
She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

author:Coco Xi'er Lingli Fang

There was a message in early October that made many fans feel very sorry.

At about 8 o'clock on October 3, 2021, according to director Hu Xuehua, "Just received bad news from Houston, the famous dancer and actor Zhou Jie drove to the west of the crane. Dear Zhou Jie all the way! Since then, there has been the most beautiful dance in heaven. ”

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

Many young people are not familiar with Zhou Jie, she is a film and television actor in the 1980s, and a group of very famous film and television actors emerged in the 1980s, such as Li Fengxu, Ma Shengjun, Liu Xiaoqing, Chen Hong, Xia Jing... Zhou Jie is one of them.

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

Everyone's familiarity with Zhou Jie comes from the movie "Yang Guifei", this movie focuses on the love story of Yang Yuhuan and Tang Xuanzong, Zhou Jie's Yang Guifei is sometimes delicate and cute, sometimes full of style, the director has put a lot of ink on Yang Guifei, which is Zhou Jie's famous work.

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

In 1961, Zhou Jie was born in Fengxian, Shanghai, began to learn dance at the age of 7, because of family reasons, failed to enter the art school, at the age of 13, Zhou Jie applied for the Shanghai Song and Dance Theater again, and because of the birth problem stuck, when she was going to lose confidence, the opportunity came, the teachers of the Song and Dance Theater loved cai, and with the approval of the leadership, zhou Jie was admitted out of the box.

Zhou Jie cherished this hard-won opportunity, practiced hard, and came to the fore. He starred in a number of large-scale song and dance dramas, and there was such a saying in the circle at that time. "There is Yang Liping in the south, and Zhou Jie in the north"

With the rise of the film and television industry in the 1980s, the actors of the Cabaret Theater also had the opportunity to shoot films. At that time, Director Chen Hanxiang's "Burning Yuanmingyuan" lacked the role of a concubine, and Chen Ye, who played the Eastern Empress in the movie, recommended his fellow countryman Zhou Jie. Zhou Jie was only in her twenties at the time, and she had no acting experience, but she was not afraid of the stage, and generously danced a dance in front of Director Chen, and it was this dance that allowed the director to make a decision on the spot, and Zhou Jie played Lifei.

Princess Li was the favorite concubine of the Xianfeng Emperor, very young, not long after entering the palace, with a good face and moving dancing skills, zhou Jie was in line with this image.

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

After the filming of "Burning the Yuanmingyuan", although Zhou Jie received attention, she did not become popular. She continued to improve her dance skills, and in 2001, director Chen Jialin directed the film "Yang Guifei", inviting Zhou Jie to play the heroine Yang Yuhuan.

Previously, Zhou Jie had played Daji in the dance drama "Fengming Qishan", and the director looked at Zhou Jie's beauty and dance posture, but the Tang Dynasty was fat for beauty, advocating plump and feminine beauty, in order to achieve a plump posture, Zhou Jie made a fattening plan for herself, in just a few weeks, she gained twenty pounds.

After the movie was finished, Zhou Jie quickly lost weight again with willpower, and the short-term fattening and thinness was very bad for the body, Zhou Jie was said to have fallen into the heart problem, but Zhou Jie did not regret it, thinking that it was "worth it".

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

Some viewers watched "Yang Guifei" to write such a film review, originally watched the stills, felt that although Zhou Jie was beautiful, her eyebrows were clever and not like Yang Guifei, after watching the movie, she sighed that such a posture, such a dance, is the Yang Guifei who jumped out of the neon dress.

Can be affirmed by the audience, no wonder Zhou Jie thinks that her efforts are worth it, and she does not regret it.

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots
She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

Compared with her career, Zhou Jie's love life is very "mysterious". She had a marriage at the age of 24, but the marriage lasted only one year and ended in failure. Until the past five years, Zhou Jie returned to China for treatment, and revealed in an interview that she is still single, and she is reluctant to say more about emotional problems.

Zhou Jie also has a commendable place, she used her life's energy to establish an amateur dance school in the United States, and promoted Oriental dance, Zhou Jie Indian dance, Egyptian dance, Latin dance are widely known, and Oriental dance should also occupy a place.

When Zhou Jie went to the United States in 1997, she found that in the children's cognition, Chinese dance is twisted rice song and lion dance, and she decided to change this view of Westerners.

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

After the success of opening the Zhou Jie Dance School in Houston, USA, in 2002, Zhou Jie returned to Shanghai and founded another dance school, and since then she has run on both sides of the United States and Shanghai.

Maybe the dancer puts his energy into dance, into his career, and has no time to take care of his emotional life.

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

In recent years, Zhou Jie has faded out of the public eye, and the most recent hot search is still suspected of being spit by Venus. Venus once revealed that one of her peers played a big name and changed a dance she choreographed. Venus said that one year at the Spring Festival Gala, she choreographed a dance at the request of the director, but the lead dancer changed the movements and costumes she choreographed without authorization, which was originally a group dance, but the camera was a close-up of the face of the lead dancer, and the group dance became a solo dance.

Netizens with good things found a dance "Spring Rhyme" at the Spring Festival Gala in 1995, and the lead dancer was Zhou Jie, suspecting that Venus was spitting on Zhou Jie. But Zhou Jie did not respond to the news, and Venus avoided talking about it, and the matter passed.

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots
She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

A few months later, Zhou Jie died of illness, and many posthumous events became clouds. Even if the thing Venus complained about is true, Zhou Jie's dance status is also obvious to all, and this episode does not damage Zhou Jie's image.

Zhou Jie's last circle of friends was released at the end of May this year, the content is the dance she performed in the movie "Yang Guifei", just like her friend said, heaven has one more elf who can dance, and we will always remember her Yang Guifei in the world.

She was once known as the most beautiful Yang Guifei, teaching abroad for many years, and the leaves fell back to their roots

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