
Gould defrauded the corpse @School: @翻压:@LioonKiing, for details in the long-term recruitment, please refer to the top Weibo @Alpha Team. soIthinkIfinal

author:Alpha Squad

Gould defrauded the corpse @School: @翻压:@LioonKiing, for details in the long-term recruitment, please refer to the top Weibo @Alpha Team.

so I think I finally figured out the thing about the US,that has confused me for the longest。 The United States is obviously a country that advocates extreme individualism, but I have noticed that many Americans live here that people tend to fall into cult like behavior, and are easily brainwashed by cults.

at a far higher rate than any other country I'm familian, and at a higher rate than any other country I know. and like that was kind of confusing to me, which makes me wonder.

Because cult behavior and individualism are twoopposite ends of the spectrum, because cults and individualism are completely opposite extremes.

and i was like why are these people falling into this behavior, why are these people brainwashed by cults? and then the more I thought about it, the more I realized it's not inspite of the individualism, the more I realized that it had nothing to do with individualism.

It's because of it, but because people need community. and naturally, they will seek out community and group identity. but when you have thisintense focus on everyperson for themselves。 But when you pay extreme attention to others.

It kind of Posites alot of thehealthy forms of community, which can harm normal society.

Which is why you see people joining things like Qanon, which is why you see a lot of people joining associations like Qanon Horizon.

The Flat Earth Society Front ts spacia becoming an Elon Musk reply-guy decking the yard out with Trump signs, and a pro-Trump sign in his yard.

It's all just different URLs of the same, these are different manifestations of the same problem.

People are looking for like, people are longing for a sense of group identity, and they're not finding healthy forms, but they haven't found the right organization, they're essentially justfinding cults.

Gould defrauded the corpse @School: @翻压:@LioonKiing, for details in the long-term recruitment, please refer to the top Weibo @Alpha Team. soIthinkIfinal
Gould defrauded the corpse @School: @翻压:@LioonKiing, for details in the long-term recruitment, please refer to the top Weibo @Alpha Team. soIthinkIfinal
Gould defrauded the corpse @School: @翻压:@LioonKiing, for details in the long-term recruitment, please refer to the top Weibo @Alpha Team. soIthinkIfinal
Gould defrauded the corpse @School: @翻压:@LioonKiing, for details in the long-term recruitment, please refer to the top Weibo @Alpha Team. soIthinkIfinal

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