
The Russian army's iron fist style makes Japan afraid, Japanese netizens: they can occupy Hokkaido in an instant


A few days ago, the Russian Navy launched a large-scale military exercise in Peter the Great Bay near the Sea of Japan, demonstrating the russian military's strong ability to deal with maritime threats and maintain regional peace and stability.

The Russian army's shining sword near the Sea of Japan is undoubtedly reminding Japan not to peek into the South Kuril Islands, and the Russian army will stop Japan's unscrupulous attempts at any time.

In the face of Russia's bright sword, Japanese netizens are not calm.

The Russian army's iron fist style makes Japan afraid, Japanese netizens: they can occupy Hokkaido in an instant

Recently, netizens of Japan's Asahi Shimbun expressed their opinions. One reader said that Russia would pay the punishment for bloodshed. Another reader said that by moving anti-ship missiles to the Tsugaru Strait, the Russians would fire as soon as they appeared, so they would remain cautious.

Other readers say that if Russia wants to, they can occupy Hokkaido and even northern Japan in an instant!

Why is Japan so afraid of Russia? You know, Russia is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, in the nuclear force is comparable to the United States, Russia has a pioneer hypersonic missile can attack the United States mainland, and the U.S. military can not cope.

Russia has never been afraid of the United States and has resolutely counterattacked against the encirclement of the United States. Both militarily and politically, Russia has shown a tough style of tit-for-tat.

The Russian army's iron fist style makes Japan afraid, Japanese netizens: they can occupy Hokkaido in an instant

In addition, in order to prevent Japan from peeking into the South Kuril Islands, the Russian military has deployed shore-based missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles on the islands, and Japan's Hokkaido is within the range of Russian missiles, and Japan will be repaired at any time as long as Russia is willing. How will Japan respond to the mighty Russian army?

During the Abe era, Japan tried to reclaim the South Kuril Islands through peace talks and economic development, and intended to sign a peace treaty with Russia. But Russia will not make concessions on territorial issues. Russia has even enshrined in law a ban on the cession of territory, which means that Japan's attempt to claim the South Kuril Islands is unlikely to succeed.

After Kishida came to power, he changed his previous peaceful attitude and made a strong statement that only after taking back the northern territories could Japan sign a peace treaty with Russia, and the northern territory issue could not be left to the next generation to solve. The Northern Territories in their mouths refer to the South Kuril Islands. Kishida's toughness underscores Japan's gradual hardening of its stance.

The Russian army's iron fist style makes Japan afraid, Japanese netizens: they can occupy Hokkaido in an instant

Japan has the support of the United States behind it, and the United States hopes that Japan will spoil the Indo-Pacific situation and profit from its own good fishermen, and if Japan conflicts with Russia because of the South Kuril Islands, it will be the United States that will benefit. Russia knows this. Russia's efforts to strengthen its military presence in the Far East and conduct military exercises are aimed at containing Japan's attempts to maintain its own security.

While Russia does not want conflict with Japan, it has no choice but to deal with its core interests.

The south Kuril Islands are geographically important, they are the only way to enter the North Pacific, occupying the South Kuril Islands, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the US military can use this as a forward base to deter the Russian Far East and form a pinch on Russia. Russia's control of the South Kuril Islands can effectively deter the United States and Japan from being attacked by the enemy.

Based on strategic value, it is impossible for Russia to relinquish control of the South Kuril Islands. Moreover, the South Kuril Islands were legally occupied by the Soviet Union in accordance with the Yalta Agreement, and were the achievements of the Soviet Union in World War II, and Russia, as the legitimate heir of the Soviet Union, certainly would not return the South Kuril Islands, in that case, the achievements of The Soviet Union in World War II would be erased.

The Russian army's iron fist style makes Japan afraid, Japanese netizens: they can occupy Hokkaido in an instant

Japanese netizens have called for tough measures against Russia and made Russia pay a bloody price, which is completely intensifying Russian-Japanese relations and is not conducive to exchanges between the two countries. It is true that Japan's military strength can compete with Russia, but Japan is not sure enough to win a modern war.

Russia, while tough, is still deliberately avoiding conflict. If Japan provokes Russia to anger, it may lose patience with Japan. Will Japan really be able to win the war against Russia?

The United States, which sits on the mountain and watches the tiger fight, is afraid that it will not help Japan. If you look at the Russo-Georgian war, you know that the United States has been watching from the sidelines and has not helped Georgia, and Georgia has been beaten by Russia.

The United States does not want to be involved in conflicts, especially with Russia. The United States and Russia are both nuclear powers that are evenly matched, and the collision between the two countries is not in the interests of both sides, and will cause turmoil in the world situation.

The Russian army's iron fist style makes Japan afraid, Japanese netizens: they can occupy Hokkaido in an instant

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States and the Soviet Union called off a truce at the last minute, which fully demonstrated that the United States was unwilling to lose both with a world-class opponent. Japan provoked Russia, I am afraid there will be no good fruit to eat!

As an Asian country, Japan should develop its economy, stabilize its country, and maintain peace, and as a defeated country, Japan should reflect on history and learn lessons, rather than repeating the old path, what awaits Japan will be Russia's iron fist response!

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