
It suddenly became clear that the impression of autumn came from the photograph, not the memory


It suddenly became clear that the impression of autumn came from the photograph, not the memory


It suddenly became clear that the impression of autumn came from the photograph, not the memory. Although I have images of autumn in my mind, all of these impressions come from pictures, and that is, the impressions that those pictures bring, that is, the autumn that others have taken. It seems that the impressions of autumn in memory are things that were a long time ago, and it seems that there have never been any stories and memories about autumn in careful review, nor can it be said that there are no more than just a few.

Although we all know that autumn represents a harvest, we often say golden autumn, that is, golden autumn. It's just that this golden impression seems to come from rice, and I don't seem to really have the feeling of autumn, at least not the color.

I remember that every year there will be some activities or photos about autumn travel spread on the Internet, in fact, relatively speaking, those photos on the Internet seem to be only autumn more attractive to me. Although the greenery of spring and the snow of winter are so wonderful, only the golden and autumn leaves in autumn can make people feel the colorfulness of the world.

It's just sad that our view of autumn comes only from the golden rice.

Because we do not have autumn holidays, although we all know the Mid-Autumn Festival and the eleventh time, often close together, but at that time the feeling is hot, even if it is autumn, it is also the feeling of early autumn, under the wanton of autumn tigers, it seems that everyone has more of a summer feeling in their minds, without the harvest and joy of late autumn.

Spring and Qingming, summer and winter at least there are holidays to make up, even if there is no holiday, the summer heat is a lot of water together, and the winter snow can cover a lot of dirty mess, and finally only autumn, a harvest season, a beautiful time, but we have no chance to see each other!

It suddenly became clear that the impression of autumn came from the photograph, not the memory

It's not that spring is bad, it's just that the colors of spring are too single, and we already have a single life in our lives, and we need a colorful world to enrich our lives. And this so-called colorful autumn is because of our coats, as if there were never bananas, so that our single is more single, because we see only one.

Maybe there is still that unevenness in my heart, maybe there is still that unwillingness, when I see the autumn travel activities again, I suddenly find that the world in those pictures is not the world I live in, although they are all from this world, that is, from the world we live in, but there is a feeling of being out of place, because we don't know each other.

It's not that I haven't been to any places, on the contrary, it's because I've been to those places that I feel even more out of place, is it not that my memory has deviated? Or is the picture showing traces of P? I don't know, I was suddenly a little confused, I felt that I had been abandoned by the world, at least I had been abandoned by the place I had been, because when I went there the place was like that, but now it has become something else. So much so that when I was inside or when I was telling people that I had been to that place, I was a little weak-hearted, because I felt like I didn't know that place anymore.

It didn't have to prove that I had been to that place, but I suddenly felt that there were some colors in my life, some colors that I should have known, and even knew, but never seemed to know.

Those things have always existed, and some people have told them, as if they have been seen in memory, but they have never touched on them. Although they really exist, even if they have been in the same frame as you in their memories, in fact, you have never known each other.

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Laugh at the past and laugh at the present, laugh at the east, laugh at the west, laugh at the south and laugh at the north,

Laugh and laugh, laugh at your own ignorance.

Look at things and things, look at the sky and look at the earth, look at the sun and the moon,

Looking up and down, looking at others is always high and low.