
The duke of Yingguo, Emperor Duzong's son, Xianchun was born in The Great Interior of Lin'an Province in September of the seventh year of Xianchun

author:Cool mode micromedia

The duke name of the Duke of Yingguo, Emperor Duzong's son, his mother Empress Quan, Xianchun was born in The Great Interior of Lin'an Province in September of the seventh year of Xianchun. In November 1999, he was awarded the title of General of the Left Guard and the Duke of Jiaguo. In July of the tenth year, Emperor Duzong collapsed, and the emperor was in front of the coffin, at the age of four, and Empress Xie was proclaimed an edict. Jia Shen, the brother is the Baokang Army Jiedushi Envoy, Kaifu Yi Tongsan Division, into the Fengji King, Jia ShiYi 1,000 households; brother Bao NingJun JieduShi Envoy, Kaifu Yi Tongsan Division, into the Letter King, Jia ShiYi 1,000 households. Fate Ping Zhang Jia seems to be dao YiWen Yanbo story, living alone. Bing Shu ( 丙戌 ) , Empress Dowager Shanghuang ( Shanghuang Empress Dowager ) and Empress Dowager Shengfu ( Shengfu Tai Huang ) , Empress Dowager Yue ( ) . He also decreed that his birthday was the Festival of Heavenly Glory. Peng Zi, destined to support the people of Lin'an Province. Xin Di (辛卯), with Zhu Qisun as the envoy of Jinghu and Sichuan Xuanfu and the governor of Jiangling Province. Nong Yin, commanding the three-sided soldiers. Mingzhou County is left behind. In addition to the Zhejiang West Pacification Division, the Two Zhejiang Transport Division, and the Lin'an Province, see the recovery of stolen rewards. Commandments.  In August Jiachen, he was told by the old ministers Jiang Wanli, Ye Mengding, Ma Tingluan, Liu Mengyan, Zhao Shunsun, and Wang Gong. Li Tingzhi built qinghe city, in order to figure it out, zhao Tingzhi entered a rank, declared the generals, and gave a reward by name. Jiazhi Ezhou Li Lei should guard the military instrument supervisor, Zhi Taiping Prefecture Mengzhi Jin Shangshu Soldier Wai Lang, Zhijiang Prefecture Qian Zhen Sun Zhi Bao Zhangge, Zhizhen Jiangjun Hongqi Fear Zhi Shi Wen Ge. Ugly, rainy rain, Tianmu landslide, water gushing, Anji, Lin'an, Yu Hangmin drowned. Jia Yin, the empress dowager, was too old to be able to take the throne, and ordered the Ciyuan Hall to be used as the harem for the time being. Xin You, as the Temple of Du Zong. Wu Chen, with Quan Qingfu as the zhaoxin army festival envoy, Xie Tang inspection school major bao, Xie Que Bao Kang army festival envoy. Ma Tingluan begged the skeleton to return to the field, and the appointment of the emperor was interesting.  In September, Ding Ugly, Senior Scholar of the Imperial Palace and Grand Master of Guanglu, begged for shi, and the edict was not allowed. Pengyin, Fami Zhenyuhang, Lin'an two counties floods. Yuhang was very bad, and gave rice two thousand stones. Self-deprecating, as if begging for prayer, from it. Xin Wei (辛巳), a re-examiner of the Wen wu shi ren. At noon, he repeated the test of wen and martial arts. 癸未, the Great Yuan Army was assembled in Xiangyang. Cheng Shu (丙戌), Cheng Xiang Boyan (丞相伯燕) will have an army in Yingzhou, the marshal will instigate an army to enter Huai, and Zhai will recruit an army to jingnan. Ding Hai, Dayuan Army Bo Yingzhou. Pengzi, exempted from the rent of the field this year in Shuizhou County. At noon, the first prayer feast was opened. Ding You, Tianrui Festival, exempted from the lin'an province public and private housing for ten days. With the golden rune thirteen and the silver rune hundred, Xia Gui was rewarded with qigong. He hai, try to play the famous jinshi, give wang Longze the following birth is poor. Nong Yin, there are stars to see the West, and the curve is like a worm. The vice general of Fuzhou, Zhai Guorong, met the Great Yuan soldiers, fought in the mud lake, and died. Drought in central Fujian.  At noon in the winter of October, Zhao Zhangfu Yangzhou of Zhida Prefecture, plus the right lieutenant Lieutenant Lang. Dayuan Bing broke the city of Liyi in Quzhou, and Zhang Zi committed suicide in Zhizhou. Ding Wei, Raozhou Buyi Dongsheng should enter the "Zhushi Compilation Covenant", "Bing Jian", "Criminal Record", and the zhaosheng should be filled with the history museum to compile the text. Ugly, Shangdu Zongyu. Xing Youlong, a senator of Guangxi Jingluo siquan, attacked Chaozhou and Zhangzhou Kou and broke it. Yi Di (乙卯), Lingzhou County(Eyi Tian) and Yi Gong (義役). Ding Wei, the generals below Youlong have their respective transfers. The Dayuan army attacked Yingzhou, and Zhang Shijie, who was under the command of Zhang Shijie, fought against Yuzhi, so he went and entered han from Tenghu Lake. At noon, Zhao Wenyi, the deputy governor of Yingzhou, pursued Quanzihu and died, and sympathized with his family. Gengshen ,授翟国荣復州tual regimental training envoy, official his second son, limiao Fuzhou. Nong Shu gave millions of dollars to the soldiers of Yincheng Tunshu. Koshi, edict to the next year as the first year of Deyou. Yi Ugly, with Zhang Jian tongzhi Privy Council Affairs and Power To Participate in The Governor's Affairs, Chen Yizhong signed the Privy Council Affairs and The Right to Participate in the Privy Council Affairs. Dayuan Bing wandered to Shayang City, and the Jinghu Xuanfu Division sent the governor Wang Huchen to help him. Bing Yin, the city was destroyed, the Tiger Lord, and the ShouGuan Wang Dayong were all executed. The screen seduces the town star. Dayuan Bing to the new city. Peng Chen, the general system of Huang Shun out and down. He, deputy general manager Ren Ning surrendered. All commanded the border to fight, the city was destroyed, and they were killed by fire. Zhifu Prefecture Zhai Gui surrendered to the city. Central Fujian earthquake.  In November, Zhu Qisun was appointed as the envoy of Jinghu lake and Sichuan. Ding Ugly ordered Zhao Huan to patrol the river and give him millions of dollars to reward his military exploits. Peng Yin, Ma Tingluan resigned from Eastern Zhejiang to appease the envoy, Zhi Shaoxing Province, and the edict still guan Wen Dian University scholar, lifting up Dongxiao Palace. He gave Zhao Wenyi the Qingyuan Army Festival, and with his brother Wei Wujun Festival, Wen Liang established the temple Yangzhou and gave him the name Chuanzhong. Gengchen, with Lu Xiufu as the senator of the Huaidong Pacification Department. At noon, cut the class straight overflowing people. 癸未至乙酉, repeat the test special play celebrity. Cheng shu (丙戌), with Wang Gong (王龠) as the left minister and Zhang Jian as the right minister, was also the privy councillor. It seems that the Tao has been begging for orders from September to the time it is from it. Zhang Yanran was also a senator of the Jinghu and Sichuan Xuanfu Departments. He was ugly to Gengyin, and repeated the special performance of the celebrity. 壬辰至 癸巳, as in the upper test. At noon, including the di qi qi and the gozenji kanda, the rent was lost. Ding You, king of Jia'annan, Chen Riyan Ningyuan, was a meritorious servant, and his son Wei Huang was a meritorious official. In December, he ordered Jiankang Province, Taiping Prefecture, and ChiZhou Zhen to avoid the Huaimin. Yi Longhan, Laoshi Jinghu and along the river guarded the soldiers. Jia hu, Zhaohuai west four counties of water drought, last year Tun Tian did not lose the rent of it do not levy. Ding Wei, raising the Xingguo Palace Lü Shikuo asked to recruit troops in Jiangzhou, Zhaozhi Prefecture Qian Zhensun was recruited, and Shangshu Province gave it money and rice. The Dayuan army attacked Yangluo Fort, Xia Gui defended it with troops, and the Wuding army commanded Wang Da to die in battle. Yi Di, the Great Yuan Soldier crossed the Qingshan Rock by snow in the night. Chengchen, the capital Cheng Pengfei fought, was severely damaged, returned to Ezhou, and the capital Gao Bang XianTun Majiadu, abandoned the boat, and was executed. The Dayuan army re-attacked Xia Gui at Yangluo Fort, and liu cheng was under the command of Liu Cheng to be killed in battle. Gui was defeated, and the troops along the river plundered and returned to Luzhou. Zhu Qisun sent his troops to Ezhou, where he was defeated and ran to Jiangling Province at night. Before he knew it, Wang Yi of the Hanyang Army surrendered to the city. Lü Wenhuan attacked Ezhou from the north. Gengshen, Cheng Pengfei and Quan Shou Zhang Yanran surrendered to the city. The staff member Zhang Shanweng was unyielding, and the generals wanted to kill him, and the minister Bo Yan said: "Righteous soldiers, release them." "Those who have been on the throne in the seventy to ninety years of the people of Qiantang and Renhe shall be given wine and rice. 癸海, zhao like the Governor of The DaoDu, commanded the armies of President Sun Huchen with infantry, and all the officials and subordinates were ordered first. The king of the world. Jia Zi, li fu for Hunan to raise punishment. Yi Ugly, with Gundam as hubei system envoy and appeasement, Zhijiangling Province. Edict: "The border fees are vast, our people are in great difficulty, the noble relatives are relieved, the fields are strange, the people live in peace and have time to eat, and there are secretaries who check their rent and taxation." "Present wang Da Qingyuan army to undertake the mission." At noon, Duzong Zigong was led to Zhejiang, and the tide rose and stopped, the tide was out of date, and the sun was not coming. North of Cheng Pengfei, The army reached Huangzhou, and Chen Yi of Zhizhou sent people to surrender to the Shouchang Army. Li Tingzhi served the king with soldiers. Xin Wei , Mingzhou County temperance garrison through the soldiers.  In the spring of the first year of Deyou, the first month of the first month of the year, the Great Yuan army entered Huangzhou. Jia Shu , Chen Yi sent people to Xia Prefecture , and recruited his son Yan to Andong Prefecture . Ding Ugly, Zhi Pu Prefecture Guan Jing Mo sent people to surrender to Huang Prefecture. Peng Yin, zhao zhejiang east residence out of the rice, reduced price of the people. At noon, he was buried in YongshaoLing. Dayuan soldiers entered Puzhou. 癸未, who seems to have been dispatched by Lü Shiquan (朱師夔權) and the military counsellor of the Governor's Office, was dispatched by the middle class. Yi You, chen Yizhong tongzhi privy councillor and counselor of the government affairs. Lü Shikui and Qian Zhensun sent people to surrender to Puzhou. Cheng, Dayuan Bing Yijiang Prefecture. Zhi Andong Prefecture Chen Yan night escape. Pizhou descended. Zhishou Changjun Hu Menglin Yu ruled in Jiangzhou, Ding Hai, committed suicide. Peng Zi, Zhinan Kangjun Ye Zhang sent people to surrender to Jiangzhou. It seems to be a teacher. Zhide'an Province came to rejuvenate the country to surrender the city. Fulu pacified Zhang Qiyan and attacked Yide prefecture and regained it. Ugly, Fan Wenhu of Zhi'an Qingfu sent people to greet the teacher with wine and food such as Jiangzhou. Yi Wei, the Lord of the Ancestral Sect in the New Palace. Sun Huchen was appointed as the emissary of the Ningwu Army. Wu Shu, pardon Gyeonggi. Zhang Lin, the governor of Chizhou, sent people to surrender to Jiangzhou. Dayuan soldiers entered Anqing, Fan Wenhu descended, and Tong sentenced Xia Qiao to death. It was the month of Zhida Prefecture Xianru Zhongzhong to the city.  In February, Song Jing was made the governor of the capital, and he made the Great Yuan army. Jiachen, with Huang Wanshi as the envoy of Jiangnan West Road, plus the deputy envoy of Hubei Province, The Inspector Ofada Washi. Geng, the Great Yuan soldiers entered Chi Prefecture, and Quan Shou Zhao died. Song Jing, if he is in the army, please be called a vassal and pay tribute to the year, and must not be returned by invitation. Xinhai, presented To Liu Cheng's Qingyuan Army as an envoy. Yi Di (乙卯), the five counties of fu lü wenfu sent his troops into the guard, and surrendered the edict to praise it. Bing Chen, Zhao Laojia like the Tao, the story of the Governor's Mansion of the Governor's Office, such as Shi Song.) He did not, add Zhang Qiyan Fuzhou observation envoy, Yi De below each turned to the five senses. Gengshen, Hu Chen and Dayuan soldiers fought at Ding Jiazhou, defeated, Benlu Port, Xia Gui did not fight. Xiang Dao and Hu Chen ran to Yangzhou with a single ship, and the armies were all destroyed, and Weng Yinglong ran to Lin'an with the seal of the governor's palace. 