
1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

author:Minami Shobo

In 1930, a small battalion commander of the Red 12th Army impressed Lin Biao. One day, according to the custom, Lin Biao came to the Red 12th Army for an inspection, and just happened to meet a young battalion commander who was speaking to the soldiers of the whole battalion, and seeing that the small battalion commander was speaking vigorously, Lin Biao stopped the people next to him who wanted to interrupt the speech.

Lin Biao, who stood by and listened for a while, nodded secretly and stood by the side until the small battalion commander finished speaking. When the small battalion commander finished speaking, everyone applauded, and even Lin Biao raised his hand to applaud the small battalion commander.

The small battalion commander, who had been concentrating on speaking, did not notice at all, and there was a group of listeners next to him, until someone signaled, and the small battalion commander found Lin Biao and his party standing next to him. For this scene, the small battalion commander did not panic, but very calmly raised his hand and saluted, and was ready to return to the team.

"Eh, little battalion commander, wait a minute." The person next to Lin Biao stopped the small battalion commander, "What's the matter, I didn't see the leader here, I didn't say hello at all?" The little battalion commander still did not speak. Lin Biao did not bother, but instead stepped forward and touched the head of this small battalion commander and praised: "Your little battalion commander is very good!" ”

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

Unexpectedly, the small battalion commander who heard this sentence replied very unceremoniously: "Say that I am small, you are not big, isn't it a 24-year-old small army leader!" ”

What was surprising was that this small battalion commander was so grumpy, and Lin Biao was very surprised by this, at the same time, there was a trace of appreciation in his eyes.

This small battalion commander was named Liu Yalou, and in the subsequent battles, his outstanding performance directly overshadowed his violent temper and became more liked by Lin Biao.

Born in a peasant family in Wuping County, Fujian Province, Liu Yalou was originally called Liu Zhendong, and his name was changed later, which means "for the revolution to go to a higher level, for China to be able to go to a higher level." ”

After joining the Communist Party of China, until October 1932, the 23-year-old Liu Yalou was already the political commissar of the Red Second Division, and from March 1930, when he was appointed as a company commander to the head of the division, Liu Yalou only took 2 and a half years.

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

During the Red Army's anti-encirclement and suppression operations, the young Liu Yalou repeatedly displayed his combat command ability that was different from ordinary people in several battles.

In December 1930, during the first anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, according to the specific conditions at that time, he felt that he could skillfully make the trick to "lure the enemy deeper", so Liu Yalou asked his superiors to ask him to lead the 35 regiments and perform a play.

Immediately, he led the 35th Regiment to first show the illusion of being defeated, pretending to lead the troops to flee, and ordering the soldiers to constantly throw away the baggage and horse lanterns prepared in advance along the way, and when the enemy army was deceived and chased after our army, Liu Yalou's plan was realized.

Soon, the enemy pursued our army, which had "routed," to the foot of The Jiucai Ridge in Longgang, where Liu Yalou had laid an ambush, and at this time, our army, which had been in ambush for a long time, in accordance with Liu Yalou's instructions, joined forces with our army that had "routed" to kill a "returning horse gun" and came to a "turtle in an urn," killing the enemy troops on their backs and caught off guard.

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

In the third anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, Li Yalou was seriously injured when leading the army to charge the front, and was even misjudged as death, and was put into a coffin, fortunately found by his comrades-in-arms and rescued back.

In the fourth counter-encirclement and suppression campaign, after our army failed in the onslaught of Nanfeng, in order to minimize the losses, Liu Yalou took the initiative to propose to Zhou Enlai and Zhu De to remove the siege of Nanfeng, and at the same time, he also suggested that he personally lead the 11th Division to carry out the Huangpi ambush battle. Sure enough, under the leadership of Liu Yalou, the 11th Division of our army descended from the sky and annihilated all the enemy 52nd Division.

