of friends of middle-aged and elderly people was sending "snow" sighs, and the circle of friends of young people was reveling for edg to win the championship.

More people are definitely not for Wang Luodan, more people are for Wang Shuo, and more people are for Wang Chuanjun. Then some people are talking about why Wang Xiaokun didn't become a selling point within the "Three Kings", or how he ruined the feeling of this movie.

The English title of "The Curious Tale of Mr.Guo" and the English title of Benjamin Button is:"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". There is no other meaning, but it is true that the same emotion does not arise, and it goes deeper.

"Nan Nan said to himself" Wang Shuo gave me sorghum dumplings

People who will be moved at the beginning will be moved for a lifetime.

What's the difference? The ending of "The Wonders of Immortality" is very sad, because the second half of the film suddenly and very rudely adds a large number of stem cell advertisements, which is also the most concentrated firepower point for people who hate this movie, and the degree of willfulness reminds people of the last time Wang Shuo appeared in the public space of "My Chitose Cold"; the end of "The Strange Story of Benjamin Button" is very sad. Sadness and sadness, I think the difference lies in these two words. In fact, I would like to say that the rhythm of the second half of "The Wonder of Immortality" can already be used as tragic, but the tragic is very unfriendly.

Of course, Guo Xiaolu and Su Lingfang constantly missed the framework, in this process, a man became the back garden of a woman's soul, and this woman also said such a high-profile statement as "when he is good, he does not need me to be present", Wang Shuo wants to say a lot, most of them are still the disdain and pickpocketing in his previous remarks, which is a consistent posture in the entertainment circle.

However, regarding the classic case of continuous missing, it is clear that "The Strange Story of Benjamin Button" has grasped a point, that is, in the corridor of time, you may never wait for a person, and when watching "The Wonders of Immortality", it is not Wong Kar-wai and "Chongqing Forest", although the 63-year-old Wang Shuo has indeed become a little sticky, and the flexible use of mouth cannons has been a bit of a problem with the "visual reaction speed" in the battle film. Stem cells are indeed too hard to dry, and in order to give the story a basis, the cost of destruction is too high. Regarding the lamentable miss, I appreciated the understatement of Forrest Gump and Jenny even more.

Sorghum at least not a great white rabbit? Wang Chuanjun wondered whether there was any acting skill in this matter? I think we can push the responsibility to the director, in the word miracle, the expression of the lens language is very scarce, so that literature and art are not literary, bitter feelings are not bitter feelings, magic is not magical. Wang Chuanjun did not seem to be too young from beginning to end, and he willfully ran to Africa to wash his soul, which was very contrived.

But the story is very gentle, like an old boy writing a love letter to himself. I like the first reunion of Guo Xiaolu and Su Lingfang after adulthood, she ran back, threw him a stone, broke through time and space, and then they confirmed each other. At that moment, I felt that fate smiled and flashed to the side. I personally call it the Stroke of God.

But no way. The kids are also celebrating the edg victory.

Some people have a layer of snow on their hearts. However, this is not a miracle. (Jiang Nannan)

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