壬戌, Dayuan Bing Rao Prefecture, Zhizhou Tang Zhen died. Therefore, Xiang Jiang Wanli went to the water to die, and the ten thousand roads were sentenced to the same as the city. Zhao Yi, the ambassador of Zhizhenjiang Province, Zhao Youke of Zhining Province, and Wu Yi of Zhilongxing Province, all abandoned the city. The king of Zhihe Prefecture was pleased to surrender the city. The jiankang capital Weng Fu came out to welcome the Great Yuan soldiers. Jiazi, the Great Yuan Army to the Linjiang Army, the people are gone, and the Zhijun Bao Lian is dead. It seems that the road to the letter please move the capital. B ugly, the next secretary of state miscellaneous discussions, Wang Gong said that he could not with the big plan, so he went. Zhang Shijie sent his troops into Wei Lin'an and Daorao Prefecture to regain it, and he killed Xie Yuan, Wang Hai, Li Wang, Yuan En, and Lü Zaixing. Jiangxi Ti punished Wen Tianxiang to raise troops to serve the king. Bing Yin, with Tianxiang as the deputy envoy of Jiangxi pacification and Zhiganzhou, is interested in defending. Recruit soldiers. With Xie Tang as the envoy of the two Zhejiang towns, Xie Zhi to the Baoning Army Jiedushi envoy, Quan Yongjian and Xie Yan and the inspector of the school shaobao. Wu Chen, enlisting half of the forbidden soldiers in the two Zhejiang and Fujian counties. Hunan punished Li Fu with soldiers to serve the king. The Zhijiangyin army Zheng abandoned the city, and Liu Quan, the Zhiwuwei army, and Meng Zhijin, who knew Taiping Prefecture, all surrendered to the city. He, the Great Yuan army attacked Jiading Jiuding Mountain, and Du Tong Hou Xing was killed in battle. Chen Yizhong knew the privy council affairs and suffragette, Zeng Yuanzi knew the privy council affairs, the two Zhejiang pacification ambassadors and zhi Lin'an fu, Wen and Weng signed the privy council affairs, and Ni Pu signed the privy council affairs. Wang Gong was summoned as ambassador to Xuanfu in western Zhejiang and Eastern Jiangdong, and envoyed to The Capital Division for consultation. Sent the great Yuanguo messenger Hao Jing and others to return. At noon, Jia xia Gui opened the house with the third division, and ordered all the troops to enter the guard. Order the chief to give money and rice to the soldiers and civilians, and do not collect taxes. People should be assigned and detained, except for those who forged customs meetings, robbed and set fires, and the rest should be indulged. Exempt the Zhejiang Western Gongtian Kuimi and the military attaches of various literatures from the who are in the nationality, and release themselves to correct themselves with Xu Fu, and release the counselors to be close to the people. Add Zhang Juening's distant army to the festival envoy, Zan Wanshou Baokang army to make the envoy, Zhang Shijie and the state defense envoy, and order the generals to enter the guard. Chen Yizhong begged like the Tao, and the edict was like the Dao Pingzhang, the Governor, and the Ancestral Temple. Zhao You can be removed from the list and ordered lin'an province to arrest him. The move is like a road rout. Xin Wei, Right Cheng Xiang Zhang Jianxuan.  In March, Nongshen Shuo, Zhaofu Tea Salt City Shipping Law. It seems that the tao does not sympathize with the government of the people, and the second order is divided, and the tenants are given public land, and their tenants are ordered to be soldiers. The commander in front of the palace made Han Zhen ask to move the capital, and Chen Yizhong killed him. The troops of the Earthquake Institute rebelled, attacked the Gate of Jiahui, fired rockets to Ouchi, and sent troops to arrest them, and all scattered. Xu Wangrong, the commander of the capital, welcomed the Great Yuan soldiers into Jiankang Province, and Shi Zuzhong, the ruler of Zhenjiang, asked him to surrender to Jiankang. The Zhejiang Xi ti criminal division was ordered to prepare to dispatch Liu Jingshu Wujiang, the two Zhejiang transit departments were to prepare to dispatch Luo Lin, zhang Shu, senator of the Zhejiang West Pacification Division, Dusongguan, Shanyin County, Xu Yuan, and Zheng Yu Tianxing shu Si'an Town, Zhao Huai as the Taifu Temple, and Shu Yinshu Dongba. Wu Jiming, the hubei pacification bureau chief, attacked Tongcheng County, regained it, and ordered the county to return. Summoning the envoys to return to the dynasty. Jia Shu (甲戌), with the Tao as the Liquan Temple. When the Dayuan army went to Wuxi County, Zhixian Ruan should have to fight, and all the troops were gone, and they should go to the water to die. Zhao sent troops to Wujiang. Yi Hai, sent troops to Dusong ridge and Tongling. He issued an edict to Lü Wenhuan, Chen Yi, and Fan Wenhu to make peace with the soldiers. Wang Gong was made the Left Chancellor and Privy Counsellor. The earthquake in central Fujian was repeated. C, the next edict to sin against yourself. With Chen Yizhong as the special envoy, the right minister and the privy councillor. Strike the seal and give the temple. The attendant YuShi Chen asked Jia Xiangdao and his party member Weng Yinglong to go away without reporting it. Inspector Yushi Pan Wenqing and Ji Ke begged to obey the request, but ordered the capture of Ying Long to go to Lin'an Province Prison. Strike Liao Yingzhong, Wang Ting, Liu Lianggui, You Wen, Zhu Jun, Chen Boda, Dong Pu. Blame Hong for fearing Zhenjiang for self-efficacy. Ding Ugly, the king of Chuzhou, Yinglong, surrendered to the city. He 卯, Weng Yinglong, thorn with JiYangjun. He ordered Wang Gong and Chen Yizhong to supervise the army and horses. Galu Wenfu Fuzhou Observation Envoy. Gengshen, donated to Tang Zhenhua Wenge to be made. Cut the Ten Thousand Dao with the three officials, and dismiss them. At noon, Fu Wu Qian and Xiang Shibiguan. Knowing that Changzhou Zhao and JianWen soldiers arrived, Changmin Qian surrendered to the city. Jia Shen, Dayuan bing to Xihai Prefecture, pacified Ding Shun surrender. Yi You, Zhi Donghai Prefecture Shi Juwen begged to surrender to Xihai Prefecture. Zhiping Jiangfu subterfu said that friends, Tongju Hu Yu, Lin Bo surrendered to the city. Jia Zhang Shijie Bao Kang Army undertook the mission, and the general governor of the capital was the army. Cheng, Zhiguang German army ordered the fox to surrender to the city. The Prison Department of Zhejiang Province was raised to Pingjiang Province. Zhang Shijie sent yan shun and Li Cun to march into Guangde, Xie Hongyong to march into Pingjiang, and Li Shan to changzhou. Ding Hai and Zhang De's following transfer officials are poor. Xie Yuan and others gave ten officials. There are two stars in the middle of the sky, and one star is a meteorite. Ugly, churen ruled that king Yinglong returned to Yangzhou and killed him. Garu Wenfu Bao Kang Jun undertook the mission and was interested in defending. Wenfu went to Rao Prefecture, killed the emissaries, and entered Jiangzhou to lower the Yuan. Gengyin, Pan Wenqing of the Left Counselor, Ji Ke of right Zhengyan, Zeng Yuanzi of the Privy Council of Tongzhi, Xu Zi, deputy envoy of the two Zhejiang provinces, and Wang Linlong of Eastern Zhejiang, all fled in succession. The signature of the Privy Council Wen and Weng, the same signature of the Privy Council Ni Pu satirized the Taiwan ministers impeached themselves, the chapter was not on, and it was urgent to get out of the customs. Sun Siwu of Zhi'an Dongzhou surrendered to the city. Rainy soil. Xin Jiao (辛卯), who was ordered to be a military attaché in Jingwen and transferred two officials, and his side officials and recluses, made YuShitai aware of it. Yan Shun fought in Anji County and regained Fengping. Zhang Fu killed Yan Zhongfan, a pedestrian of the Great Yuan, at Dusongguan, and carried Lian Xixian to Lin'an, where he was severely wounded and killed. Nongchen, Yuezhou pacified Gao Shijie's army in the cave court, the Dayuan soldiers attacked it, and Shijie fell. 癸巳, attacking Yue Prefecture, the general meng zhishao surrendered to the city. Jia Wu, the edict praised Zhang Shijie and Yan Shun, and the generals each transferred officials to a different position. Yi Wei, exempt Anji County from this year's summer field rent, there are war losers, county orders, beggars. Bing Shen, Gu Shun attacked the Guangde army and regained it. Sign the Privy Council affairs by contract. Ding You, envoy to the observation of The State of Yili. The one who can extricate himself from the border city will be recorded, and the one who can return from the state will be recorded, and the one who will restore the state will be given to the zhi county, and the officials of the department will be rewarded with the same reward as the local tycoons who have made meritorious contributions. Strike the zhang jian ancestral officials and seize the number of auxiliary graces, Zeng Yuanzi cut two officials and seize the number of ruling graces, and Chen Guo, Chen Jian, and Xu Qingsun each cut two officials and seize the number of attendants. Zhao and Jian chased after the two officials, and they were never pardoned. Strike Xu Zi and Wang Linlong. Order Huaidong to set the standard for the division. Gengzi ,the commander-in-chief of Huaidong in Jiangyin. Jia Wu Ji Ming Ge Men Xuan Zan Sheren.  In April, Nong Yin Shuo, gifted Zhao Jiaofa Huawen Pavilion to be produced. Degrade Chen over Pingjiang Province. The Xiongjiang Army commanded Hong Fu to lead the People's Fuzhen Chao Army. Jia Chen, Gifted Jiang Wanli Taishi, Tan Wenzhong, dropped out of the second day of the dynasty. Yi Wei and Dayuan soldiers entered Guangde County, and Wang Ruyi of ZhiXian and Zhao Shiqian, the official of Zhi County, led the volunteer soldiers to fight on the mountain, and the road was divided into Meng Tanglao and his second son, and Ru Yi was executed, until Jiankang died. Wang Dayong gave three officials, Wang Huchen gave two officials, and guan qi's second son. At noon, the Dayuan soldiers broke the city of Shashi, and the capital Meng Ji died, and sima Mengqiu, the superintendent of the town, asked for his own death. Peng Shen, Jinghu Xuanfu Zhu Qisun, Hubei System Deputy Envoy Gundam descended to Jiangling, and the Jinghu North Road was successively descended. Zhang Qiyan raised troops to protect Feishan. He ordered Liu Shi yong to fight in Pingjiang Province. Xinhai, Gu Shunzhu each transferred three officials, and Meng Tanglao gave three officials. Nongzi, with Gauss signed the Privy Council council to participate in the affairs of the governor. President Zhang Min fought with Dayuan Bing in Fengcheng and died. Ugly, give five facial features, official one of its sons. Nguyen deserves to be given ten officials. Yi Di (乙卯), with King Fu and Rui as envoys to Wukang and Ningjiang, and Shaoxing Province. Bing Chen, Wang Gonglai, Ling Ru Wen Yanbo story, from the chao to live outside and exempt from worship. Summoning Xia Gui to the guards as a privy councillor. Ding Wei, the general Huo Zusheng attacked Liyang County and regained it. At noon, he gave Zhang Zimei Prefecture a defensive envoy, and Hou Xingfu Prefecture regiment training envoys. Yi Wei, Wen and Weng and Ni Pu cut one official and seized the number of rulers; the subliminal friend cut three officials and took the number of attendants. Gengshen, linghu was removed from the list, and the prison city of Yulin Prefecture was used by his home. Knowing Jintan County, Li Chengda led the righteous bureau officials Hanshan County Lieutenant Hu Chuanxin, Yangchun Master Pan Datong, Haoliang Master Book Pan DaPO, and Jinshi Pan Wensun Pan Yingkui to attack Jintan County and take it. Hou Yan, the commander of Zhenjiang, and Zhao Sibin, the county lieutenant, helped the Dayuan soldiers to fight, and the second son of Cheng Da and Da Xiang both died, and cheng da returned. Nong shu, dayuan soldiers attacked Zhenzhou, Zhizhou Miao Zaicheng, Zongzi Zhao Mengjin led the army to fight in the old stork. 癸海, Jiazhi Sizhou Tian Jinxian, Zhibo Prefecture Yang Bangxian and Fuzhou regiment training envoys, fun soldiers into the guard. There are big stars flowing from the northeast of the heart into the turbidity. Ugly, ying confused tianjiang. Raise the Taiping Xingguo Palace Chang Shu to invite Queen Liji. Ding Di, Jia Li Tingzhi participated in the political affairs. Wu Chen, Zhao Yixing, and Liyang militia have made meritorious contributions to the war and are specially exempted from this year's field rent. Jiangyin people are soldiered, and their rent is not to be held responsible. At noon, the Dayuan soldiers went to Yangzi Bridge, and Yangzhou sent the official Lei Dazhen out of the battle to die. It is the month, Changde, Ding, and Li all fall.  