On the Long March Road, Liu Yalou, who led the Red Second Division, the pioneer of the Red Army, not only led the Red Second Division to successfully break through the enemy's three lines of defense, but also successfully controlled the Xiangjiang River crossing point, and resisted the armed forces of the enemy's four divisions for four months. Immediately afterward, under the leadership of Liu Yalou, the Red Second Division once again broke through the Qianjun defense line and prepared to cross the Wu river. In order to be able to cross the Wu River smoothly, Liu Yalou personally went to the shore many times to check the actual terrain, in order to personally determine the best crossing point, after two consecutive days of repeated crossings, he successfully crossed the Wu River and occupied Zunyi.

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

After the Zunyi Conference, Liu Yalou led the Red Second Division and brother troops to cross the Chishui River and carry out mobile warfare. After that, they marched 160 kilometers and captured the Luding Bridge, opening the passage for the Central Red Army to move north. Under the leadership of Liu Yalou, the Red Second Division under the leadership of Liu Yalou not only took the lead in crossing the Jinchuan River, which was more than 4,000 meters high, but also provided sufficient food security for the whole army to successfully cross the snowy mountains in the future.

At the end of the Long March, Liu Yalou took on the main offensive task of the Battle of Zhiluo Town, directly commanded by Chairman Mao, and in the end, under his leadership and with the cooperation of the Red Fifteenth Army, a total of more than 5,000 enemy troops were annihilated, and the enemy's 109th and 106th divisions were completely annihilated.

In the course of the Long March, Liu Yalou led the troops to make important contributions to the difficult 25,000-mile Long March.

Such an excellent commander, but the temper is surprisingly big.

In August 1945, Liu Yalou, who had gone to the Soviet Union for further study, followed the Soviet Red Army back to the northeast region of the motherland. In February 1946, Liu Yalou was appointed chief of staff of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army.

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

The chief of staff is a grumpy temper, which can be described as well known to everyone, and the grumpy Liu Yalou also has a title of "Grandpa Lei".

However, Liu Yalou, the grumpy chief of staff, is not a "faint-headed", but a "Lei Gongye" who will never allow the word "fooling" in the dictionary.

In fact, the reason why Liu Yalou convinces the people in the army is that it is very important to distinguish between merits and faults, and to do a good job is to do well, as long as you fight a beautiful victory, he will not only praise at the conference, but he will praise him many times at any small meeting. On the contrary, if you don't play well, if something goes wrong in any place, you will certainly be unable to get a batch afterwards, and he will never allow anyone to mention the words "almost ok" and "okay" in front of him. Because, in his eyes, there is only good and bad, and we must not fool things.

Sometimes some people can't stand Liu Yalou's criticism, and there will naturally be emotions in their hearts, but Liu Yalou will never hide it, "If you have any difficulties, you will say directly, if you have no difficulties, then what do you want me, the chief of staff!" If there are any problems, difficulties, and ideas, you will bring them up and I will solve them for you! Fighting a war is not a child living in the house, not something that you can solve by crying your father and calling your mother! This is going to kill people! ”

Of course, if someone refutes it, Liu Yalou will also listen, but there is a premise, which is reasonable and can be completely convinced. As long as what you say can make him feel acceptable, he will not only let you do it, but also praise you, prepare you behind your back, and help you.

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

For example, after the Liaoshen Campaign began, when dongye troops attacked Jinzhou, they asked the eighth column to blockade Jinzhou airport, and Jinzhou had two airports, one was using one that had long been abandoned, because there was no specific definition of which airport to encircle, and the commander of the eighth column dialed the phone to ask Liu Yalou.

This can make Liu Yalou half dead, "What are you doing to eat, two airports, one good one is wasted, which one do you say you want to block!" Is it not eaten, hungry and confused! Liu Yalou, who spoke a shareholder of Peking University, slapped the table and scolded.

In addition, in addition to the title of "Lei Gongye", in World War II, when the party and government leading organs were transferred, Liu Yalou had a little-known title of "Liver Fire Wang".

