
Estar promises that Alan is in great shape, heartless and unrecognizable, and only cat has become the clown's personal opinion

author:The king of the dark king

In the second stage of the KPL Autumn Regular Season, with Wuhan Estarpro 3-0 clean sheet Guangzhou TTTG, they also managed to lock in the top spot of the S group. Estar's start of this game has changed, Promise and Alan two veterans returned to the field, played a very bright performance, even won three games of MVP, Huahai's performance has been very stable, in the previous game, the two former players of the ESTAR unintentional and mingless play are also very good, now it seems that the members of the 2019 ESTAR only cat became the real clown.

Estar promises that Alan is in great shape, heartless and unrecognizable, and only cat has become the clown's personal opinion

2019 is the peak of Estarpro, cat Yan Ming Hai Tian is the youth of many fans, these people at that time version is almost invincible, teamed up to win two championships. However, in the second half of 2019, it began to decline, and in 2020, it was completely abandoned by the version. The farce between Cat and Coach Lin in the second half of 20 years accelerated the process of his departure from Estar, but the remaining players remained in the team.

Estar promises that Alan is in great shape, heartless and unrecognizable, and only cat has become the clown's personal opinion

Promise and Alan have not played since the second half of 20 years, and everyone thinks that they are not strong, after all, they have played many times. Returning to the field this time, the two showed a state that did not look like they had not played for so long. After the alan transformation assistance, the ability to open the group is vividly reflected, as he said himself, he used to often take the No. 5 position economy, and he was used to it. The frank side of the promise made the vision clear, and the old master on the side of the war was still the feeling of that year.

Estar promises that Alan is in great shape, heartless and unrecognizable, and only cat has become the clown's personal opinion

As for Heartless and Unmolarious, these two have not shined much after joining the RW Man this season, and were once sent to the bench by the head coach. But in the key matches of the reserved A group, Wuxin and Wuming both returned to the starting lineup, and their performances were also quite good, Mingming saw the promise, Alan and himself came to the starting lineup, and before the game, they also sent a "cheer together", which may also have thought of the time when they fought together in Estar.

Estar promises that Alan is in great shape, heartless and unrecognizable, and only cat has become the clown's personal opinion

Now it seems that of the few players in the estar, only cat became a real clown. The same is the transformation of the auxiliary, the current cat god can not be compared to Alan, many netizens are also ridiculing ag was not as good as buying Alan. At that time, cat was the core of the team, but also fmvp, and now cat is still trying to pursue the opportunity to play, he has also got a lot of resources, but his performance in ag is really difficult to say, compared with the old teammate promise and alan, the gap is really quite large.

Estar promises that Alan is in great shape, heartless and unrecognizable, and only cat has become the clown's personal opinion

Of course, Promise and Alan are also because they are in a good environment, and the overall trend of Ester is now positive, and everyone wants the team to become better. When they were substitutes, they did not take the rhythm of the club, think about the original cat, promise and alan were all put off the bench by the old forest, only cat was the most fierce, after leaving the ester, it was he who had the most undignified life. Promise and Alan occasionally come up to play a game, and play quite well, everyone can also remember their strong side, on the contrary, cat has now consumed almost all of his passers-by, many people mentioned that the cat god may not think of his peak, only think of the pain caused to ag this season.

Estar promises that Alan is in great shape, heartless and unrecognizable, and only cat has become the clown's personal opinion

What do you think of the 2019 estar champion fivesome? Feel free to discuss it in the comments section.

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