In May, Xin Weishuo ordered Zai to go to the court to administer affairs on the day of his execution. The county seat of Jingde County has meritorious service and exempts its people from renting this year's land. Yu You, Dayuan soldiers to Ningguo County, Zhi County Zhao and Tang out of battle to die. Jia Shu (甲戌), the general of Huai'an (淮安) Li Zongrong (李宗荣), and The General Of Qizi Zhen (仇子真) of Zhiqingyuan Province (知庆遠府) came to Qin Wang. Yi Hai, Jia Miao zai became the haozhou regimental training envoy, Zhao Mengjin Yangzhou capital commander. To Hong Fuzhi town nest army. Ding Ugly, Zhao Zhao commanded the military and civilian ships Tun Jiangyin. Liu Shiyong attacked Changzhou, regained it, and tried to appease Dai Zhitai, and Sihu Zhao Biyu and the governor Lu Chun were killed in battle. Peng Yin, Huaidong Terracotta Warriors and Horses, Ruan Keji general Lai Qin Wang, plus Zuo Xiao rode the General Zhonglang. He Ji (己卯), the virgin of Wuzhou, He Ji (何基谥文定), and Wang Bai (王柏承事郎). Jia Zhang Jue inspected the school's major security, Sichuan system deputy envoy, and knew Chongqing Prefecture. Gengchen, gifted Lei Da Zhen Bao Kang Jun Jiedushi. Xin Wei (辛巳), plus Liu Shi YongHaozhou regimental training envoy, he transferred Liu Gui below the rank of official. Peng Zi, given to Pan Da and the same official, Yu Yougong and transferred two officials. Xin Jiao, derogatory to the South An Jun, Wu Yiting Prefecture, and his home. Strike Li Jue and send Wuzhou. From Lü Wenhuan, Meng Zhijin, Chen Yi, Fan Wenhu. At noon, Rao and Shinshu starved, and the people were ordered to join the millet to supplement the officials. Strike the sub-division of the market, and order tong to be sentenced to the task. The militia of Huaidong and Xiguan were each transferred to one official. Bing Shen, Zhao Zhang Shijie, Zhang Yan, Ruan Keji, Qiu Zizhen sent troops, sent envoys to tell heaven and earth, Zongmiao, Sheji Tombs, and Gongguan. Hey, laborer. Wu Jiming restored the three counties of Puxi, Tongcheng, and Chongyang, plus the belt with imperial equipment, and Quan Zhi Ezhou, so that the risk was chosen as Yuzhi. Gave Bao Lian Zhi Hua Wen Ge, guan Qi's son; Zhao and Tang Zhi Hua Wen Ge.  June Gengzi Shuo, the sun has an eclipse, that is, the day is as obscure as night. Zan Wanshou descended with Jiading and the Three Turtles, nine peaks, and Purple Cloud City. Li Yan of Zhishu Prefecture reinforced Jiading Province, so he was relieved, and the war sheep Yajiang was defeated and executed. Xin Ugly, the empress dowager decreed that the honorific title "Shengfu" should be used to fulfill the Heavenly Precepts. Fu Wei Ke Yu Guan, Too students Xiao Zhi, Tang Di and Chengxin Lang. Knowing that Yu Anyu of Jiaxing Province sat down to hear the soldiers begging to go, Yishu went to the middle, and the language was not involved, and an official was sent to Huizhou. Xu Qingsun cut an official to degrade Ji Prefecture. The attendants had each raised five talents and five martial artists, and Yu Tingchen had each raised three people, and although they were in the book, they also listened to them. At noon, Wang Yinglin said: "The calamity of Kaiqing began with Ding Daquan, please do not punish all the parties of Daquan in the who are in the country." "From there. Self-unitary, exempted from the Guangde Army this year's field rent and the counties and counties have not been solved. Wang Yinglin returned Zhang Jian and Zeng Yuanzi recorded Huang, saying that Han Zhen was rebellious, and the two of them were really qianzhi; and Yuanzi Qianweng Yinglong caused a punishment and tried to steal the treasury gold of the government. Gengji, ordered to cut an official, released back to the field, Yuanzi cut another official, Migrating Ji Prefecture, Jie Weng Yinglong, from his home. Xinhai, Quan Test. Jia Yin, Liu Mengyan entered the dynasty, Wang Gong asked Xiang Mengyan, begged for a feast to prepare advisers, Chen Yizhong asked Xiang Mengyan, begging for ancestral halls, and Zhao Er Xiang did not seek leisure. Taking Gong as an important matter for the Pingzhang military and state, he went to the feast twice in January, five days and one dynasty; it was advisable to supervise the road soldiers in the left and the privy councillor; and the right minister of Mengyan and the privy envoy, all the road soldiers. B, edict. Guo Hanjie of Zhishu Prefecture surrendered to the city. Chengchen, the convict of sinners in Beijing. No introductions. At noon, Meiyingchun of Zhilu Prefecture descended on the city. He did not know the Privy Council affairs and participate in the affairs of the Privy Council with Li Tingzhi. Gengshen, Zhifu Shunjian Wang Zongyi surrendered to the city. Wang Yinglin also returned Zeng Yuanzi's depreciation of Ji Prefecture To record Huang, 癸海, and demotion of Shao Prefecture. Bing Yin and Wu Jiming's generals were all transferred to different posts. Ding Jiao, Zhu Qisun was removed from his name, and he was from his home.  In the autumn of July, Huang Wanshi was transferred to Fuzhou and returned to Longxing Province. Xin Wei and Zhang Shijie's armies fought under the scorched mountain and were defeated. Jia Shu (甲戌), who migrated to Wu Prefecture (徙) and Daoju (婺州), Liao Yingzhong (廖莹中) was removed from Zhaozhou , Wang Ting ( 王庭 ) was removed from Mei Prefecture ( Mei Prefecture ) , and Migrated to Lei Prefecture ( Lei Prefecture ) . The Ningguo official Yang Yizhong led the volunteer soldiers to die in battle, and Yi Hai was given the gift of martial arts doctors. Ding ugly, migrating like Dao Jianning Province. Too white into the East Well. Gengshen, Jiazhi Gaoyoujun Chu Yizheng Pavilion Gate Xuanzansheren, ZhihuaiYuanjun Jin Zhicai with imperial instruments, Zhi'an Huaijun Gaofu Pavilion Gate Waiting, Zhisi Prefecture Tan and Gemen Xuanzansheren, Zhihao Prefecture Sun Li Right Guard General, rewarding the side merits. At noon, too daylight to see. Zhao Rao Prefecture was soldiered and ordered to be exempted from this year's field rent. Lu Ju Liu used to transfer troops into Jingzhou, Zhizhou Kangyu robbed it, and sentenced Zhang Qiyan to kill Yu and restore Jingzhou. 癸未, detain the Internal Division Bureau Qian Salary Soldiers. Chengjiao, ordering quan to rent the gongtian this year, give ten consecutive dollars per stone to the tenants, ten consecutive to the breeders, and its Zhenjiang, Changzhou, and Jiangyin are not to be harassed. Gengyin(庚寅), who is like Dao, is the deputy envoy of the Gaozhou regiment, and the debasement of Xunzhou is from his home. The third of the 10th century of the West Residence of Zhejiang and the temple guantian rice. Posthumously honored officer Pi Long. The superintendent and the county sheriff avoided the official immediately, which made the imperial history aware of it. Xin Jiao, Wang Gongzi, Liu Jiugao, a student of Wang Gongzi, and Liu Jiugao, a student of Fu Que, wrote on the book: It is advisable to use power without authorization, the party is like the Tao, and the qian Zhao Shu and the subliminal friends make the disciples of the disciples traffic joints, and their mistakes in the country will be worse than the similar Dao. It is advisable to go in the middle and send the four generations to summon them, but they will not arrive. Xie Tang begged the two Zhejiang town Fusi and did not follow. Zhang Shijie begged for help, not to report. Nongchen, Liu Jiugao, and others were imprisoned in Lin'an, and Wang Gong was deposed as an envoy to Liquan. 癸巳, Xia Guizhi Yangzhou, Zhu Huanzhi Luzhou. At noon, he sent envoys to summon Yizhong to return to the DPRK. Yi Wei signed a letter with Chen Wenlong as a privy council secretary and a member of the privy council. Generally sentenced Zhang Zhen of Wuzhou to The Army and dismissed his officials. Hu Yulian Prefecture and Lin Bo Shao Prefecture were demoted and removed from their names. Along the river, the ambassador Wang Lixin was summoned. Bing Shen, cutting Li Jue's two officials, degrading Chaozhou. In order to celebrate the disaster of the soldiers, pursue Shi Song's revenge. Wu Shu, dispatched the envoy to summon Yi Zhong to return to the DPRK.  In August, Mao Xianzhong, the commander-in-chief, put Quzhou soldiers into the guard. Xin Ugly, a sinner in Lin'an Province. Nong Yin, right zheng yan Xu Zhi Fang. Jia Xia Gui, Deputy Privy Councillor, Ambassador of Lianghuai Xuanfu, And Ambassador of Li Fu hunan Zhenfu. The general producer Dai Hu broke the Great Southern Pillar and transferred the three officials. Adding Zhang Qiyan Taifu Temple, Zhijing Prefecture, Liu Used the following meritorious people to transfer officials. Dayuan Bing was stationed in Huangsha, Baling County. Yi Wei, Wu Jiming restored Pingjiang County. Peng Shen, try too to learn on the student. 己酉, 寛燕贵妃 Jiqing Temple, Jia Guifei Yanfu Temple Tian Huan Anbian Institute. Gengji, Liu Shiyong attacked LüCheng and broke it. 癸 ugly, repeat "Jiading Seven Justices". Ding Wei, sent an envoy to summon Yizhong to return to the DYNASTY. Jia Zhang Shijie Shenlong Wei Sixiang commanded the envoys, and the general governor of the palace. Wu Wu, Jia Liu Shiyong and the state defense envoy. Ying confused Nandou. Zhao Qi, in addition to Dali Shaoqing, Wang Yinglin sealed huang, and said that in the past, Baoyu was like a taoist, and the Qi brothers were even worse, so they did not do it, so they dismissed it. Jiazi, with Wen Tianxiang as the envoy of Zhejiang West and Jiangdong, also known as Pingjiang Province. Yi Ugly, Yangzhou Civil and Military Attache transferred two officials. Jia Wu Jiming Hubei solicited envoys, and Zhu Wangzhu transferred three officials each.  In September, Chen Yizhong was awarded the title of Guan Wen Dian University Scholar, Li Quan Guan Envoy and Attendant. Chen Jingxing, the left counselor, asked the lecturer to sit and talk with Su Zhi, and from there. Xin Wei, Kada Kenken Fuzhou Observation Envoy, Yang Bang Xianli Prefecture Observation Envoy, Fun into the Guard. He died, Chen Yizhong begged for coastal defense, and was not allowed. Xin Wei, something happened to Ming Tang, pardon. Li Chengda was held, did not bend to death, and gave five facial features. Cheng, mingwen Tianxiang was appointed as the counselor of the governor's office, and the general of the three roads. Zheng Huchen, a lieutenant of Huiji County, sent him to Zhangzhou and killed him. Dayuan bing to Taizhou, Zhizhou Sun Huchen committed suicide, Gengyin, and gave Tai Wei. Jingzhou is exempt from this year's field rent. Xin Jiao, Migrated li jue wuzhou. Yi Wei, Liu Lianggui cut two more officials and degraded Xinzhou. Zhang Yan and the soldiers were defeated and executed, and the city surrendered.  In the winter of October, Zhang Shijie invited envoys along the river, Liu Shiyong observed envoys in Fuzhou, and the president sent troops. Nong Yin, it is advisable to come in the middle. 癸卯, 玉牒殿害。 Ding Wei, with Mengyan as the left minister and Yi Zhong as the right minister, was also the privy councillor and governor. City Lin'an. In Xinhai, Zhang Shijie was made the deputy envoy along the river and the envoy of the Zhijiangyin Army and the envoy of Zhejiang Xice. Ding Wei, Taibai will fill in the stars. At noon, Chang Mao ( Chang Mao ) of the leading household department , wang Yinglin of zhongshu sheren ( ) , asked Empress Liji to be invited. Gift summer chair straight secret cabinet. Lu Yingyue, a virgin of Shaoxing Province, edited the text for the History Museum. Nong Shu, Dayuan Bing Fa Jiankang, Suffragist A thorn han, 40,000 household governor Oruchi general right army out of Si'an Town, Qu Du Song Guan, suffragan Dong Wenbing, Fan Wenhu sent the left army out of the river, Jiangyin army, Xiang Boyan general the Chinese army into Changzhou. The screen is confused. Yan Hai, Zhang Quan, Yin Yu, Ma Shilong aided Changzhou, Shilong Zhan Yuqiao died, and all ran to Wumu. Zhu Huan to Luzhou, expensive is not inside. Huan Gui, fu thought that Huaidong was the deputy envoy. Chen He sat and hid Liao Ying's family assets and seized the number of government favors. Jia Zi, Yin Yu zhan wu mu, died, Zhang Quan did not fight. Bing Yin, Chu Zhao, Zhao Youke, and Zheng Suo recruited. The Chinese and foreign officials have learned military strategy, and each of them is written in a book. It was the month, and Li Shixiu descended to Jiangyin.  In November, Ding Shuo, Tongguan killed Beibao and Hu Yanqi in Lishui, and gave Bao Wuyilang and Yanqi Chaofenglang. Gengwu, with Chen Wenlong and the Privy Council Affairs and the Right to Participate in the Privy Council, Huang Yong signed the Privy Council with him. Ten generals are ordered to each of them, and there is no limit to partial soldiers, and if they are not subordinate to the army, they are allowed to submit themselves. Xin Wei, the living quarters were not allowed to resign from the government, and went. He gave Yin Yuhao prefecture regimental training envoy, Ma Shilong Gaozhou assassin history, exempted Zhang Quan and Zhu Hualin from chen's resignation. Ding Ugly, the captured soldiers can lead the crowd to return, supplement the officials by the number of people, and those who can make meritorious contributions are given the festival; the officials below the level of the zhu are rewarded with the number of people recruited. Peng Yin, the Great Yuan army broke the Guangdong German army. He, breaking the town of Si'an, is killing Hu Ming and others. Summoning Wen Tianxiang to the guard. Xin Wei, zeng only cut an official exemption. Too white to commit a room. At noon, dayuan soldiers arrived at Longxing Province, Huang Wanshi abandoned Fuzhou, and transferred the judge Liu Pan to Longxing. 