
66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

author:Menghan Entertainment
66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

What kind of character can make people doubt and admire?

He once joked to himself: "There are too many people and things I look down on, although I am not bullshit myself, but the two are not in conflict."

This sentence speaks to a certain conceit and bohemian character in this person.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

He is a cultural icon that has been controversial but has also been worshiped by countless people.

He is the famous Wang Shuo. A character who is dominant in the literary and film and television worlds, but also acts flamboyantly and indulgently in life. His every word and every action makes people like and hate, but they are also deeply fascinated by his frank personality charm in decadence.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

So, what kind of life experience and inner world have created such a "wild" Wang Shuo?

Deviant boyhood

Wang Shuo was born in 1958 and grew up in the Beijing Military Region. Stubborn and rebellious is a character trait that he has revealed since he was a child. He has a vague memory of his parents: "I didn't know my parents until I was ten years old, and every time someone pointed out to me, the person who was talking to someone was your father."

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

Among the children, Wang Shuo likes to be in the limelight and mischief, and is willing to provoke authority. He once described his childhood as "devoid of family warmth, full of nonsense and rebellion." When he was fifteen years old, he went to the public security bureau for fighting, and after he was released from prison, his friends set off firecrackers at home to celebrate his "release from prison".

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

His father, Wang Tianyu, was a stern and old-fashioned soldier, and his mother, Xue Laifeng, was also an unsmiling military doctor, and the way they educated Wang Shuo made him more and more disdainful of authority. What impressed him the most about his father was his father's scolding at home.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

In the expectation of his parents, Wang Shuo should enter the military. But he just embarked on a literary and artistic path that went against the grain. In 1979, after enlisting in the army, he was assigned to work as a hygienist in the infirmary, hiding in a small warehouse to write novels and start his writing career.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

An unaccustomed style icon

In the eighties and nineties of the last century, Wang Shuo wrote a number of best-selling novels, such as "Animal Ferocious" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude with Us". The subject matter of these works is bold, the writing is sharp, the language is straightforward and unadorned, and they ruthlessly complain about social injustice. Liu Zhenyun praised him for "writing and reading: don't pretend".

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

The distinct literati temperament in Wang Shuo's novels has made him a contemporary cultural icon. Not only is he not pretentious, but he also shows a simple energy that loves life and faces reality, and has become a clear stream in the literary circle.

However, this idol is also very "unprofessional" at the same time. In addition to writing, he is keen on nightlife, playing with his friends Shen Congwen and Jiang Wen, and chasing women at the gambling table. He famously said that he was self-deprecating: "When someone talks about where and where you say you've been, he won't talk to you too much."

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

Leaving his wife and abandoning his daughter for love

In the 90s of the last century, Wang Shuo fell in love with sophomore Xu Jinglei at first sight, and the two fell in love. Xu Jinglei was still a new idol in the literary and artistic world at that time, full of vitality. After being with Wang Shuo, she became more self-assertive and wild.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

At this time, Wang Shuo was already a family with a wife and daughter, and his wife Shen Xujia was loyal to him. But the powerful Xu Jinglei publicly shouted to Shen Xujia: "Give me Wang Shuo!" For a time, the relationship between Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei became a storm in the city and was condemned by all walks of life.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

But Wang Shuo has his own opinion on this: "Love is a willful thing, and everyone has their own willfulness when falling in love." In the end, he chose to divorce and separate from his six-year-old daughter Wang Mimi, and lived their ideal "free love" life with Xu Jinglei.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

Knowing mistakes and not changing cause and effect are self-reliant

The price of cheating and abandoning his wife and daughter is that Shen Xujia took her daughter away from home and drifted away from Wang Shuo. After the divorce, although Wang Shuo and Xu Jinglei had the crystallization of love, they were always criticized. Xu Jinglei was considered to be a "little three" involved in the couple because of her relationship with Wang Shuo, and once fell into a career trough.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

At the same time, Wang Shuo's works have also been banned one after another due to their bold subject matter. The originally high-ranking cultural celebrities in Beijing were marginalized overnight.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

When he was young and vigorous, Wang Shuo was always uninhibited and eager to challenge authority. But as he grew older, he became more and more aware of the value of family affection. In 2007, he wrote a family letter "Letter to Daughter" for his daughter Wang Mimi, expressing his apology and love for his daughter.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

However, because the hurt was too deep back then, her daughter Wang Mimi ignored her father's love, making Wang Shuo bluntly say that he "didn't have the face to attend his daughter's wedding". The price of not changing one's mistakes is the double loss of family affection and reputation.

