
Some memories always pass away with the wind, and some sounds are always heard without a trace

author:Water clear dream shadow

I am not afraid of a person, I am only afraid that when I am used to being alone, someone will come and disrupt everything for me. Everyone has such a person in their hearts, and they are no longer lovers and cannot become friends. Time passes, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not, I will always think of you very habitually, and then hope that you are all right. If you are not blind, don't use your ears to understand Me.

Second, the insomnia at night, there is a fragrance that you cannot know, only the name that is cherished in the heart, blooming like a spring flower. The days are short, the long is long, but the years are still hurried, and I have been painstakingly managing a kind of calm and indifference, just like you don't know, that long-cherished name is still lethal to me. Some people, certain things, certain fragments of time, whether smiling or sighing, can never go back to the past.

In countless nights that can't sleep, I believe that there will be many people who habitually begin to close their eyes, quietly miss a person, miss a face. In their hearts, it may be enough to have such a person to miss. Some people, when they can't wait, can only leave; some things, if they can't get it, can only give up; some past, about happiness or pain, can only be buried in the heart.

Fourth, there is a voice that can no longer be swirled; there is a person who will no longer snuggle with each other; there is a pair of hands that can no longer hold, the temperature of the palm; some things, even if they like it, do not belong to you; some people, even if they are nostalgic, are destined to let go; instead of running the dragon set in other people's lives, it is better to be wonderful to be self; not to say love easily, to make promises, and to owe debts.

Fifth, love but can not fall in love, love but do not love each other. We who are both in love and in love cannot stay together for a lifetime.

Some memories always pass away with the wind, and some sounds are always heard without a trace

The pain of being a girl: When she has a physical connection with the boy she loves, she naturally sees this connection as an eternity, but the boys can be different, and they may only feel that it is another interpretation of the way of survival. As the book says: Between men and women, before there is no marriage commitment, it is better to continue simple associations, otherwise, there are really no years to look back

How many times and how many times, memories draw life into a circle, and we have turned in the same place countless times, unable to be liberated. I always expect to return to the place where I first met, and if I can choose again, I think I can love more simply.

"Happiness, there is no shortcut, there is no flawlessness, only management, only rely on sincerity." Happiness, in fact, is very simple, calm breathing, listen carefully, smile and live; someone loves, has something to do, has expectations; not flustered, not confused, no regrets in life, I always believe that taking a step back, there is also a step of the state of mind. Everything that happens in life is like a dream. One day, we will all say goodbye to everything we once had. "

In this game of chasing and chasing, when I am on the run, you are chasing, and when I am chasing, you are indeed on the run, maybe sometimes life is like this. Excessively firmly believe in eternity, naïvely believe in how innocent a feeling constructed from a blank piece of paper can be.

10. Friendship is like the old wine that has been brewed for a long time, the longer the more fragrant, friendship is like a bright rose, the aroma is fragrant, friendship is like an ancient town that has experienced wind and frost, the older and more beautiful, may our friendship last forever!

Some memories always pass away with the wind, and some sounds are always heard without a trace

Not loving is not because there is no future, but because he has not designed you into his future at all. Falling in love doesn't mean he's designing you into his future, he just loves you in the moment, not this lifetime. His life is already halfway through, where there is a lifetime to love you, a lifetime of love is not a beautiful promise. Promises are vows that can never be fulfilled, and it is precisely because you are not sure that you are promised.

XII. "The tears are more silent and stop at the past remorse. With DanQing's heavy and introspective knowledge, Yingying, a sad painting can not be achieved. Don't say it clearly, midnight crane dream early wake up. Qing woke up early in the morning and dreamed of himself, and even more, wept the night before the wind and rain bells. "

Thirteen, some memories, always with the wind, some sounds, always heard without a trace. Some will never disappear into the veins of time. The heart, the quiet reminiscence, the understanding and beauty that conveys the time, the beauty of the covenant of the heart, lies in the fact that you know me so well, at that moment, all the exhaustion turns into the nectar between the heart and the fragrance between the lips. In that life, all the warmth of the passage was condensed into a poem on the lips, pouring out and being gentle.

Fourteen, the ending has been written, we take what to change.

