
66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

author:Fish love the sea
66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

A deviant scoundrel, or a literati who sticks to his heart?

A scumbag who goes back on his word, or a romantic who is open about love?

The first half of the writer Wang Shuo's life is really a mystery that is difficult to conclude.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

An old Beijing native is no stranger to Wang Shuo, a big name in the literary world. Since the 80s of the 20th century, his popular, grassroots, coarse and yellow style has been well known. Even now, his ruffian image lingers.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

If Wang Shuo is judged only from this superficial phenomenon, it is inevitably too one-sided.

What are the life experiences of the representatives of "Wild Grass Literature"?

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

Gray childhood

Wang Shuo was born in Nanjing in 1958, his father was a soldier, and his mother was a military doctor. Because of his parents' work, he moved to live in the military compound in Beijing at a young age.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

"For as long as I can remember, my father has been so busy that he can't even remember what he looks like." Wang Shuo wrote in his autobiography. As a descendant of soldiers, he has lived in this work-oriented environment since he was a child, and family warmth is naturally lacking.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

Wang Shuo is a naughty and mischievous child who likes to show off in the group of children. With release in the midst of depression, Wang Shuo grew up in this torn environment.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

Rebellious teenager

When he grew up, Wang Shuo's father also chose the path of becoming a soldier for him and asked him to become a navy. However, after arriving in the army, Wang Shuo was assigned to a small warehouse as a hygienist.

From dreaming of overcoming obstacles on the sea to finally sweeping the floor and wiping the table in the warehouse, Wang Shuo's illusions have been shattered. Just as he began to be numb and hesitant, a coincidence gave him a literary dream.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

"I was so bored that I could only read newspapers and magazines to pass the time, and I wanted to write about it myself." Wang Shuo later recalled that his first manuscript came out in this way and was also published in a magazine.

Since then, he has fallen in love with writing like a thirst, and has quietly accumulated tens of thousands of words of creation during his time in the army. Although it is a temporary void, it has also laid the foundation for the future literary road.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

Rustic novelist

In 1984, Wang Shuo's first novel "Stewardess" came out, marking his official entry into the palace of literature. As a representative of wild grass literature in the 80s, his works are basically written based on life records, the text is straightforward, and the words are mostly from the market slang.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

With his popular and witty writing style, Wang Shuo soon gained great popularity among young readers, and was dubbed the "Master of Ruffian Literature". Immediately afterwards, works such as "Animal Fierceness" and "The Stubborn Master" were also published one after another, which established his position in the history of literature.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

However, just when his career was in full swing, Wang Shuo's love life underwent earth-shaking changes.

Grade "Small" Minute Hands

In 1994, Wang Shuo met Xu Jinglei, who was still a college student, and the two quickly fell in love at first sight. Although Xu Jinglei is only a "junior", Wang Shuo is determined to break up with his wife Shen Xujia this time.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

"Give me Wang Shuo." It is said that Xu Jinglei once said this to Shen Xujia bluntly. Faced with his wife's incomprehension, Wang Shuo ruthlessly chose to divorce, leaving his wife and six-year-old daughter Wang Mi far behind.

"Wang Shuo is really hard-hearted this time, and Shen Xujia also has his own pride, so he left with his daughter." Wang Shuo's friend commented. Since then, Wang Shuo has drifted apart from his wife and daughter, and the relationship between the father and daughter has become increasingly estranged.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

Popular "Little Three"

After the divorce, Wang Shuo did not marry Xu Jinglei, but used his influence to make her a popular idol by all means. In this way, Xu Jinglei became an instant hit with film and television works such as "Sunny Days", and soon reached the peak of her life.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

At the same time, Wang Shuo's own career was not going well. His playful and angry style of writing was suddenly out of place, and his works were repeatedly banned. In the end, Wang Shuo had no choice but to flee abroad and hide for a while.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

"Wang Shuo is really a sin to be a father." A psychologist bluntly said that although he has a high literary status, he is a complete failure as a father.

In 1997, a few years after the divorce, Wang Shuo was selected by an American publishing house and got the opportunity to write in the United States. This trip to the ocean gave him a rare opportunity to temporarily escape from the chaotic reality of life and reflect on himself.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

During his six months in the United States, Wang Shuo traveled to New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and other major cities, and experienced the diverse cultural landscape of the local area. As for the preconceived notions, for example, he thought that the social security in the United States was severe, but after visiting it himself, he could not help but change his opinion, but gave a positive evaluation of the place.