癸未,大元兵破興化县,知县胡拱辰 suicide. Jia Shen, Zhongshu Sheren Wang Yinglin resigned and gave the matter to zhong, not allowed. Dayuan soldiers went to Changzhou, surrendered and did not listen, attacked for two days, broke it, and slaughtered the city. Yao Fu of Zhizhou, Chen Zhao, and Wang Anjie of The Capital were all killed, and Liu Shiyong collapsed and besieged Benpingjiang. Yixing County was changed to Nanxing Army. Chen Jingxing, a waiter in the ceremonial department, resigned from the official and did not allow it, and went. Cheng shu ( 丙戌 ), gifted The Prince of Ji taishi , Shang Shu Ling , Jinfeng Zhen Wang , Tan Zhaosu , Ling Fu Wang and Rui Xuanhou to worship , and gave 10,000 acres of land. Ding Hai, Du Song Guan is in a hurry, and Quwen Tianxiang is in the guard. Peng Zi dispatched the militia out to guard Yuhang and Qiantang. He was ugly, Dusong Guan was broken, Feng Ji died, Zhang Hao was gone, and his neighbors looked at the wind. Tongjue Pingjiang Province Zheng Yuxuan, Gengyin, Tongju Wang Zhizhi, and The Capital Governor Wang Bangjie sent people to surrender to Changzhou. Xin Jiao, the Great Yuan army tended to Fuzhou, and all of them fought against the evil spirit, defeated the soldiers, and died. He was made deputy envoy to Zhejiang Andi Province by Zhang Shijie. At noon, King Shangshu of the Ministry of Power and Ceremonies was yinglin, and Huang Wanshi raised troops to go to Jianchang Army. Yi Wei, Zuo Cheng Xiang Dream Yan Xuan. Bing Shen, sent the envoy to summon Mengyan back to the dynasty. Give money to the people of Yuhang, Wukang, and Changxing counties, and exempt them from this year's field rent. Zheng Yu demoted an official and dismissed the sentence. Fuzhou Shi to Dao to the city to descend.  In December, Ding Youshuo was buried with the edict of the Dao, and returned it with his ancestral field. Wu Shu, Fu Zhao and the Senator of the Governor's Office, let Li Jue take matters into his own hands. He hai, presented to Wang Ruyi Chao Fenglang. Gengzi, signed by Wu Jian as a privy council affair, Huang Yong also participated in the affairs of the governor. Liu Yue was sent to the Great Yuan Army, saying that he had killed Lian Shangshu and begged the class master to repair it. With Chen Wenlong as the Governor of the Privy Council and the right to know the affairs of the Privy Council, Xie Tang tongjinshi was born and knew the affairs of the Privy Council. Jia Chen, given to Yao Xuan Long Tu Ge to be made, his father Xi De gifted Tai Shi, Chen Zhaozhi Bao Zhangge, Feng Ji Ji Ying Dian repair. Jiaxing Province was in a hurry and gave the pile storage money for armaments. Ordered Zhao and Li Shu Jinyun County. Fu Ji can be official, order such as Longquan County to recruit troops. Yi Wei (乙巳), with Chen Jing as the deputy envoy to pacify Eastern Zhejiang, was placed in Shu Prefecture. Starting from Fengchenshu Chun'an County. Bing Wu, posthumously honored Lü Wende and the King of Yi County. Ding Wei, out of the Anbian seal pile treasury gold paid the eastern Zhejiang counties for armaments. Dayuan soldiers entered Pingjiang Province. Wu Jun was promoted to the rank of Shaoqing of Taifu and promoted to civilian soldiers. Summoning Mengyan and Ying Lin, neither of them will arrive. Peng Shen, Zhang Shijie entered the guard, added the inspection school shaobao, and lowered the edict. Wang Gongxue, dropped out of the morning for two days. Ace unitary, including Lin'an Prefecture County Horse. Geng, Liu Yue also. Emperor Zheng of the Imperial Household,000 Lu Xiufu, Shangshu Xia Shilin of the Punishment Department, and Lü Shi Meng, a soldier's attendant, were in front of the army. Zhao Lu Wenhuan and Zhao Menggui were good. Before he could, Fang Xing, Ding Guang, and Zhao Wenli were all defeated. Gengshen, with Liu Yue as the attendant of the Ministry of Works, and Hong Leizhen as the right righteous speaker, made Yan pray. Dayuan soldiers broke through the Dahong Mountain, and Zhu Duan of Suizhou surrendered. The official Shangshu Ding Yingkui and the left attendant Xu Zongren were left. 癸海, dispatch the messenger to summon Mengyan, not to arrive.  In the spring of the second year of Deyou, Ding Shuo, the Great Yuan soldiers besieged Tanzhou in October of the first year, Hunan pacified and Zhizhou Li Fu refused to defend March, dozens of battles were fought, the strength was broken, the gate was killed, the county man Zhiheng Prefecture Yin Gu also set himself on fire, and Yang Ting, a counselor of the Shuai Division, and his subordinates Chen Yisun and Yan Yingyan all died from the fire. The defenders Wu Jiming and Liu Xiaozhong surrendered to the city. Bao Qing descended, and the general sentence was once like Ji Ji's death. Lu Xiufu waited until he was in the Great Yuan Army, and asked for the title of nephew and did not follow; he called his nephew and grandson, and did not obey. Pentagram, also. The empress dowager ordered the use of courtesy. He, Jiaxing guarded Liu Hanjie to the city. At noon, huang Yong, the privy council secretary who signed the letter, and Chen Wenlong, the counselor and governor. With Xie Tang as the ambassador of the two Zhejiang Zhenfu, Wen Tianxiang knew Lin'an Province, and Quan Yongjian was the envoy of Zhejiang East Fu. Xin Wei appointed Wu Jian as a left chancellor and privy councillor, and Chang Shu participated in the affairs of the governor. At noon, Xuanma Ciyuan Hall, Wen Ban stopped six people. The guans were defeated. Sent inspector Yushi Liu Qi to be a vassal, emperor of the Shangdayuan Dynasty, with the honorific title of Emperor Renming Shenwu, was given 250,000 silver silks, and begged for the land to be steamed. 癸酉, Zuo Sichen Chen Menghu, and Inspector Yushi Kong deserve to be reclusive. Jupiter. Jia Shu and Dayuan soldiers went to Ruizhou, and Yao Yan abandoned the city in Zhizhou. Yi Hai, with Jia Yuqing knowing Lin'an Province. Chengzi, the King of Mingji, the King of Faith, out of town. Ding Ugly, with Sha Shilin signing the Privy Council Affairs. He is a lieutenant of The King. The Governor of the People's Republic of China is often reclusive. The three students swore not to die, and they were specially released from the brown birth. With Yang Liangjie as the observer envoy of Fuzhou, he lifted up the Ji Wangfu to act; Yu Rujue acted as a sanitation officer and lifted up the Xinwang Mansion. Dayuan soldiers entered Anji Prefecture, and Zhao Liangchun of Zhizhou died. Moon Halo East Well. Gengchen, signed the Privy Council Xia Shilin. Xin Wei, Qi Taiyi Palace. He was promoted to the rank of King of Ji (益王) and sentenced Fuzhou and Fujian to appease the ambassadors; Wang Fu (信王昺) was made the King of Guang, and sentenced Quanzhou to the rank of Emperor Of nanwaizong. Liu Mengyan was the ambassador of Jiangdong and Hunan. Jia Shen, the Great Yuan soldiers to Gaoting Mountain, sent the inspector Yang Yingkui to upload the state seal, and his expression read: "The lord of the Song Kingdom paid homage to the words of the lord, the subject was young and young, suffered many difficulties in the family, and the power was like a betrayal of the alliance and the wrong country, and the Qinxing division asked for the guilt." The subject must not be able to move away, in order to seek perfection, today's fate has returned, the subject will go. On the orders of the empress dowager, he would like to cut off the imperial title and see Cunzhou County in zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangdong, Hunan, Erguang, Lianghuai, and Sichuan, and go to the holy pilgrimage to pray for the lives of the clan community. Looking forward to the holy mercy, he could not bear to be a member of the sect for more than three hundred years until it fell to the end, and qu gave it to Cunquan, then the descendants of the Zhao clan, the world depended on it, did not dare to forget. "It was night, and Chen Yizhong, the chancellor, zhang Shijie, Su Liuyi, and Liu Shiyong each went with their troops. Yi You, with Wen Tianxiang as the right chancellor and privy councillor, and the governor. Cheng, ordered Tianxiang to work with Wu Jian to make the Great Yuan Army. He was born and signed the Privy Council, and Jia Yuqing signed the Privy Council affairs and knew Lin'an Province. Pengzi, Zhijiande Military Hui, Zhiwu Prefecture Liu Yi, Zhizhou Liang Chair, Zhitai Prefecture Yang Bida all surrendered. It was the month, knowing that the Linjiang Army Teng Yan zhan was gone.  In February, there are sunspots swinging in the sun, like goose eggs. Xin Ugly, led hundreds of officials to pay homage to the Xiangxi Temple, and commanded the county to surrender. The emissaries of the Great Yuan entered Lin'an Province, sealed the treasury, collected the history hall, the lisi temple books, and the Hundred Divisions Seal, the Edict, and dismissed the official palace and the guards. Nong Yin, Yu Sent Jia Yuqing, Wu Jian, Xie Tang, Liu Qi, and Jia Xuan Weng Chong to pray for envoys. On that day, the Great Yuan Army's army on the sand of the Qiantang River did not arrive for three days.  In March, Ding Ugly, entered the DPRK.  May Prophecy, towards Shangdu. Demoted the Kaifeng Yi with the third division, the Duke of Yingguo. In the same month, Chen Yizhong was established in Fuzhou, and in April of the following year, he was killed in Gangzhou, Lu Xiufu and others restored Wei Wang Fu, and three years later began to be peaceful.  Zan yue: Sima Qian on the Qin and Zhao lineages are the same as Bo Yi. Fu Ji, Qi, and Bo Yi all have the world, and as for the short and long fortunes, they are also the thickness of their merits. Although Zhao Song began with the use of martial arts, after the success of the rule, he passed on the family with benevolence, and regarded Qin as a good one. Ran Ren's defeat is weak, that is, Wen's defeat is lost to Yan Ye. The Middle Ages have the desire to strengthen themselves, to reform their enemies, to use their own ways, to tame and disturb. After jianyan and then, the earth was divided, and the six lords died for one hundred and fifty years, is it not enough to maintain the will of a gentleman, and the grace is enough to consolidate the heart of Li Shu? Yingguo ascended the throne at the age of four, while the Heavenly Soldiers crossed the river, and at the age of six, the group of subjects entered the dynasty. Han Liu Xiangyan said: "Confucius on the poetry to 'Yin Shi skin sensitive, naked will be in Beijing.' Sighed: The Great Destiny of Heaven, goodness must not be passed on to heirs, it is rich and impermanent. "Wow! My Emperor Yuan's Ping Song Ye, Wu Yue's people, the city is not easy to wanton. Emperor Shizu ordered the commander of the South to be trained by Song Zu to warn Cao Bin not to kill. The Book says: "The great king's words, the one king's heart." "The foundation of my yuan day is here.  The second king, Duzong Shuzi also. Chang Jianguo Duke was, mother Ofe Yang, Duke of Jiyong, and mother of The Yu clan. Emperor Duzong, Empress Xie summoned Jia Xiangdao and others to the palace to discuss the establishment, and the people thought that it was Chang Dang Li, like the Dao Lord Li Concubine, nai Li and was crowned as the King of Ji and the King of Yuxin. In the first month of the second year of Deyou, Wen Tianxiang Yin Lin'an, please take the second king town of Min and Guang, do not follow, and order the second king to leave the cabinet. Dayuan bing forced Lin'an, Zong's relatives replied to please, Nai Yifeng was the ambassador of Yi wang, Fuzhou, and Fujian, and Yu was the king of Guang, Quanzhou, and The southern foreign zongzheng, with Yang Zhen, Yang Liangjie, and Yu Rujue as the promoters. Dayuan bing to Gaoting Mountain, the town and other Fengzhi to wuzhou. When Xiang Boyan entered Lin'an, he sent Fan Wenhu to send the soldiers to Quwu, summoned the town to the king, and the town had to go immediately, saying: "I will die on the other side to slow down the pursuit of the soldiers." "Liang Jie waited for the king to hide in the mountains on foot for seven days, and his general Zhang Quan began to pursue him with dozens of soldiers, so he went to Wenzhou, and Lu Xiufu and Su Liu Yiji chased after Yu Dao. He sent someone to summon Chen Yizhong to Qing'ao, Yizhong to come to the Gurudwara, and summoned Zhang Shijie to Dinghai, and Shijie also used his troops to come to Wenzhi Jiangxin Temple. When Emperor Gaozong ran south, he tasted that there was a throne in the temple, and the ministers led the weeping seats, and they were dedicated to the marshals of the terracotta warriors and horses of the world. Nai Fa Bing removed the officials, with Xiu Wang and {Xing} as Fujian visiting envoys and appeasement, Zhixi Waizong Zheng, Zhao Jifu Zhi Nan Wai Zong Zheng and Fujian Tong Ti punishment, first into Fujian to care for the people, the same surname. The empress dowager sent two eunuchs to summon King Yuwen with eight soldiers, and it was advisable to sink her soldiers into the river and enter Fujian. Shi Ting and Jianzhu Prefecture fang wanted to descend from Huang Wanshi, and wen was coming, that is, the emissaries who closed the city, and Wanshi sent Liu Jun, Song Zhang, and Zhou Wenying to return.  