
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys

Jason M. Peterson from Chicago has been obsessed with photography for over 25 years, and in his world, there's only black and white. (Image from Oriental IC)

Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys

Many of Peterson's photographic creations are influenced by the fashion style of the 60s, and as Havas's chief creative officer in North America, Peterson's work in the advertising industry has also deeply influenced his photography. (Image from Oriental IC)

Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys

In his black-and-white photographic works, he usually uses shadows, angles and lines to sketch a clear and unique structure. (Image from Oriental IC)

Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys

"Black and white is more important than color to focus on the emotion that a photograph conveys," he says. (Image from Oriental IC)

Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys

Peterson started sharing his work on social networks five years ago, and now his Instagram account has more than 1 million followers. (Image from Oriental IC)

Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys

Black and white can focus on the emotion conveyed by the photo more than color (image from Oriental IC)

Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys

(Image from Oriental IC)

Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys
Black and white are more focused than color on the emotions that the photo conveys