
These "meaty words" women can't resist, especially in middle age

These "meaty words" women can't resist, especially in middle age
These "meaty words" women can't resist, especially in middle age

Shakespeare said, "Women tend to love with their ears." ”

It is true that in love, men are visual animals and women are auditory animals.

Maybe you will say that at a certain age, women will definitely pay more attention to material and practical things, how can they still be moved by a few love words?

In fact, regardless of age, women are always a very emotional animal. If a man wants to capture a woman's heart, he must understand what kind of love words she wants to hear in order to heat up the feelings between each other.

Many people say that at a certain age, love will not like sweet words like young people, it is better to be practical.

But you don't ignore the power of language, a sentence, it seems very simple, but the feelings that can be expressed are sincere and can touch people's hearts.

Some men are macho and feel that saying a word or two to a woman is a loss of identity, in fact, in the eyes of women, this is often not the case. Men who know how to take care of women, men who know how to take care of their own women, are the real men in women's eyes.

Moreover, men are very rational, just a word, such a high rate of return way, why not try it?

These "meaty words" women can't resist, especially in middle age
These "meaty words" women can't resist, especially in middle age

"You are the most important person in my life, I can't live without you"

Feelings are exclusive, and what women need most in love is a sense of security in marriage.

In gender psychology, women only desire to be seen as a unique existence by men, which is a recognition and a sublimation of feelings.

In the rest of my life, I only want to have you, which is the sentence that is most enough to stir the heartstrings of women, which not only shows the position of women in men's hearts, but also shows that men have moved their true feelings for themselves.

In fact, many middle-aged women will be very restrained on the surface, but they like to listen to such romantic and emotional love words in their hearts, so if you really love her, don't be stingy to express your heart.

"In my eyes, you will always be the girl I was when I first met"

Women are eager to praise, and when they are young, no matter what their appearance is, they are young and confident. But in middle age, many women will have a kind of appearance anxiety.

If a man can affirm the appearance of the person he loves at this time, it must be a great encouragement to women.

When youth passes, collagen is less and less, and crow's feet crawl up the corners of the eyes, women become more and more sensitive. At this time, a man's inadvertent action will inadvertently say a word, which will bring a great impact to women.

So whether you are willing to offer a fleshy praise or a vicious slander, it depends on whether you want to continue to develop a relationship with her.

These "meaty words" women can't resist, especially in middle age

"Don't be afraid, I'm here"

Although the middle-aged woman has experienced the ups and downs of life and has the ability to be independent, he will still long for a shoulder that she can rely on.

If a man can make her feel the breath and charm of maturity, and can care for and love him, this is the happiest thing for a woman.

When you encounter ups and downs in your life, men can say "don't be afraid, there I am", which can make women feel that it is a great spiritual encouragement and a reassuring pill.

This allows women to regain their confidence and love you more deeply and cherish the feelings between you. After all, no matter how strong a woman is, she will have a vulnerable side, and your reliability will make her more trust and dependence on you.

"I love you"

Some people think that the three words "I love you" are too old-fashioned and psychological, but on the contrary, this is what middle-aged women like to hear the most.

It is precisely because everyone feels that the cliché is dismissive that this sentence is particularly precious. Women are eager to feel loved and eager to be cherished.

The more ordinary life is, the more it needs to be adjusted with fleshy love words. Some people think that saying the three words "I love you" is very shy, but in fact, this is a very wrong concept. Isn't it normal for two people who love each other to express their feelings for each other?

Regardless of age, women are sensual and eager for romance, which is difficult to change.

These "meaty words" women can't resist, especially in middle age
These "meaty words" women can't resist, especially in middle age

Language itself is an art, and in different contexts, it has different utilities.

In love, love words are the necessary language. It will make your behavior more and more intimate and your feelings sweeter and sweeter.

Love talk is the lubricant of feelings, allowing each other to immerse themselves in a happy atmosphere and secrete more dopamine.

Love is a matter of two people, you need to work together to manage each other, if a man can take the initiative to say something similar to holding a woman in the palm of his hand, the woman will have an inexplicable sense of happiness, and you will gradually find that you have entered her heart and conquered her people.

Of course, men are trying to "seduce" middle-aged women, and they are also exquisite when they talk about love. Only when you reveal the two words of sincerity in your love words can you make women completely open their hearts to you and thus be emotional to you.

So in the final analysis, love words are only a stepping stone to feelings, but whether the feelings between you can last, whether they can be harmonious, and in the end, it is still the attitude of the two people to the relationship.

These "meaty words" women can't resist, especially in middle age


The world is so big, thank you, you can see me!

[Wen | Wei Wei'an: the pen has temperature, for the voice of emotion, an atypical writer who loves words, invites you to perceive life together]

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