In May, Yi Weishuo, Yi Zhong was in Fuzhou, thinking that he was the lord of Song, changing Yuan Jingyan, and Chang yang Shufei as empress dowager, and listening to the government. Letter Wang Fu as King Wei. Yizhong was the left chancellor and governor, Li Tingzhi was the right chancellor, Chen Wenlong and Liu Di were the governors, Zhang Shijie was the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, and Lu Xiufu was the privy council secretary who signed the letter. Wu Jun, Zhao Xuan, Fu Zhuo, Li Jue, and Zhai Guoxiu were ordered to separate their troops. Fuzhou was changed to Fu'an Province, and Wenzhou was renamed Ruian Province. Suburban pardon. It was dawn, and there was a loud voice out of the house, and all the people were shocked. Wen Tianxiang returned from the death of Zhenjiang, Gengchen, thinking that he was the right minister and knew the affairs of the Privy Council. He sent Lü Wu into the river, Huai zhao Haojie, and Du Huru to recruit troops from Wenzhou. Guangdong Jing slightly made Xu Zhi forgive Liang Xiongfei and sent Liang Xiongfei to surrender to the Longxing Shuai Mansion, but the false Xiongfei summoned envoys and made him move to Guangzhou. Even if he directly forgives Wen Yili, the right to order Li Sex Dao, the general of the Destroying Army, Huang Jun, and others to refuse to fly at Shimen, the sex road does not fight, Jun defeated and runs to Guangzhou, and directly forgives and abandons the city.  In June, Xiong flew into Guangzhou, and all the generals were given official titles, but Jundu was not allowed to do so, so he was killed by the crowd. Wu Jun gathered troops in Guangchang and took the three counties of Nanfeng, Yihuang, and Ningdu. Zhai Guoxiu took Xiushan, Fu Zhuo to Qu and Xinzhu Counties, and the people should respond to it. Mingwen Tianxiang was the Governor of Tongdu.  In July, Ding You, marched into Nanjian Prefecture to take Jiangxi. In the same month, Wu Jun's army was defeated at Nanfeng, and Zhai Guoxiu heard that the army had arrived, so he was introduced. Fu Zhuo's army was defeated, and the Marshal's Mansion of Jiangxi surrendered. Pingzhang Ali Hague broke through the strict pass, and Ma Ji surrendered to Jingjiang Province.  In August, Zhangzhou was in turmoil, and Chen Wenlong was ordered to serve as an envoy to Min guangxuan to curry favor with him. Jia Shu, Xiu Wang and {Lucky} wei Wu Prefecture. Czi, smell the soldiers, and return. With Wang Jiweng as the fujian punishment, the envoy to the arrest, and the zhinan jianzhou, the three counties of the imperial court, and the three counties of the imperial court, Huang Qi as the same punishment, the envoy to the arrest, and the zhizhangzhou, and the three counties under the imperial government. Zhang Shijie sent troops to help Wu Jun and Marshal Li Heng in battle, and the soldiers were defeated, and Ben Ningdu was defeated. Boom fossil hand rebellion.  In September, Chen Wenlong was reinstated as the Xinghua Army. Xiong Fei, a Dongguan man, guarded The Tide and Hui Erzhou for Huang Shijie, and when he heard zhao, he responded with his troops and attacked Xiong to fly in Guangzhou. Nong Yin, Xiong Fei, Xiong Fei Sui Fu ShaoZhou. Xinhui ordered Zeng Fenglong to command troops to Guangzhou, and Li Sex said hello, and Fei and Fenglong killed him. The Quzhou defender Wei Fuxing fought at Fuxing Bridge and died. Nongzi, Zhao Yu into Guangzhou. It was the month of the month, and the lost soldiers of the Eastern Province were recruited in Fuzhou. Marshals Lü Shikuo and Zhang Rongshi marched into Meiling.  In October, Wen Tianxiang entered Tingzhou. Zhao Dispatched Fenglong on Xiong Fei's army in Nanxiong, and when Fenglong was killed in battle, Xiong flew to Shaozhou. The large army besieged Shaozhou, and the defender Liu Zili surrendered to the city, and flew to lead the soldiers to fight in the alleys, but the soldiers were defeated and died in the water. In January of October, the generals Ashihan and Dong Wenbing, who participated in the government, sent troops to Chuzhou, and Li Jue surrendered to the city. Jia Chen, Xiu Wang and {Xing} fought against Rui'an, observing that Li Shida was killed. Together with {Xing} and his brother Youxu, Zi Mengbei, the overseer Zhao Youge, and The Inspector Lin Wen were executed, all of them died. Ah Thorn Han's troops went to Jianning Province, and the retainer Zhao Chongfeng, Zhi Shaowu's army Zhao Shi reward, and Zhinan Jianzhou Wang Ji weng all abandoned the city. Otomi, is into the sea. The army reached Fu'an Province, and the prefect Wang Gangzhong surrendered to the city. It is to enter Quanzhou and invite Pu Shou Geng to have different aspirations. In the beginning, Shou Geng raised the Quanzhou Shipping Division, and was good at the profiteers for thirty years. It is a boat to the spring, Shou Geng to come to the gurudwara, please stop, Zhang Shijie can not. Or persuade Shi Jie to stay in Shou Geng, then Fan Hai Bao will not let himself follow, Shi Jie will not follow, and will return to him. Then the boat was insufficient, but the boat was plundered and did not have its own money, and Shou Geng was angry and killed the clan chambers and the scholars and the Huai soldiers in the spring. It is a moving chaozhou. It is the month, and the blessings and prosperity are falling. The Yingde guards Ling Mijian and Xu Mengde also fell.  In December, Xin Youshuo, Zhao Abandoned Guangzhou. Yi Ugly, the system of Fang Xing also escaped, Wu Jun retreated into Ruijin. Peng Chen, Pu Shou Geng, and Zhiquan Prefecture Tian Zhenzi descended to the city. Chen Wenlong of the Zhixinghua Army did not fall under the infant city, and Yi You, tong sentenced Cao Chengsun to surrender to the city, and Wen long was executed and died without yielding. It is the sub-Koshi gate.  In the first month of the fourteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty, the army broke through the Ting Pass. 癸巳, Zhixun Prefecture Liu Xing descended. Nong Yin, Wu Jun abandoned Rui Jin, Zhen Fu Kong obeyed into Rui Jin, Wen Tianxiang went to Zhangzhou, and Jun xun returned to Tingzhou and descended. Peng Shen, Zhi Chaozhou Ma Fa and its general judgment Qi Ji Zu descended, decoupled ugly, and returned. Ding Wei, Quan Zhi Meizhou Qian Rongzhi surrendered to the city.  In February, the army reached Guangzhou, and the county man Zhao Ruogang surrendered to the city. All the counties of Guangdong have fallen.  In March, Wen Tianxiang took Meizhou, and Chen Wenlong raised troops from Zi zhan to kill the defender Lin Hua, according to the Xinghua army.  In April, Wen Tianxiang took Xingguo County, Guangdong made Zhang Zhensun attack Guangzhou, and Liang Xiongfei and others abandoned the city and took Shaozhou.  In May, Zhang Shijie took Chaozhou, Wen Tianxiang raised troops from Meizhou out of Jiangxi and into Huichang County, and Zhang Dexing of Huaimin also raised troops to kill Wang Deyuan of Taihu County, and according to Sikong Mountain, captured the Huangzhou and Shouchang armies. Ding Wei, met Xuan Wei Zheng Ding, Zhan Fankou, Ding fell into the water and died.  In June, Wen Tianxiang took the capital. He entered Xingguo County.  In July, troops were sent to Take Ji and Gan counties and besiege Ganzhou. The Hengshan people Zhao Bian and the Fuzhou people all responded whenever they raised an army. Yi Wei, Zhang Shijie besieged Quanzhou, and sent the general Gao Rixin to restore Shao Wu. The Huai soldiers in Fuzhou, who wanted to kill Wang Ji weng to Ying Shijie, were all killed by Ji Weng. Jiangxi Xuan comforted Li Heng to send troops to aid Ganzhou, and he sent troops into Xingguo.  In August, All the generals of Wen Tianxiang were defeated, and the troops, zou Huan, were defeated in Yongfeng, and the troops were also defeated. Self-defeating, confused by the moon, the sky is red. Nongshen and Wen Tianxiang were defeated by Xingguo. The army broke through Sikong Mountain, and Zhang Dexing was defeated and died. Jia Shen, Tianxiang went to the empty pit, the army was defeated, so he stepped forward to follow the state, and all the generals were executed.  In September, the marshal instigated the capital to aid Quanzhou. Peng Shen, Zhang Shijie returned to Shallow Bay. Zuo Chengta sent his troops into Dayuling, and the lost generals who participated in the government retook Shao Wu and entered Fuzhou.  In October, Jia Chen instigated the capital to break the Xinghua Army, and Chen Zhan died. Attacking Chaozhou, Ma Fa refused, but went to attack Huizhou.  In November, the tower went out of Guangzhou. Gengyin, Zhang Zhensun descended to the city. Marshal Liu Shen attacked yu qianwan with a boat division, which was a catwalk mountain. Chen Yizhong entered champa and did not react.  In December, it was to Jing'ao, the hurricane broke the boat, several drowned, and became ill. At the end of the decade, the soldiers began to gather slightly, and the dead were fourteen. Ding Ugly, Liu Shen chased to the Seven States Yang, and Yu Rujue returned.  In the first month of the fifteenth year, the army destroyed the city of Guangzhou. Zhang Shijie sent troops to attack Leizhou, but he did not have to. His own army was in Kefu Prefecture, and the general Wang Ming was guarded.  In February, the army broke through Chaozhou, and the horse died.  In March, Wen Tianxiang took Huizhou, the capital of Guangzhou, Ling Zhen, and the transfer judge Wang Daofu took Guangzhou. He wanted to go to Juzhan City, but it was fruitless, so he stationed in Gangzhou and sent troops to take Leizhou. Zeng Yuanzi came from Leizhou, thinking that he was a political advisor and envoy to Guangxi.  On the fifth day of April, he was killed in Gangzhou, and his subject was called Duanzong. At noon, the crowd also set up a wei wang fu as the main one, with Lu Xiufu as the left minister. It is the month, there is a yellow dragon to see the sea.  In May, it was changed to Yuan Xiangxing. Ethyl unitary, Shenggangzhou is Xianglong County. Zhang Yingke and Wang Used to Take Leizhou, and The Three Battles of Yingke were unfavorable, and the cause was surrendered.  In June, Ding Wei fought again in Leizhou and died. Zhigao Prefecture Li Xiangzu descended. He did not, and moved to Yashan and promoted Guangzhou to Xianglong Province. There is a big star flowing southeast, falling into the sea, and the small star is more than a thousand, and the sound is like thunder, and the moment is already there. He died, Marshal Zhang Hongfan and Li Hengzheng Yashan.  In October, Zhao and Luo, Xie Ming, and Xie Fu guarded Qiongzhou, ali Hague sent Ma Chengwang to recruit, and Luo led his troops to refuse at Baishakou.  In November, the state people were in charge of the fall of Luo.  Leap Moon Gengji, Wang Daofu abandoned Guangzhou. Nong, Ling Zhen. Yan Hai, the army entered Guangzhou. At noon in December, Wang Daofu attacked Guangzhou, and the soldiers were defeated and executed. Ling Zhenbing followed, but was also defeated. Wen Tianxiang walked Haifeng, Nongyin, and was held in Wupoling. The Zhen soldiers were again defeated at Qiantang. The army broke through Nan'an County, and the defender Li Zifa died.  In the first month of the sixteenth year, Zhang Hongfanbing went to Yashan Mountain. At noon, Li Hengbing also came to the meeting. Shi Jie used boats to master the sea, more than a thousand giant ships, the middle ship outside the ship, through the big rope, surrounded by buildings such as the city, living in it. The army attacked, and the ship stood still. And he carried the grass in a boat, and with anointing grease, he set it on fire by the wind. The ships were covered with mud, and long logs were tied to resist the fire boat, and the fire could not be burned.  In February, Shi Jiebu lowered Chen Bao. He was killed, and Zhang Da attacked the camp at night, and many people were lost. There is black gas out of Shanxi. Li Heng took advantage of the early tide to retreat to the north, and Shi Jie fought to the death with Huai soldiers. At noon, Zhang Hongfan attacked his south, and the north and south were attacked by the enemy, and the soldiers were tired and unable to fight. Russia has a boat and a flag servant, and the flags of all boats are servants. Governor Shi Jie went, but drew elite troops into the Chinese army. The armies collapsed, and Zhai Guoxiu and Tuan Lian made Liu Jun and others disarm and surrender. The army to the Chinese army will be twilight, and the wind and rain, the fog is blocked, and there is no distance between them. Shi Jie Nai and Su Liu Yi broke off the wei and went away with more than ten boats, Lu Xiufu took the Wei Wang Zhou, the Wang Zhou was large, and the boats were knotted, and they could not leave, but they were thrown into the sea, and the harem and the ministers were mostly from the dead, and on seven days, the floating corpses came out of the sea more than 100,000 people. When Empress Yang heard of her death, she mourned: "I endured the hardships of death to this point, and I am a piece of meat for the Zhao clan, and now there is no hope!" "Then he went to the sea to die, and Shi Jie buried on the seashore, and Shi Jie drowned himself." Song died.  Zan: The death of Song is not a day. After a long time, Allah the imperial family, and the widow of the Song Dynasty, who only worshiped the second king as a conspiracy on the sea, can be said to have not known the destiny of heaven. However, if a man is loyal to what he does, he can also be sad!