During his time in a foreign land, Wang Shuo gradually dispelled his concerns about the security of the United States. "At first, I was wary of taking the subway, but the longer we get along, the more I feel the peaceful and orderly social atmosphere here." Wang Shuo recalled that the experience of the past six months completely subverted his stereotype of the United States.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

However, even in a foreign country, as a person who eats by words, Wang Shuo has never forgotten his professional ethics. "If I don't look at Chinese stuff, my Chinese level will drop; But if you read it, you are afraid that it will be influenced by Taiwanese Chinese, and the works written will make mainland readers feel estranged. "

These words show how attentive Wang Shuo is to writing, and even during his travels, he has been thinking about how to take his own literary path. Unfortunately, after returning to China, his works were repeatedly boycotted, and his career fell into a trough.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

I have to say that being in the United States was a great way to re-examine oneself and reflect on the value of life. It's a pity that Wang Shuo never seized this opportunity, and was still obsessed with the disputes in Vanity Fair, and was finally abandoned by the times.

As for the identity of being a father, it is a complete failure. Whether it was abandoning his wife and daughter back then, or being shameless to attend when his daughter got married, it shows that Wang Shuo still has huge flaws and regrets in his heart.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

It can be seen that if a person wants to be truly successful, he must not only have career achievements, but more importantly, his inner integrity. Without the nourishment of human nature, even if the words have been redundant, it will be difficult to survive forever in the end. Wang Shuo's experience in the first half of his life is a portrayal of this regret.

By the time he returned, he found himself an obsolete man and less reputable than he had been. However, as a senior in the circle, Wang Shuo still has the respect of many people.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

Think about the past

In this way, along the way, Wang Shuo also reached the age of 66. He began to miss his old family life, so he wrote an autobiography called "Letter to His Daughter", in which he apologized countless times to his daughter Wang Mi.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

However, no matter how sincere the words are, they can't restore the lost father-daughter relationship. Until his daughter got married, Wang Shuo didn't have the courage to attend, but just called some friends to cheer.

"Wang Shuo is really a sin to be a father." A psychologist bluntly said that although he has a high literary status, he is a complete failure as a father.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

It is true that Wang Shuo was successful as a literary scholar, he created a new stylistic style and created a unique personal image. However, as a father and husband, he failed again and again and made many unforgivable mistakes.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

At the end of the day, it stems from the homeschooling that he lacked from an early age. "Home" is just an ethereal term for him, so he has no way to learn what real family affection is. Wang Shuo suffers from such a "family disease", which causes him to still have a cold and unfamiliar attitude towards his relatives even in his old age.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

However, not all readers condemned Wang's approach. In the eyes of some young people, his behavior contains a romantic feeling of "not compromising".

"Love is love, not love is not love, rather than barely maintaining a marriage without feelings, it is better to separate happily." This is the evaluation of Wang Shuo by many young people.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

They believe that marriage should not be confined to traditional moral shackles, and that everyone should pursue inner freedom. If you really meet someone who is more worthy, you should boldly pursue it and don't be constrained by other constraints.

However, there are also many people who hate it. They believe that marriage is the most sacred promise between two people and should not be broken arbitrarily. What's more, Wang Shuo not only divorced his wife, but also left his young daughter behind, but all the responsibilities of being a father were left behind, which is the most unforgivable place.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

The two diametrically opposed voices show that Wang Shuo's approach has caused huge controversy in society.

However, Wang Shuo's biggest regret is the estranged relationship with his daughter. Some people say that in the relationship between father and daughter, the daughter is always the softest elbow of the father. It's a pity that Wang Shuo didn't grasp this well, and let himself drift away from his daughter, and finally didn't even have the shame to attend his daughter's wedding, which should be his biggest sore spot.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

"There's nothing more cruel than losing a child, even if it's just a mental loss." So are the critics. Wang Shuo did pay too much price in his pursuit of personal freedom.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

Today, Wang Shuo, who is over the age of six, has only one cat left as a companion. He often lamented his loneliness in the decadence, but he was powerless to redeem his lost youth. All kinds of absurd things in the first half of his life, now in his old age, he is full of endless regret and reminiscence.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

Write at the end

Is Wang Shuo a literati who insists on his heart, or a reckless scoundrel?

Perhaps the correct answer is: he has both. On the literary path, he was a warrior who adhered to his ideals; And in real life, he is a bohemian scoundrel. The two faces of him eventually rejected each other and were doomed to a lonely ending.

66-year-old Wang Shuo looked back on the first half of his life and said bluntly: I regretted divorcing my ex-wife and attended his daughter's wedding without face

As a result, this former "ruffian literary master" can only lick his wounds alone and spend a long time in his old age.

I don't understand how the media says that the living environment in the United States is not good, but why the relatives and friends around me who have the opportunity to go to the United States have the opportunity to go to the United States, and they all hope to settle in the United States in the hope of getting a green card.


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