Fifteen, the difference between old love and new love, not only between tears and laughter, the pain of being abandoned, no one can easily indifferent, women are always eager to grab the negative person to ask, and the answer is often more sad. At that time, the fate was wonderful, and at this time, the fate was unspeakable, and the two words of emotional wounds would never be understood without experience.

Some memories always pass away with the wind, and some sounds are always heard without a trace

Sixteen, that year, we smiled like flowers, broke off the worries; that year, we smiled lightly and lived in peace, and time flies.

Seventeen, like a person, will be happy when together; Love a person, when together will be inexplicably lost like a person, always is joy; Love someone, you will often shed tears Like a person, when you think of him he will smile slightly; love a person, when you think of him will be in a daze at the sky. To like a person is to see his strengths; to love a person is to tolerate his shortcomings. Like is an emotion; love is an emotion.

The most feared way to miss a person is to sit next to him/her and you will never have him/her

Nineteen, the familiar taste around you, blindly looking for but always lost.

It's been a long time since we've been talking, it's been a long time. Don't say it, then don't say it! I know what it means to start like this. When you and I become strangers on a certain day of a certain month, there will be nothing. Then I will say to you: I wish you happiness! No emotion, no secret thoughts, no looking back. Go live a different life of your own.

Some memories always pass away with the wind, and some sounds are always heard without a trace

Twenty-one, in the blink of an eye, the years have ferryed us to the beginning of another year. However, the thought of growing freely reminds me of you again this winter. Suddenly, I wanted to pick up a snowflake from the north and put it into the poem I missed, and the wind sent it to you!

Twenty-two, the person who really loves you, at once can not say the reason for really loving you, only know that they can not pay attention to others; the person who really loves you, always provokes you to be angry, but you can not find out what he has done wrong; the person who really loves you will only shed tears in front of you alone; the person who really loves you will say you fiercely when you forget to reply to his message; the person who really loves you rarely praises you in person, but affirms in his heart that you are the best.

Twenty-three, when happiness ends, indifference begins, there is no reason, no need for any reason, everyone silently obeys; thin transparent glass, separated by two worlds, no one resists, no one escapes...

The most stubborn thing is a person's heart. You can convince everyone, but you can't convince your own heart. What we suffer most is not the loss of cherished people and things, but the lack of a quiet space in the depths of the soul, allowing ourselves to abandon those precious spirits in impetuosity; what we need most is not the pity or care of others, but a tenacious and indomitable self-help. If you don't love yourself, no one can help you.

Twenty-five, I stubbornly do not want to give in, but in exchange for only scars, from now on my world no longer have you.

Some memories always pass away with the wind, and some sounds are always heard without a trace

Twenty-six, do you know that missing a person's taste is like appreciating a cruel beauty, and then telling yourself in a very small voice to be strong in the face...

In this chaotic secular world, it is also a realm to learn to treat everything around you with an ordinary heart

Twenty-eight, when you have feelings for a person, will you look forward to getting along with him like a lover, everything is very compatible, the only thing that is not suitable, but you can't be together for a lifetime, he has his career, you also have to complete your studies, so in the days to come, you will never see each other again, then, knowing the end, will you look forward to your warm nights with him and you? I'm afraid, I can't forget the warmth and feeling that I have all together.

I firmly believe that as long as I have a dream in my heart, I will be different. You too. Good morning (so boring)

Thirty, my dear, your departure has done me a great deal of harm.

Some memories always pass away with the wind, and some sounds are always heard without a trace

Thirty-one, the pain is more, slowly lost consciousness, like the wind blowing coldly, tears drifting into snow. I really want to be in an empty place, quietly sleeping, not waking up again, no longer facing. For a moment, my chest was stuffy and I felt like I was about to vomit blood, which may also be a kind of end, and the natural departure is also a compromise. Tears are not painful, but there are some words that do not want to be spoken, and the grievances of swallowing can only be banished in this way.

Thirty-two, the word breakup, the longer it drags on, the more painful it is.

Thirty-three, a lonely squandering time, in addition to three or two brothers and sisters, I think, after years, I can forgive my youth and madness at that time, find a warm fulcrum, support me to quit the mistakes made by young and crazy...

If the stone can also shed tears, I want to be a stubborn stone to cry in your heart, at least, I can feel your temperature.

There is always a sentence that can touch your heart, go deep into the depths of your soul, there is always a sentence that can make you forget the moment you see in the middle of the night, the heart hurts, the tears flow...

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