



so I think I finally figured out the thing about the US,that has confused me for the longest。美國明明是一個極度崇尚個人主義的國家,但我卻注意到很多美國人living here that people tend to fall into cult like behavior,很容易被邪教洗腦。

at a far higher rate than anyother country I'm familian,而且比例比我熟知的國家都要高。and like that was kind ofconfusing to me,這讓我感到很疑惑。

because cult behavior and individualism are twoopposite ends of the spectrum,因為邪教和個人主義完全是對立的極端。

and i was like why are these people falling into this behavior,為什麼這些人會被邪教洗腦呢?and then the more I thought about it,我思考的越多,the more I realized it's not inspite of the individualism,我就越意識到這和個人主義無關。

it's because of it,而是因為people need community,人是群體性的。and naturally,they will seek out community and group identity,去尋找群體和群體認同。but when you have thisintense focus on everyperson for themselves。但當你極度關注他人時。

it kind of Posites alot of thehealthy forms of community,這可能會損害正常社會。

which is why you see people joining things like Qanon,這就是為什麼你會看到有很多人加入像Qanon 地平協會。

the Flat Earth Society 路肩 Front ts spacia becoming an Elon Musk reply-guy decking the yard out with Trump signs,以及在自家院子裡插滿支援川普的立牌。

it's all just different url of the same,這些都是同一問題的不同表現。

people are looking for like,人們在渴求集體認同感asense of group identity,and they're not findinghealthy forms,但他們卻沒有找到正确的組織,they're essentially justfinding cults,找到的隻是邪教。

