
National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

author:Database of Famous Artists
National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

Yu Zhaomin, graduated from the Fine Arts College of the Provincial College of Education, is 63 years old, Han ethnicity and a member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently a member of the Hegang Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the China Coal Mine Artists Association, member of the Academic Committee, director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Artists Association, researcher and painter of the Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Painting, director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Art and Design Association, chairman of the Artists Association of Longmei Mining Group, chairman of the Hegang Artists Association, and vice president of the Calligraphy and Painting Institute of the Hegang Municipal CPPCC.

In the 1970s, he studied oil painting under Zhang Yufeng, and in the 1980s, he studied with Lou Shibai, Zheng Yumin, Li Shaowen, Zhang Daoxing, dejiang Baolin, and Han Zhen. After initially studying Western painting, he turned to Chinese painting, studied oil painting in the past 40 years, chinese painting, and mainly studied miner figures and flowers, birds, and landscapes.

Works: Oil painting and "Miner" were selected for the Fifth Fine Arts Exhibition of Heilongjiang Province.

Works: "Security Guard" participated in the invitation exhibition of 100 painters in the 30 years of reform and opening up in Heilongjiang Province.

Works: "Mining Bright" participated in the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the China Coal Mining Trade Union Art Works Exhibition, and won the second prize.

Works: "Buddy" participated in the National Coal Mine Chinese Painting Exhibition on the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China.

Works: "Three Brothers" was selected for the 13th China Workers' Art Festival Of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

Works: "Mine Backbone" was selected for the 4th China Coal Mine Art Festival "Wing Zhong Shares Cup" National Coal Mine Staff Excellent Art Works Exhibition.

Works: "Mine Man" was selected as the gold medal of the National Coal Mine Science and Technology Workers Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition.

Works: "Love" was selected for the Silver Award of Heilongjiang Provincial Art and Design Annual Exhibition in 2010.

Works: "Loyal Defenders of Protecting Life" was selected into the National Excellent Works Exhibition of "Our Chinese Dream" by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

Works: "Xiao Feng" was selected for the "Love of the Chinese Dream" to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Works: "Lighter" was selected for the 12th Heilongjiang Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition.

The works; "Backbone of the Mine" was selected as the first prize of the Heilongjiang Provincial Four Coal City Fine Arts calligraphy works exhibition sponsored by the Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and the Provincial Artists Association and the Provincial Book Association.

Works: "Mine Backbone" was selected for the "Coal Sea Starlight" National Coal Mine Excellent Art Works Exhibition in 2017.

Works: "Late Autumn Fruit Ripening" was selected into the 10th National Exhibition of Outstanding Works of Contemporary Flower and Bird Painters in 2018.

Works: "Coal Miner" was selected for the gold medal of the "First Biennale of Fine Arts Works" jointly organized by the Provincial Artists Association Hegang Art Association.

Works: "The Excavator" was selected for the 2018 "Jianghai Portal Through the World" National Chinese Painting Exhibition sponsored by the China Artists Association.

Works: "My Miner Brother" was selected for the silver medal of the "Chinese Painting Biennale" in Heilongjiang Province in 2018.

Works: "Mine Backbone" was selected for the 13th Heilongjiang Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition in 2018.

Works: "My Miner Brothers" was selected as the gold medal of the Fine Arts Exhibition of the 5th China Coal Mine Art Festival in 2020.

Works: "Lighting Man" was selected for the 3rd Chinese Painting Art Biennale and Excellence Award in Heilongjiang Province in 2020.

He was awarded the Outstanding Literary and Art Worker of the 4th and 5th China Coal Mine Art Festival.

He was awarded the Outstanding Literary and Art Worker of the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the China Coal Mine Literary and Art Federation.

Won the 2019 2020 Hegang Municipal CPPCC Outstanding CPPCC Outstanding Member.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="62" > painting can be included in poetry</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="63" > - talking about the painting of the people and their people</h1>


Recently, hegang Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, Xiangyang District Party Committee and District Government held a personal exhibition of flower and bird paintings for Yu Zhaomin. Happy for this, Terumin has been engaged in painting for more than 40 years, but has never held a personal exhibition, and he is always dissatisfied with his works in his worldview. Look at his works and say a few words.

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

I knew that Zhaomin was around the end of the 1970s, when I was teaching at a school in Xinyi District, and I knew that xinyi miners would have a young man named Yu Zhaomin who could draw and did a good job. Because I also liked painting at that time, I was deeply impressed by this name, but I didn't have much contact. It was not until the beginning of this century, because of the marriage between literature and painting, that we had more contact.

Terumin is a spiritual romantic. Romance is easy to imagine, imagination can be rich, rich can be elegant, elegant can be calm. People do not want to be calm, calm is the expression of generosity, talent, wisdom and self-confidence. Just like a miserly ghost, even if he has a million in the family, he can't get rid of a small atmosphere. The people are calm.

Zhaomin is handy in art, but in the official arena is not long-sleeved and good at dancing, in the official arena for more than 40 years, he still hangs a "section". Many people say that he should have gone further politically, and I said that if that were the case, it would not be yu Zhaomin. There are thousands of cadres at the section and department level of the Hegang Mining Bureau, but there is only one Yu Zhaomin.