At that time, entrusted by the Northeast Bureau, Liu Yalou was responsible for organizing train transportation, and according to the requirements of light transfer at that time, all personnel could only carry necessary clothing and a small amount of daily necessities. However, when inspecting the station, Li Yalou found that someone had actually moved the tables, chairs, and dressers on the train, which made Liu Yalou very angry: "Move these down for me!" ”。

No one dared to move forward when the words fell, and the chief of the management section had to go forward to explain to Liu Yalou, "That is... Yes, he won't let us move, we don't dare to move..."

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

As soon as he heard that he would not let him move, Liu Yalou was even more angry, and a stride stepped onto the train, pointing to the pile of tables and chairs and asking loudly, "Who brought this!" ”

"I brought it", not letting the leader who moved speak out.

Regulations are regulations, even leaders must abide by them, Liu Yalou continued without mercy: "Don't know the rules of the northeast? Are you still a leading cadre, do you want to take the lead in violating the regulations? ”

Before the leading cadre could speak, Liu Yalou waved his hand and asked several soldiers around him to move down the tables and chairs that should not have appeared on the train. Seeing that Liu Yalou was so angry, the leading cadre did not dare to stop it, and whispered: "This Liu Yalou is really fiery!" ”

Since then, "Liver Fire Wang" has become the code name of Liu Yalou, which others jokingly called.

Don't look at Liu Yalou's anger so strongly, during his tenure in the northeast, as Lin Biao's partner, he was even praised by Lin Biao, who cherished words like gold: "You are a Liu Yalou, that is top of my three chiefs of staff!" ”

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

After the founding of New China, Liu Yalou, who had a top three, ushered in the arduous task entrusted by the central authorities, that is, to build a strong air force for the new China that was in ruins and waiting to be rebuilt.

"How about i give you a new task?" Be the commander of the Air Force and fight in the sky! One day, Chairman Mao suddenly called Liu Yalou to him, and Liu Yalou, who had not made any prior preparations, received this important task.

At this time, Liu Yalou was preparing to pack his bags and go south with the troops, and now let Liu Yalou suddenly become the commander of this air force, and Liu Yalou, who did not want to go to the front line, naturally did not do it, "Chairman Mao, I am engaged in the army, this suddenly let me go to the air force, I don't understand anything, what's more, I have a problem with this person, as soon as I get on the plane, I am dizzy." You say, this is not embarrassing me! ”

Liu Yalou's meaning could not be more obvious, but in the face of Chairman Mao, who had made up his mind, Liu Yalou, who could not shirk his decision, finally shouldered the heavy burden of building the first air force unit of New China from scratch.

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

At that time, the new China was in ruins, not to mention that there were so few planes that even pilots could not find a few in the whole of China. In order to be able to smoothly carry out the work after that, Liu Yalou tried everything possible, even went to the Soviet Union to seek help, and gradually improved various basic work.

In 1950, when our soldiers supported Korea, our air force was able to participate in the operation, showing a level close to that of an air force.

After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the unwilling US military went so far as to dispatch advanced high-altitude reconnaissance planes on many occasions to invade China's territorial airspace without authorization; in order to strike at the arrogance of the United States, Premier Zhou demanded that an enemy reconnaissance plane be shot down no matter what.

In order to be able to complete Premier Zhou's instructions, Liu Yalou, who was seriously ill, personally commanded the operation and successfully shot down the first US high-altitude reconnaissance plane on November 15, 1946.

On January 10, 1965, an advanced U-2 reconnaissance aircraft of the U.S. Military was successfully shot down. At this time, Liu Yalou had been tortured by the disease, and the news that the enemy plane had been shot down only made him mentally excited by lying sick in bed for a quarter of an hour.

1 Liu Yalou, top 3 chiefs of staff, why is the grumpy Liu Yalou praised by Lin Biao? First, the "General Changsheng" who dared to fight and dare to rush, the grumpy "Grandpa Lei" third, and the first air force commander of "airsickness."

On May 7, 1965, General Liu Yalou, who was only 55 years old, passed away, and the memorial meeting was presided over by Lin Biao, and more than 100,000 soldiers and civilians participated in the mourning activities.

The merits of general Liu will not be forgotten by history.

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