【Liechuan 140】 The History of Song, Tu, Arutu, etc. Fan Rugui Wu Cousin Wang Juzheng Yan Dun Fu Huang Gui Nian Cheng Yu Zhang Xianghong Proposed Zhao Kui Fan Ru Gui, Zi Boda, Jianzhou Jianyang people. Less from the uncle Hu Anguo received "Spring and Autumn". Dengjin Shidi was awarded the title of Commander of the Left Lang and Wu'an Army. From the beginning to the end, the marshal will behead people, such as Gui Bai's mistake, the marshal is not easy to sign. Ru Gui Zheng se said: "Why should you emphasize the life of a person instead of counting people's lives?" "Handsome from it. Since the government has no big or small affairs to consult. Stay for months, to worry about it. The Jiangdong Pacification Division writes the script. The close minister recommended, summoned the secretary of the province orthography, and moved the school secretary lang and the history museum to check the survey.  Qin Juniper tried to build a peace agreement, and the Jin envoys came, and there was no place in the museum, and the virtual secretary was omitted to punish it. Ru Gui urgently saw Zhao Ding, the prime minister: "The secret house, the hiding place of the Mo Xun, can make the enemy live in the middle of it?" "It was changed to a museum. Even if Jin makes him extremely arrogant, he cannot be followed by many opinions, and he is indignant at home and abroad. Ru Gui and more than a dozen people from the same province discussed and neglected to argue, and there was grass, and the people who were frightened and led were many. Ru Gui du wrote a book to rebuke Juniper for learning from Qu and forgetting the sin of hating and insulting the country, and said: "The public does not lose his heart, but for this reason, he will leave a stink for all the worlds!" "Hinoki. The grass and the six historians are on it.  Jin returned to Henan, and Juniper thought it was meritorious. For example, Guilun said: "Since the territory of the two capitals has entered, then the Nine Temples and the Eight Tombs are within easy reach, and the envoys of the current dynasty have not been dispatched, so why comfort the gods and gather the people's aspirations?" Emperor Xuanran said, "Fei Qing didn't hear this." "On the same day, the sect members were ordered to fold and Zhang Tao to do it. Hinoki does not whiten himself first, but is angry.  If Gui Gui instructed him to go, Feng Coffin was buried in his hometown, and he was sent to be in charge of the Taizhou Chongdao Temple. Du Men was more than ten years old, and he was sentenced to Shaozhou and jingnan province. There are hundreds of thousands of old household registrations in Jingnan, and there are no traces after the chaos, and when the money is collected, one hundred have not been repaid. The speakers were hopeful, and the flow of the people was immersed in the accumulation of more than 200,000 taels, and he was also responsible for hundreds of thousands, and the responsibility of the book under Cao Ri was very urgent. Summoning Gui Bai Shuai, Singing The Cockroach.  Juniper died, and was ordered to be right, saying: "In order to cure people, we must know people first, and know people to be pure in heart and desire." "Very well spoken. Another commentary: "The southeast does not lift the custom of raising children, hurting people's reason, please cite the Han "Fetal Raising Order" to live in full life, or also to practice the meaning of life and gathering to repay Wu." "The emperor is good at what he says. He also played: "The law of the present Tun Tian, what the years have gained, the officials have done their best." And the pawns of the field gave clothes and food as before, so that those who were strong had no hope of winning, and the lazy farmers had no worries about hunger, greedy for small profits, lost big plans, sought near-term results, and hindered long-term plans, so they did not succeed for a long time. It is advisable to use jing and Huai kuang soil, painted as a hill well, antique auxiliary law, not for the section, and for the government service law, then the agricultural profit repair and the armed preparation. With the Zhi Secret Cabinet, the Jiangxi Changping Tea Supervisor moved to Lizhou Road to mention the prison, and asked the shrine for illness. When the clan was built together, the storage position was undecided, and the road was plagiarized. If Gui gui is far away, alone and deeply worried, he plays thirty-six chapters of Zhang Fan among the famous ministers of Hehe and Jiayou, which are combined into one book, and the seal is dedicated, please examine the words of the group deeply, look up to the teacher into the constitution, and judge that there is no doubt. Or to overstep the line, as Gui Said: "Guilty of this, regret!" The emperor felt that he was an assistant minister: "Ru Gui can be described as loyal." "On the same day, the edict took the king of Pu'an County as the crown prince and entered the feudal king. Revival is like Guizhi Quanzhou.  In the southern outer sect official's administration of the county, the situation was violent, and the number of forbidden soldiers was hundreds, such as Gui yi fa righteous righteousness, the zongguan was frustrated, and the secret was infiltrated to go to Ru Gui, so he gave up the middle purpose and led the shrine as before. Shao Wu lived in a lofty position, the scholar was high, and the scholar was questioned. Died at the age of fifty-nine.  If Gui Zhongxiao is honest, he will be rewarded by heaven. Its learning is rooted in the scriptures, not as useless texts. Thousands of words were said in the eyes of the grass, but before they could reach it, Zhang Jun looked at the teacher's day, played his family to take it, and did not do anything. There are ten volumes, all of which are sparsely discussed and hidden at home. The son reads the ancestors, reads the virtues, and reads the zi.  Wu Biaochen, Zi Zhengzhong, Yongjia ren. Deng Daguan entered the priesthood for three years and was promoted to the post of Governor of Tongzhou. Chen Ou lived in the middle of the county, and he saw it at first sight. The grand chapter, Zhu Mian Dangye, tasted the city maid, there were military ministers who forcibly took it, and the chapter was falsely accused of crimes, and it was imprisoned. Cousin Fang Fengzhi, the county general said: "Do you know that there is a grand waiting to be controlled?" "If the cousin pretends not to know, he will straighten out his business." Tired officials supervise the imperial history and move to the right side.  Emperor Gaozong commanded Chen Da's interests, and his cousins asked for measures to be taken to the upper class to zhang situation, An Ji Huaidian to establish a domain, choose a militia to guard the danger, and gather the sea to prepare for the situation. Its tactics are more useful. Emperor Fangxiang Confucianism, cousins beg to choose lecturers to be sacred, and in ancient and modern successes and failures, people's feelings are false, border defense interests, and detailed and exquisite. By the edict to open the feast. There are those who invite Cai Jing and Wang Yi to use the party of Cai Jing and Wang Yi, and yu shi Shen and Qiu Qiming point to their people, showing their responsibilities, displeasing with the government, and depriving them of their positions. The cousins argued: "The Taiwan Counsel is the eyes and ears of the Son of Heaven, so it is not the blessing of the state to prevent hoodwinks and to prevent adultery and evil, and if you blame him for being straight and straight, and depose him, whoever dares to speak up later is not a blessing for the state." Please also open the way with the seeker. When the time is defensive, the defenders of the border are elected, and they lack talent. Cousin Chen: "Tang Xiao repeated his words to Emperor Dezong, Chen Shaoyou was concurrently a general, the first defeated minister, the subordinate of the Wei Gao shogunate, du Jianzhongyi, and the town of Huainan in the place of Gao. If good and evil are clear, then the world knows the principle of disobedience, and at first it is not suspected that gao is a lowly official. Now that he who has tried to be faithful and unyielding, he who has tried it and does not use it inferiorly, can he persuade him, and he can also rely on it. So Chen Min and a dozen other people were immersed in employment. For a long time, please make up for the illness, and know Shinshu to the Direct Secretary Cabinet.  In the first year of Shaoxing, he was summoned to Si Xun Langzhong and moved to Zuo Si. Chen Yuguo, a hundred officials of the Zhao Dynasty, made a strong military strategy, and the subordinates offered ten things to dedicate, that is: to reclaim idle land for taxation, to save cowards to save military expenses, to add redundant personnel to strike and add redundant personnel, to stop the time to make teeth, to detain tenants to prevent dryness, to entrust the ministers to control the state, to reward meritorious generals, to recruit archers to save old books, to buy strictly and buy to eliminate bad luck, and to suppress the sores and wrinkles.  The prime minister proposed to be a courtier, and the emperor said: "The emperor will use it for himself." "Then remove the Left Counselor." In the matter, Juan Guo was dismissed as a matter of discord, and the cousin left him behind. Former Prime Minister Zhu Sheng was not the same as the governor of Jiang and Huaijunma, and his cousins said that they could not stop. Except for the waiter who reads, and who is tired and neglectful, does not listen, and stops. The cousin sent the official department. Huang Yancheng of Taizhou was appointed to the prison of Zhejiang Province, and was summoned as a secretary and a young prisoner, and he also practiced the Records of Emperor Zhezong.  Emperor Ru Jiankang, a courtier and retainer of the Imperial Household, except for zhongshu sheren, shizhong, and bingbu waiter. The Dukes of Jian and Chongguo were foreign fu and yishan. Emperor Yue: "The Two Kingdoms have been practicing well, and Qing Li is also." "Servant of the Migration Department, Shangshu of the Migration Department and Hanlin Bachelor." Shi Qin Juniper wanted to make the jin discuss the land boundary, and pointed to the government affairs hall: "You can sit here when you return." The cousin did not answer. And with great courtesy, he dismissed.  Russia rises to know Wuzhou. Will be a big water, a often square meter of vibration loans, and then to smell, the county people moral. The most class, except for shiki bunko to be made. At the age of three, he invited the temple, entered the Straight Bachelor, and raised the Taiping Xingguo Palace in Jiangzhou. Home for several years, died, sixty-seven years old.  When the cousin was called Zhanran, and when he was dressed in the same cloth, the township theory deduced his clearance.  Wang Juzheng, zigangzhong, a native of Yangzhou. Less studious, working and writing. Those who enter the Taixue and study the "New Scriptures" and "The Sayings of the Characters", the master is highly elected, and the people who live in the right language know: "Poor people sometimes reach themselves, and the right and wrong of the heart can be changed from evil?" After more than ten years of exile, Siye Huang Qi dewen said: "Wang Zuocai also." "And tongzhi tribute, who wants to be promoted to the head, to the wind and the many soldiers, he holds it by the examiner, and places the second choice." An Rencheng and Jingzhou Professors of Raozhou did not go. The two marshals of Daming and Zhenjiang handed over the teaching of the government, and they were not.  Fan Zongyin recommended yu Chao, summoned to, and said Zong Yin Yue: "The times are so dangerous, the public is not extremely learned, and in the process of pulling out the yuan yuan and destroying the charcoal, who is still to be waited?" Ju Zheng avoided Kou Yang's envy of the mountains, and reluctantly came out to see the public, and this intention was made. Zong Yin was ashamed. Enter the pair, play: "The old man had a cloud: 'The king thinks it is difficult, and it is easy to be dead.'" 'Today's affairs are difficult for the imperial court, so it should be easy to do. However, the country's strength is getting weaker and weaker, and the enemy is becoming more and more arrogant, so why is it evil? The people of the past were reluctant to do it by those who were in distress, but now they think it is difficult, and they will no longer do something, so that They will return by Providence and kill themselves by strong enemies. At the end of Xuanhe, think that the victims are fifteen or sixteen, and it is difficult for Jingkang and Xuanhe? At the end of Jing Kang, I think that the victims are eighteen or nineteen, and it is difficult for Jianyan and Jing Kang? From this point of view, although today is difficult than the day before, is it not difficult to know that other days are not difficult today? Gai Xuanhe thought it was difficult, so there was the disaster of Jingkang; Jingkang thought it was difficult, so there was today's worry. Now and then, the minister can't bear to hear it. Emperor Gaozong Jiazhi and Emperor Yin said: "If Wang Juzheng is a talent, it is fortunate to have one person in the years." In addition to Dr. TaiChang, the emigration department member Wai Lang. It is recommended that the heavens and earth be sacrificed in the Ming Hall, please worship Taizu and Taizong, Zong Yin is it, and it is agreed that the heavens and the earth will be combined. Serving Yu Shi Shen and asking for impeachment of Zong Yin, because of Ju Zheng, Zong Yin went, Ju Zheng begged for compensation, and was not allowed. Fuzhou Shougao Weiyan Ganlu descended on the Xiangfu Temple of the State, and was dedicated to the figure. Ju Zheng's theory today is not the time when heaven descends on auspicious rui, but its map.  Try tai often Shaoqing and the revision of the political bureau to discuss, moved to Julang. Emperor Fangxiang Rules, Ju Zhengci in his previous life listened to the matter for the fifteen volumes of the "Collection of Advice", with the intention of Emperor Guang. The edict visited the courtiers at the time, and Ju Zheng offered thousands of words, on the province of Fei Youche, saying: "Song Xing has been doing many things in the 173 years. Now His Majesty has done what he knows, and he will stay in the middle of nowhere for one day or two days, and he wants to do everything for the sake of the one hundred and seventy-three years, not the so-called change of knowledge. The husband does not know that at any time to save trouble, but to save money as he pleases, so today's example has been halved, in fact, it has not been heavy. May the chancellor calculate the truth of Pepsi and decide that he will not prepare the enemy, let the sages enable, and inspire the people, and if everything is tolerated, then the province will be spared and the country will be prosperous. Ju Zhengsu and Qin Junshan, Juniper is in power, and Ju Zheng is very sharp in the world, and what he says is not rewarded. Ju Zheng was suspicious and saw the emperor's words: "Qin Juniper tasted the language of the courtiers: 'Chinese but in front of the clothes and eating, the total plan is zhongxing. Submit to his words. He also said to himself, 'If the juniper is made into phases for several months, it will stir up the whole world.' 