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

Yu Zhaomin, born in Hegang in 1957, is currently a director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Artists Association, vice chairman of the China Coal Mine Artists Association, member of the Academic Committee, chairman of the Hegang Municipal Artists Association, president of the Hegang CPPCC Calligraphy and Painting Institute, and chairman of the Hegang Mining Group Artists Association. His works have participated in national and provincial exhibitions and national coal industry exhibitions for many times, and often won awards.

Zhaomin graduated from the 83rd grade art college class of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education, and was influenced by family culture and art from an early age, first learning oil painting from Zhang Yufeng, a famous painter in Hegang City, and then learning Chinese painting from the famous Chinese painter Jiang Baolin. He has been walking on the road of painting for nearly 40 years, and he still does not release the cone camp and cultivate it in the year of His beauty.

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

Zhaomin is a generalist in painting, painting not only figures, but also landscapes, flowers and birds, but painting characters is his strength. After years of unremitting pursuit of the art of painting, he has now formed his own eclectic and inclusive style.

The difference between Chinese painting and Western painting is that Western painting is about focus perspective, while Chinese painting is about scattered perspective, that is, Chinese painters gather together what they think is the most characteristic, most infectious, and most refined to form a picture, which is the composition of concrete objects and internal images. Since Zhaomin started by learning oil painting, he has cultivated accurate and profound modeling realism ability. He also integrates the Western oil painting concept into traditional Chinese figures, landscapes, flowers and birds freehand techniques to express real-life painting themes. At the same time, it combines image modeling and ink rendering painting language, forming a unique self-style of rigorous modeling, fresh color, bright style, and moist pen and ink. His miners' figure paintings are unique in Hegang and occupy an important position in the national coal system.

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

The coal mines produced many painters, but there were not many works by painters reflecting coal miners. Zhaomin's figure paintings are basically based on reflecting coal miners, and their meanings are healthy and upward, conform to the times, keep pace with the times, and celebrate life. Especially after entering the 21st century, his artistic creation has entered a mature and active period, and the grade and taste of his works have gradually distanced themselves from the works of the same theme. In terms of character modeling, he absorbed the realistic transmission of Korean Zhen, absorbed the simplicity and beauty of Fang Zengxian, and the modern composition of Jiang Baolin, forming his own unique "sculptural" pen and ink figures and large-scale freehand style of flower and bird paintings.

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

In the relationship between ink and color, Zhaomin emphasizes the use of color to emphasize the effect of pen and ink, forming a complementary image composition of color and ink. Under the background of color, the lines of ink are more strengthened; under the specification of ink lines, the colors are given thematic meaning, completing the functional expression of the picture. His use of color and ink seems to be arbitrary, but in fact, all of them show the wisdom and skill of the author. At the same time, in the figure painting, he also firmly grasps the relationship between "muscle" and "ink color", uses "wrinkles" to express muscles, and "hooks" to express the shape, which not only shapes the strong muscles of miners, but also highlights the inner world of miners. In the understanding of ordinary people, coal miners are mostly rude and ignorant, black hill reckless group elephants, while zhaomin's miners are dedication, optimism, self-confidence, and kindness. This is the author's in-depth sense of life and reflections on the life of miners in the new era. His miners are more contemporary. Zhaomin's figure paintings may not be elegant, and it is difficult to hang in the living room of the nobles and the boudoir of the lady, but they can be displayed in the Museum of Fine Arts.

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

As Zhaomin's creations matured, his creations shifted from characters to landscapes, flowers and birds. In fact, the categories of painting are common, and the figures, landscapes, flowers and birds are just different carriers and styles. Because of his solid modeling function, it seems natural to turn from the characters to the landscape, flowers and birds.

Nowadays, China's landscape, flowers and birds paintings are commonplace, and many people stand at the crossroads of the old and the new repeating the ancients, repeating themselves or becoming kitsch, and officials to enrich their pockets, and art has become a slave of power and money.

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

According to the people's landscape, flowers and birds paintings, the first reading of the astringent mouth, slowly chewing sweet and out. He is a "talent type" + "technical" painter, his landscape, flowers and birds composition is mainly ink and shallow front, from his landscape, flowers and birds works can see the shadow of Jiang Baolin, but by no means like Jiang Baolin. Jiang Baolin's landscape, flowers and birds style is atmospheric, somber, thick, pale, and the lines are hard and soft. The style of landscape, flowers and birds of Zhaomin is pure, deep, rough, with many lines, flanking pens, and strong exposed. We often say "poetry and painting", in fact, "poetry can enter the painting side is wonderful". Of course, it is even better to paint into poetry.

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > mine, engineering, department, column, work, product, appreciation, and analysis</h1>

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "Mine Backbone" 400x550cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "Mine Backbone" 180x200cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people
National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "Mine Backbone" 97x180cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people
National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "Lighting Man" 180x180cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "Coal Miner" 220x220cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "The Miner Who Lifted the Well" 180x180cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "My Miner Brother" 180x180cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "Old Man" 79x79cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "Coal Mining Captain" 97x180cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "Mine Man" 68× 136cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "The Age of Fire" 68x138cm

National Invitation Exhibition of Famous Artists of Art -- Appreciation of Paintings in the Republic of China can be included in poetry as a wonderful one-Talk about the painting mines, works, departments, columns, works, works, appreciations, and analysis of zhaomin and his people

▲ "Guardian of Life" 68x138cm