
Is Hua Tuo huaxiong's brother? The brain hole behind the rumor makes people have to be impressed, and the book is really mixed


The Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition is played by many people, I don't know if players have found that many people in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms have the same surname.

For example, after originally following Ding Yuan, He Jin, Dong Zhuo and Lü Bu, and later following Zhang Liao of Cao Cao, he and Zhang Fei in taoyuan sanjie are the same surname, so is Zhang Liao and Zhang Fei related?

For example, Pound De, who was originally in Xiliang, later became a general of the State of Wei, and he was the same surname as Pang Tong, the deputy military division of the Shu State, so were Pound De and Pang Tong related?

Is Hua Tuo huaxiong's brother? The brain hole behind the rumor makes people have to be impressed, and the book is really mixed

Zhang Liao

In fact, Zhang Liao and Zhang Fei did not have a half-cent relationship. Why? Because Zhang Liao's original surname is not surnamed Zhang, he is a descendant of Nie Yi, the initiator of The Conspiracy of Ma Yi during the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms mentions Zhang Liao's lineage, saying that he was "after Ben Nie Yi, he changed his surname to avoid resentment", that is to say, their family offended the Xiongnu because of Ma Yi's plot, and had to change their name and surname in order to avoid disasters, so Zhang Liao should actually be called Nie Liao, so he had no half-cent relationship with Zhang Fei.

And Pound and Pang Tong actually have nothing to do with each other. But why would anyone associate Pound with Pound? Because a Pound Gong appeared in the middle, someone confused Pound and Pound De Gong.

Pound is Pound, Pound is Pound, not to honor Pound as a gong, so I call Pound a pound, this is two people, not one person.

Is Hua Tuo huaxiong's brother? The brain hole behind the rumor makes people have to be impressed, and the book is really mixed


I don't know if you have figured it out, to put it simply, Pound Ande and Pound Degong are two people, one was born in Xiliang, named Pound, and one was born in Xiangyang, named Pound Degong.

This Pang Degong did have contacts with Pang Tong, and he had close contacts with Xu Shu, Sima Hui, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and others at that time, calling Zhuge Liang "Wolong", Pang Tong "Phoenix Chick", Sima Hui "Water Mirror", Pang Degong and Pang Tong belonged to the uncle-nephew relationship, and some televisions did not clarify the relationship between Pang Degong and Pang De, and confused Pang De and Pang Degong, so it would be considered that Pang De and Pang Tong were related, so it was always good to read more books.

So is Hua Tuo's younger brother?

This question is very interesting, some people not only draw a relationship between the two, but also use historical events to confirm this conclusion. Let's look down.

Hua Tuo is known as a divine doctor, who has seen many people in his life, and several of them are in a logical chain, and the secret behind this logical chain is really amazing.

Is Hua Tuo huaxiong's brother? The brain hole behind the rumor makes people have to be impressed, and the book is really mixed

Hua Xiong

Hua Tuo saw Sun Ce sick

At that time, Sun Ce encountered the enemy Xu Gong's protégé while hunting, and was shot in the cheek, so he found Hua Tuo to treat him, but Hua Tuo was ineffective after treatment, and finally hung up.

Hua Tuo had seen Guan Yu sick

When Guan Yu was fighting with Cao Jun, he was hit by the enemy's poisonous arrow in his right arm, so he also found Hua Tuo to see him, which has the theory of scraping bones to cure poison, but soon after Hua Tuo was healed, Guan Yu defeated Maicheng and was captured by Wu Guosheng, and finally hung up.

Hua Tuo saw Cao Cao sick

Cao Cao suffered from head wind disease in his later years, and often had a severe headache, so he found Hua Tuo to see him, hua Tuo said that he wanted to open his skull after seeing it, but Cao Cao did not allow it to be opened, so he killed Hua Tuo.

Is Hua Tuo huaxiong's brother? The brain hole behind the rumor makes people have to be impressed, and the book is really mixed

Hua Tuo

I don't know if you understand the logic? The logic of thinking that Hua Tuo is Hua Xiong's brother is like this.

Sun Ce - an arrow in the face, Hua Tuo after healing, hung up.

Guan Yu - an arrow in the arm, Hua Tuo healed, and hung up shortly after.

Cao Cao - the head wind is serious, Hua Tuo wanted to open his skull after diagnosis, Cao Cao did not let it, so Hua Tuo hung up.

Didn't understand the logic? Hua Tuo is all avenging Hua Xiong.

If you don't understand it here, explain it to you.

Sun Ce - His father Sun Jian defeated Huaxiong.

Guan Yu - WenJiu Chop Huaxiong.

Cao Cao - The instigator of Wen Jiu's chopping of Huaxiong.

See here, do you understand the logic? Hua Xiong and Hua Tuo are both surnamed Hua, this extremely rare surname, and Hua Tuo's final killing, does not tell the whole story?

Is Hua Tuo huaxiong's brother? The brain hole behind the rumor makes people have to be impressed, and the book is really mixed

Guan yu

Everyone should smile when you see this, there is such a novel brain circuit.

First of all, to give this kind of legality, Hua Tuo is Hua Xiong's brother is purely a rumor.

However, the creator of this rumor can go to the Deyun Society for further study and provide some more interesting materials for cross-talk.

Hua Xiong and Hua Tuo have no half-cent relationship, and rumor-mongers confuse history with fiction.

Hua Xiong was the governor of Dong Zhuo's account at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Hua Xiong died at the hands of Sun Jian, not at the hands of Guan Yu, and in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu Wenjiu beheaded Hua Xiong, which was written by Luo Guanzhong in adapting history, and the real historical facts are not so. If this is false, the chain of logic does not exist.

Hua Xiong grew up in Xiliang, which is today's Gansu area, and Hua Tuo was born in PeiGuo County, which is today's Anhui, the geographical location of the two people is thousands of miles apart, where did this brother come from?

Is Hua Tuo huaxiong's brother? The brain hole behind the rumor makes people have to be impressed, and the book is really mixed

Lü Bu

Hua Xiong's date of birth is unknown, but the time of death is 191 AD.

However, Hua Tuo is recorded, and hua Tuo's birth and death date is about 145 AD - 208 AD, that is to say, Hua Tuo was 63 years old when he died.

If Huaxiong is really Hua Tuo's brother, then Huaxiong should have been born at least in 143 AD, don't ask me why, this is common sense.

Then Huaxiong was 48 years old when he was killed, the average life expectancy of the ancients at that time was less than 30 years old, and he was already called an old man in his 40s, please see Su Shi's "Jiangchengzi Mizhou Hunting", at that time Su Shi was only 40 majority, this age seemed to us to be upright and young and strong, but in ancient times it belonged to the old man, Hua Xiong was almost 50 people can still go to the battlefield? Is this the rhythm of direct death?

From the age of the two people, they are not on the same number, and even Hua Tuo may be older than Hua Xiong, where is the brother who said.

Therefore, Hua Tuo is Hua Xiong's brother, which is purely a rumor.

Finally, I would like to advise those who spread rumors to read more books, concentrate on their studies, and do not play right and wrong all day, please remember that one day rumor makers will eventually be victimized by rumors.

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