'Now for the sake of reciprocal giving, may Your Majesty ask juniper with the hearing of his subjects. "Juniper, out of the right to know Wuzhou." The old system of Gongluo, the old system of 10,000 horses, Chongning increased fivefold, Jianyan was reduced to 20,000. In the end, the planner asked to restore chongning's number, Ju Zhengli said to the dynasty, the household inspector was more and more interesting, Ju Zheng was not able to do it, and said that he belonged to him: "I wish to sit down, not to tire the kings." The official paid for the document: "That is, there is condemnation, so as to explain itself." "Five no's" to smell. Zhao Ru Jianyan in the number. Caosi City Royal Charcoal, bearded walnut, oriole pigeon color, Ju Zheng said: "The people who take charcoal as their own business, lead the way to live in the valley, anzhi so-called walnut text, oriole pigeon color yes? "Enter the DPRK to hear it, and stop it."  Summoned as Taichang Shaoqing, he moved to the residence and power of zhongshu sheren and shiguan repair. The emperor wanted to move Zhao LingTM Dazhong Dafu, Ju Zhengsheng: "Officials cannot be transferred without attendants, this ancestral law, if TM is moved by a shu official, then the clan is the undertaker, and does not spiral and seek moderation, why not?" "He died." The calligraphers Chen Dong and Ouyang Che had already been given official titles, and Ju Zheng begged huang Qianshan and Wang Boyan to show the beauty of the second son's killing. The general Zhang Jun (張俊) was sent to Pengze (彭泽), the county official, and the emperor deposed Yan Gong (怙俊勢) to insult guo yan (郭彦恭之), and The emperor (怙彦恭) was deposed. Ju Zhengyan said: "Yan Gong is not afraid of the strong and is not guilty." Jun also begged for exemption from military service, and Ju Zhengyan said: "Since the rise of the army, the scholars and the Xunqi family have enlisted and appointed households, and they have wanted to be noble and lowly, to help the state affairs, to forgive the people's strength, but Jun can't understand this? Hezhou asked Gong to enter the great gift silk, juzheng said: "The great gift is the sincerity of the courtiers, and at the beginning it is not the property of the imperial court that is taken from the people, and if the people's strength is out of nowhere, they cannot pre-surrender the will, so that the prefecture and county are self-proclaimed, and it is not right, and it is begging as soon as requested." Except for those who have their own eyes, Ju Zheng plays: "Nearly xi please entrust, enter the proposed not from the imperial court, the relationship is not light." "In order to record the Emperor's edict to advance." Tygina.  Concurrently, he was a bachelor's college, and he was also removed from the military department. Entering into the right, those who do not conform to the Tao in the words of Wang Anshi's father and son have obtained forty-two articles, called "Discernment", on top. He also said, "Your Majesty's study of the Evil Anshi, tasted in the Sacred Heart, and its drawbacks are at peace?" Emperor Yue: "The study of An Shi, mixed with Bo Dao, wants to emulate the martingale rich country and strong soldiers, today's disaster, people know the sins of Cai Jing and Wang Yi, but do not know that they were born in An Shi." Ju Zhengyi said, "An Shi has offended more than that of the world." "Because Chen Anshi exegetically has no father and no king. Emperor Zuo said, "Isn't it harmful to the name and the cult?" Mencius's so-called heresy is exactly what it means. "Ju Zheng retreated, and the preamble emperor language was at the beginning of the "Discernment".  Out of Rao Prefecture, looking for Ji Prefecture. The attendant Shi Xie Zuxin impeached Ju Zheng for being violent and deceitful, dumping the ministers, dismissing officials, and holding the residence for three years. His brother Lang Ju xiujin, the emperor said, "Brother Qing is safe now?" Line big use. Zhongshu Sheren Liu Dazhong served the emperor, on the system of the curse, the emperor said: "Wang Juzheng is extremely proficient in the body of the word subject." The attendant Shi Xiao Zhen discussed whether to keep the order xian or not, and emperor Juju was guarding Wu Wu to avoid gongluo and yutan, and said: "The guards love the people like this, and they are worried about it." " From Wenzhou. It is the time for the juniper to monopolize the country, Ju zheng knows that he is not tolerated, and he asks the temple with his eyes, DuMen, and does not speak in time, and the guest is only talking about the scriptures and history. Juniper is finally jealous, and in the wind, He Zhu impeached Ju Zheng for Zhao Ding, deceived the world and stole his name, seized his post and worshipped the temple, and spent ten years. Hinoki died and was reinstated. Shaoxing died in the twenty-first year, at the age of sixty-five.  Ju Zhengyi looked at Feng Wei and his voice was loud. The Bong Lu Ban brother clan, no one left. Suburban Qi'en was allowed to let his brother Ju Hou, and the pawn, Ji Zi Yu Cloth. According to the Six Classics, Yang Shiqizhi, out of the "Three Classics of Righteous Discernment", showed Ju Zhengyi: "I lift up its end, and the son becomes my zhi." Ju Zheng felt strongly, and the first and last ten years were thirteen volumes of "Book Discernment", twenty volumes of "Poetry Discernment", five volumes of "Zhou Li Dialectics", and one volume of "Discernment Collection". Ju Zheng entered seven volumes of his book, and Yang Shi's "Three Classics of Righteous Discernment" was also listed in the secret house, and the two books were both done, and the world did not repeat Wang's study.  Yan Dun fu character Jing Chu, great-grandson of Xiang Xiangshu. Less learning from Cheng Yi, Yi Qizhi. The first jinshi is the judge of the Imperial Observatory. At the beginning of Shaoxing, the minister recommended and summoned the examination hall post, not on it. Specially appointed the ancestral department Lang official, moved the official department, to abide by the law, Lu Yihao, out of Guixi County. There will be those who will be directed by Dunfu, change the sentence to Linjiang Army, summon the official Lang Official, Zuo SiZhi, and Quan Zhizhong, and do the official affairs of the Zhongshu Menxia Province.  Huaixi Xuanfu made Liu Guangshi ask Huaidong private field Yi Huai Xitian, Emperor Xuzhi. Dun Fu said: "Guang Shi Shuai, together with him, did not hear of any measures for the imperial court, but first yi private acres." For example, Yue Fei's subordinate officials interfered with the imperial court with private affairs, and fei asked for more crimes, calling it beautiful at home and abroad, saying that there were ancient sages and generals. Guangshi himself will not fly down, begging to show Guangshi with his courtiers, and ordering the manager Huainan to take care of the people, thinking that the capital will be built and healthy, and ZTE has a period, and what is the problem of private planning. "The Imperial Attendant of the Ministry of Power and the Edict of the Detailed Division."  After crossing the river, shushi was created, and the four choices of The Fado ruled. Dun Fu Su is just strict, the official department, please say no, Quan Zong Ping Yun, except for the matter. On the winter solstice festival, the ministry of ceremonies is ordered to take the four hundred gifts. Dun Fu sang: "Soldiers are prosperous and expensive, and those who can help to use the degree should be especially sorry, the two palaces are far away, And Your Majesty wants to take this decree festival, and wants to worship a long life that is unattainable, and there is a si nai who wants to take the usual routine celebration?" "Go to bed. There are pawns who have lost their posts, and they have been given the will to give evidence, and the tai doctor Wu Qiu has been exempted from the examination, and the Dun fuxing: "The slightest of a pawn, even the blasphemy of the holy cong, the medical officer is exempt from the examination, all of them are bad into the law." Since Chongning and Daguan, the traitors have deceived and deceived, taken orders on the spot, called 'dark command', the discipline has been corrupted, tamed to cause danger and chaos, and the previous evils are being followed, and they cannot be long-lasting. Wang Boyanzi summoned his heirs to remove the Jiangxi Superintendent, and Dun Fu commented: "Boyan is treacherous and misguided, and his son has no talent and hope, and it is difficult to clarify." "Changed to YuanZhou." He also played: "Summoning an heir shall neither be a superintendent nor a retainer." "In the right province for two months, he refuted all twenty-four matters, and the deliberators were afraid. Reverted to the rank of servant of the bureaucracy.  Comet sees, and asks for bluntness. Tun Fuquan: "Xi Kangcheng is deeply feared for 'the wise men hiding, the four people moving their professions, the upper and lower levels of each other, the incorruptibility and shame, the destruction of reputation and the truth, and the bluntness of the deaf'. The subject tastes that are already the things that he has already said, and most of them are based on the right and left and right, and the treachery and evil are skillful to divert the intention of the lord. If they are righteous and upright, they can make the magi hide; if they create trouble, they can cause the four peoples to move their jobs; if they are in trouble, they can make the upper and lower levels move; their false favors and steal power, and the drums and customs, can make the honesty and shame disappear; their false deeds and deeds can make the reputation and reputation chaotic; and their concealment and cleverness can make them speak out. The subject is willing to guard against the slightest deviation, so as to help the truth of heaven. Another commentary: "Bilai Baisi refuses to take responsibility, trivial matters are determined by the province, things are improper, and those who annoy heaven and listen to it take more purposes." By being the ruler of the zaizhi, there is no reduction in the division, the Son of Heaven listens, and every detailed affair, not so for the government. May it be larger and slightly more detailed. "For eight years, the envoys sent by the Jin dynasty should be made to perform difficult rituals, commandments and obedience, and the precepts of the Platform. Dun Fu said: "The two envoys of Jin, who directly promise to talk about peace, do not fear me, and know that they are not tempting me." And if he is said to be subservient to himself, he will yield to me in all things, and he will yield to me by other things. In the name of the edict, the envoys sent today want His Majesty to be easy to obey and accept, and they also want to divide the court and resist the ceremony. From the first and second of them, then you can order me from now on, and if there is a slight violation, that is, it will become a provocation, and the survival of the society will be in its hands. Shi Qin Juniper Fang li praised himself and said that the foreign discussions arose, and although the plan was determined, he did not dare to act. If Gou Long Ruyuan said that it is advisable to choose someone as a Taiwan official, so that the dissenting theories can be struck away, then the matter will be completed. Therefore, Ru Yuan, Shi Tingchen, and General Mo all held important places, and everyone was shocked. Dun Fu and Shangshu Zhang Tao said: "The day before Ruyuan won the middle of the meeting with the annexation and the discussion, and now Shi Tingchen has used this to stomp across the bed, and the public opinion is boiling, and the square and cutting teeth are square, and Mo will use this to promote the right history." Fu Ruyuan and his courtiers are mediocre, but if they know and wait, they will also be traitors, so why should His Majesty break off the country with this generation? Begging and expelling, Du Qun's door is in vain, and the force is a strategy for autonomy and self-improvement. "It is also in the same class as Tao and competes." Juniper's personal edict Dun Fu said: "The public can be bent and obeyed, and the two places can be reached at once and for all." Dun Fu said: "I will not miscalculate the country for the sake of myself, and the nature of jiang gui will become more and more spicy when I get old, please don't say anything." "The juniper cannot bend.  Hu Quan Zhaozhou, Lin'an sent weapons to the degrading station. Dun Fu went to see the retainer Zhang Chengyue: "The prime minister is well known to the world, and the ancestors were rebuked for their words and deeds, and it is better for those who open the seal." "Cheng is ashamed, for the sake of recovery." Under the system, the pilgrims congratulated each other, and Dunfu had a unique sad color: "Adulterers are compatible." Zhang Zhiyuan and Wei Xi heard about it, and they were all exaggerated by their words. As for the deception, Dun Fu said to the people: "If the traitors of Qin are spoken of, and the kings do not think so, the present fang dictatorship will dare to do so, so why won't he go to Yahweh one day?" The official Shangshu and the envoy of the Jiang, Huai and other roads were made. In the story, the attendant passes through the prime minister's cabinet, and if he retreats, the prime minister will send a few steps. Dun Fu saw that juniper did not try to send it, and every time he said: "Man will insult himself and then he will insult him." "In addition to the invitation, with baowenge zhizhi quzhou, lift up the Bozhou Mingdao Palace." He lived idle for several years, at the age of seventy-one.  Dun Fu was silent as if he could not speak, and there was no way to avoid the establishment of the dynasty. The emperor said: "Qing Qiao is bold and bold, and it can be said that there is no way to be bold." " Year of the Yellow Turtle, Character Deshao, Fuzhou Yongfu people. Deng Chongning entered the army for five years, transferred to the army of The Governor of Huanzhou, and raised the bachelor of Hebei West Road. Lu Yihao was surprised to see this and became a doctor of Taichang.  