
How should expectant mothers eat tuna?

author:Tips for beautiful mothers

Tuna is also called tuna, tuna lives in the deep sea, aiming at the mother can play a role in beauty and liver protection. Tuna is divided into 6 species: yellowfin tuna, big-eyed tuna, bluefin tuna, albacore tuna, bonito and masu tuna. Yellowfin tuna is the most important economic species in the genus Tuna with the largest fishery production. Due to its fast growth rate and oceanic distribution, as well as its high economic value and relatively abundant resources, it ranks among the top in the world's tuna fish production. As a deep-sea fish, tuna has always been known in the international market for its high nutritional value, pure nature and no pollution, and is known as "ocean gold"

The meat of tuna is tender and delicious, with high protein content; it is rich in biologically active polyunsaturated fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid (dha) and eicosapentaenoic acid (epa); at the same time, methionine, taurine, minerals and vitamins are rich in content, which is recommended by the International Nutrition Association as a green pollution-free healthy food. Tuna contains epa, protein and taurine all have cholesterol-lowering effects and can prevent diseases caused by high cholesterol levels.

So how can tuna be cooked so that the nutrition of tuna is not lost?

There are many ways to cook tuna, steaming, braising, frying, grilling, frying, and cold mixing. However, it is not recommended that expectant mothers eat sashimi raw or fried, because it has adverse effects on the health of themselves and their babies, and cooking on fire will also cause tuna to lose nutrients.

How should expectant mothers eat tuna?
How should expectant mothers eat tuna?
How should expectant mothers eat tuna?
How should expectant mothers eat tuna?
How should expectant mothers eat tuna?
How should expectant mothers eat tuna?

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