Life in the United States is a dream

Due to criticism and accusations from all walks of life in China, Wang Shuo once left the United States and temporarily escaped from the critical environment. During his time in the United States, he experienced first-hand the very different concept of life there from at home.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

Wang Shuo once described his feelings in the United States as follows: "If a person does not have too many lofty ideals and ambitions, and only hopes that An An will live an ordinary life, live his own small life, and not disturb others or be disturbed by others, then the United States is simply the most suitable place."

These words express Wang Shuo's unique view of the land of the United States. There, he seemed to have lifted the burden from his body, just an unknown little citizen, living an ordinary and peaceful life. This is in stark contrast to his previous status as a "cultural icon" in China. The United States provided Wang Shuo with a temporary escape from the world and the hustle and bustle of the worldly world at home.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

Compared with the identity of a domestic cultural celebrity, Wang Shuo is more like an unknown citizen in the United States. He traveled to New York, Los Angeles and other big cities, and saw the unique social climate of this country.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

For Wang Shuo, although he has temporarily gotten rid of domestic criticism, he is facing the problem of cultural estrangement. He said: "If I read Chinese things there, the local Chinese in the United States will change the foundation of my language and let me write things that make mainland readers feel estranged."

Eventually, in order to maintain the purity of Chinese writing, Wang Shuo only stayed in the United States for half a year before returning to China. The trip to the United States was like a brief dream, which failed to bring him a real turn in his life.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

It is still a lingering regret in life

Today, Wang Shuo, who is over the age of six, has become a loose person in the cultural world. His past romance is long gone, and he reveals a little old in his self-deprecating humor.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

But there is one thing that Wang Shuo still regrets: that is, the estrangement with his family. After the divorce, although he has reconciled with his ex-wife Shen Xujia, his daughter Wang Mimi still ignores him. In 2017, Wang Mimi got married, and Wang Shuo felt that he was not qualified to attend his daughter's wedding due to past injuries.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

"You must have your own children, so that we can be with you when we are gone. I was very estranged from them when Grandpa and Da were there, and I was lonely when they left. This is what Wang Shuo once said to his daughter Wang Mimi. In the final analysis, his biggest regret is the lack of family affection.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

As a cultural celebrity with a lot of money, Wang Shuo could have lived a worry-free life. But he said bluntly to Xu Jinglei: "After death, all the property will be given to you." This statement expresses his yearning for a pure child.

Yes, Wang Shuo's life has been fluctuating and detached from the mainstream of society. He challenged authority with his sharp words and unscrupulous behavior, but behind this courage was often accompanied by loneliness and confusion.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

Perhaps, it is this kind of struggle and confusion that makes Wang Shuo's works full of unique human depth. They have resonated with generations of readers and have become timeless cultural symbols.

Writing never stops

Wang Shuo, who is already old, is still working tirelessly on the road of literary writing. He said that he was enthusiastic about the experience of drinking friends in mahjong parlors and park benches, which provided him with a steady stream of material for writing.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

In addition to literature, Wang Shuo is also an "old fritter" in the film and television industry. He led the screenwriter of popular dramas such as "I Love My Home" and "Beijingers in New York", all of which have won praise. Wang Shuo's humorous and witty language tells the ups and downs of life, causing the audience to smile.

Today, Wang Shuo is no longer the "culprit", but has become a cultural treasure. His witty language, sharp comments, and lingering troubles have all created a three-dimensional character.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

This image is vivid and fascinating, allowing people to think about the philosophies of human nature while being entertained. This is the charm of Wang Shuo, he uses a frank attitude to live the simple and true nature that a cultural idol should have.

On the road of literary creation, Wang Shuo's never-ending footsteps will surely walk out of a more brilliant chapter. And his love and frankness of life will always illuminate everyone's innermost yearning.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

Have you ever "swung against the current"?

In general, Wang Shuo is a cultural person with great personality and charm. He is uninhibited and outspoken, but he is often troubled by family loneliness and reality. And all this has achieved the unique human tone in his works.

Life is just like what Wang Shuo depicts, beautiful and regretful, yearning and difficult. They are entangled, forming a kind of contradictory tension, holding up the whole world's life.

66-year-old Wang Shuo said bluntly: The United States is very suitable for a small citizen like me to live and live a down-to-earth life

Have you ever been like Wang Shuo, at some point in your life?

What motivates you to move forward without hesitation? And what made you finally return to the ordinary?

Life is like chess, and there are no regrets. No matter where you are now, like Wang Shuo, use honest words and a frank attitude to live your life to the fullest.


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