
俯瞰祖國大地山河壯麗 五月的中國綻放無限活力

{"info":{"title":{"content":"俯瞰祖國大地山河壯麗 五月的中國綻放無限活力","en":"Overlooking the motherland, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, and China blooms with infinite vitality in May"},"description":{"content":"央視網消息:跟随鏡頭,我們來到福建省三明市泰甯世界地質公園的大金湖。碧波潋滟映長空,丹崖蒼翠畫長卷,大自然億萬年的鬼斧神...","en":"CCTV News: Following the camera, we came to Dajin Lake in Taining Global Geopark, Sanming City, Fujian Province. The blue waves reflect the sky, the Danya is verdant and paints a long scroll, and the ghosts and axes of nature for hundreds of millions of years..."}},"items":[]}