In the first year of Jing Kang's reign, in addition to the official Wailang, he paid homage to the inspector Yushi, sought out the Shang Shu Zuo Division's wailang, zhongshu menxia inspected the official affairs of the house, and served as a reviewer of the political bureau. Beg the inspector to check the entrance to the division, and the emperor obeyed him. Shi Yihao re-faced, planted the party to pour Qin Juniper, led Zhu Shengfei to the Beijing Ancestral Hall and read it, feared that hu Anguo, a scholar of the Zhongshu House, would not be able to hold the record of Huang, and specially ordered the Guinian Book, and the deliberators ridiculed him for invading the officials.  The Imperial Attendant in the Temple. The meeting reported that Wang Lun had returned, impeached the juniper in the year of the turtle, and the depression was restored, and the party's monopoly on power was gradually not long. The book says: "The way of a courtier who hears a word and does what he does is loyal, and the sin is greater than that of the deceitful king; the way of the government is known as the way of the government, and the sin is greater than that of the selfish self." Those who are subjects who betray the public and favor their own interests are punished with indiscriminate punishment. If the Lord of the People is concerned about his adultery, he will join the Party in making peace, and he will be in harmony with the Week, and the Lord will be deceived. Therefore, the party that attaches itself to the top is prosperous, and the handle of weifu is moved down, and there are insurmountable disasters. Fushimi Qin Juniper was still from the Jin Kingdom, and His Majesty suddenly took office, and within a year he surpassed Zaifu, but he disregarded the country, stole the blessings of his own, and wanted to stop talking forever. "In the book, Juniper dismissed, and impeached the Juniper Wang Yi, Wang Hao, and Wang Shoudao, all of whom were dismissed. Juniper was conferred the title of Guan Wendian Scholar and raised the Jiangzhou Taiping Temple, and the official was as it was. The Year of the Turtle also played: "Compared with the juniper who deceives the king for personal gain, the punishment of the canon, and the surrender of the people to the land of the people, in order to charm the emperor." Although His Majesty Qu Quan's courtesy was revealed, Qin Juniper's adultery was exposed, and he regained his favor with the highest title of Confucianism, and he toured the Linguan and listened to it freely. The law breaks the group of thieves, and they will divide the heads and obeys, and those who follow them have already been punished, and can they leave the canal alone? He also said: "The subject hears that grace is more than the father and son, and righteousness is more important than the king." Unrighteousness is followed by kings, and unkindness is left to one's relatives. Since the monarch is a prince, why should he be jealous and not do it? Hinoki is thick and affectionate, pretentious and hypocritical, entering the power of the monarch, yang is the face of obedience; retreating from the adultery of Pengbi, plotting to be depressed. The upper is not afraid of His Majesty, the middle is not afraid of the ministers, the lower is not afraid of the world's opinions, and there is no fear of this. If you deceive the king and your own selfishness, you can be deposed, but how many people are deceitful and selfish? "Zhang Fan Sanshang, then the hinoki juniper post." Repeat the previous chapter: "Juniper acts in a deceitful way, shrinks outward and is evil, takes the position by trickery, steals back the handle of the country, summons the dangerous man, and forms a party with him." His Majesty discerned it early with wisdom, and with the speed of his decision- and went away, so he raised his hands in celebration and covered the same evil ears as the public world. His Majesty may invent an edict to conceal evil and violence in the world with the subliminal potential, so that he knows that His Majesty's number of phases is really unavoidable; therefore, he is broken into the treacherous courage of the subjects, and the wind of Shu Pengbi will no longer be done. "In addition to the too often Shaoqing, the people who have moved from the house and the zhongshu house are also given to the matter."  The imperial attendant often said the same thing as the minister of the turtle year, the king of the land, and the generals, the fun is not right, and the return is returned. Si Zhi Zhan Dafang Xi Juniper impeached the Turtle Year attached to the bandits, disdainful, dismissed, and lived in the original place. 卒, sixty-three.  When the turtle was young, Yongfu Book Li Chao Jingqizhi, Xu wife and daughter. In the year of the turtle, the first is ascended, and the pilgrimage is dead, and the family is very poor. Or persuade the turtle year not to marry, the turtle year is the color of the color: "I promise, death and bear it, how to stand on their own." "Marry him." Ren Zi'en, the son of his brother, is righteous to all. Zi Heng, Shi to Hunan lifted.  Cheng Yu (程瑀), zi Boyu, Raozhou Fuliang people. His aunt Zang's wife, Yang Yu as a son, Gu Wu, the original surname. There are few sound too learning, try for the first, tired officials to school scriveners. For Zang's parents, serve The Soldier, except for the soldiers. Suitable for Goryeo to return, full of companions. First, the emissaries traveled back and forth between Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the boatmen were very disturbed, and there was an edict prohibiting them. Lifting up the man Wang Xun to paint a farewell edict, encountering the wind and water and shiring Xu Tunfu. Yu Duhuai, seeing that Min Ding Bang Zhou was as it was, he impeached Xun, and Xun rebelled against yu The edict ordered Huainan to raise Pan Lianggui to verify, and Lianggui played Xun Xun's words.  The Golden Man invaded, ask for the messenger, please go. Before he could do so, Emperor Huiqinzong took the throne, discussed the cession of the three towns, and ordered Yu to go to Hedong and Qin Juniper to the river. Yu Song: "The subject is willing to serve the envoy, but does not want to cut the land." "Don't report. By the middle of the mountain, the generals had received the secret edict, and the city could not be defended. Yu and Jin sent Wang Weiju to Yanshan. In addition, in addition to Zuo Zhengyan, that is, the minister of the Humerus, Mo Ken, who is in charge of the affairs of the world, and said: "Those who want to worship the ancestors and pursue no tricks, who want to rebuke the eunuchs and spoil Ren Yijian, who want to hoe the evil and show leniency punishment, who want to eliminate abuse and tolerate luck, who listen to but cannot do what they say, who are appointed but cannot blame them for their effects, who are willing to repeat their habits, who are privately immersed in the party, and who are the most ills of the times." The emperor said, "I don't know this, I am worried about it, and I am determined to do it without hearing it." Yu Yue: "Things should be careful, but gentle and continuous, and practical deeds." The emperor asked, "Li Gangxuan caressed the two roads, what is the meaning of foreign discussion?" Yu Yue: "It is appropriate to argue." However, the discussion with the minister before the program was not in line, and it was necessary to rely on Shengming to examine his heart, and it was undoubtedly possible to let it go. The Jin chieftain did not want to reconcile, sticky Han wanted to fight, and the imperial court sent people to follow the wax book to see the remaining things, all of which were obtained by sticky Han. Yu Yin said: "The Jin soldiers have surrounded me in an important town, and they cannot be solved for several months, so how can they go out of the country of conspirators." Mo Ruo sent envoys to negotiate peace, but he was cautious and prepared for the side, and Xu watched the changes. "Make not OK. Yu Fu said: "Xu Is vulgar, Wu Min is cowardly, Tang Ke is dangerous, and political affairs are not vibrant." Please do your best to spare, don't choose the wise, and plan a big plan. "Tijana' it.  When Yushi Li Guangyan said that the stars had changed, the emperor was suspicious and asked Yu Yu, saying: "Your Majesty does not ask whether there is or is not, and the first thing to cultivate morality, then the mutation can be eliminated." On Cai Jing's crime, the emperor said that Wu Min pi jing, and doubted the light dang jing, saying:"Xu Qing made a text." "Excuse me. Changed to Tun Tian Lang official, who added to supervise the Zhangzhou tax supervision.  Emperor Gaozong ascended the throne and was summoned as a sifeng official, wailang, and moved Guanglu Shaoqing and Guozi Siye. Please shrine, in charge of Bozhou Mingdao Palace. Seek the call to go and walk, and spare ten things to give. In addition to the Zhi Secret Cabinet and the Jiangdong Prison, he was summoned as a Taichang Shaoqing and moved to the ministry and attendant.  The purpose of the establishment and repair of the political bureau is to save the province of Fei Yuguo and strengthen the army and the people. Fourteen things on the strip are all current affairs. Shi San was weak, and most of the five armies were out of thievery, and yu said: "Li Peng and Cui Zengsheng each took their disciples, Zhang Jun and Wang Xie had no military aircraft, and now that Lü Yihao is on the expedition, he can make Li Rong act." Emperor Yin said: "Yi Hao is familiar with the military, the general generals outside, the juniper in the imperial court, the shu several internal and external corresponding, but the juniper is honest, but too clingy." "It is extremely rare to seek vigilance and obedience, but if you are not honest, you will not be able to rely on it." "Emperor Ranzhi."  Kwon Bang Yan except for the privy council that signed the book, said that Bang Yan had five sins, neglected three, and did not report it. Please stop, except for the soldiers, do not worship, and wait for the Zhixin Prefecture to be controlled by the Shiwen Pavilion. Waiting for Yu Shijiang Gong And Zuo Si Fang Gong Meng Qing not to go, he thought that he would give it to the matter. After a long time, he was reinstated to Zhixin Prefecture. Hu Anguo and Liu Yi stopped saying: "Yu Zhongxin can be prepared for acceptance, integrity can be the wind and constitution, it is not appropriate to go." "So I stayed. Yi Hao recommended Xi Yi, who had obtained the will, and took the imperial instructions to the provincial officials. Yu Yue: "Don't you know why you need to use it?" Yi Haoyue: "Don't you see the Imperial Approval?" Yu Yue: "I have seen it." The gong can't play it, but first shows it to the elders, so that he doesn't dare to argue against Yahweh? However, the benefits come, and the non-public welfare also comes. "Yi Hao is arrogant, that is, impeachment. Before long, the speaker stopped, lifted the Bozhou Mingdao Palace, searched for the Hui You Pavilion to be made, knew Fuzhou, and did not have any, and raised the Jiangzhou Taiping Xingguo Palace.  Parents are mourned, removed, Zhiyan Prefecture, Migration Xuanzhou, And Restoration Shrine. Russia summoned to go to the line, except for the military attendant and attendant. Theory of Cause: "Deng Yu tasted the saying that 'rises and falls in virtue and thickness, and does not matter how big or small it is in the beginning'. Guangwu does not set a great cause in a few years, and Yu Yan is like a contract. Now handsome and full of dynasties, is there no one who draws the supreme plan for His Majesty, and wishes to be strong. "Seeking to be good. Commentary: "The invasion of the Jin people has not tasted a great evil, and if there is a light heart, how can we ensure that they will not betray the alliance?" It is advisable to save money and suppress the end, often give the outside one nothing to the people, the people are getting thicker, and the soldiers are getting stronger and stronger, so that the Jin people do not dare to spy on the long-term plan. The emperor said, "And ten years." "Ten years, may Your Majesty not forget the morning and night." "The Shoshu of the Division of The Ex-Army.  Juniper is both the lord and the lord, and the discussion is not exclusively based on harmony, and juniper is jealous, changing to The Dragon Tuge Bachelor, Zhixin Prefecture. There will be a great flood, and the juniper will play the same column: "The flood of Yao is not like this." "Yu Sui called the disease and raised the Taiping Xingguo Palace in Jiangzhou. Li Guang, a scholar of the Imperial Household, died at the age of sixty-six.  Yu was in the dynasty without tricks, tasting the "Analects of the Sayings", to "Yi does not shoot suku", saying that Confucius did not want people in the shadows. To the "Zhou Gong is Lu Gong", it can be known as runny nose. Hong Xingzu preambled his meaning, and Hinoki thought that he was scorning himself and reviving his ancestors one by one. Wei Anxing's version of the Jingxi Caosi also seized the Anxing official, and destroyed the version by his home. Juniper dies, and the descendants of Yu are spared from the clouds. There are six volumes.  Zhang Yizi Dayi, Yongjia people. Young mechanics, bo involved in the history of the classics, good at literature. Will be named, the dream god big book "expound" the word: "To be the name of Er." "Fathers are different, and they are encouraged to learn." Not crowned, by the she selected Gongjing division.  Deng Xuan and the sixth year of jinshidi, transferred the Yan prefecture soldier Cao Tuan and ruled the right prison. Shi Fangla was in turmoil and expounded the imperial plan. There are righteous soldiers who ask them to supervise the battle, and if they fight, if they are fighting, if they are a little, the state will be angry, and they will be killed, and they will be killed, and they will argue with each other: "It is the soldier who asks for war with righteousness, but the officers and the army are unable to stand alone, and those who are not the first to run, what is the crime of killing?" "The state will understand, and the soldier will be spared."  Li Huishuai Jiangxi, Xi Yishuai Hunan, all set up under the curtain. The group of thieves occupied the cave court, and the officers and troops were many northwestern people, and they did not idle water warfare. Elaborate and build warships, with large ships as battalions, small ships to fight, riding the water to pound the thieves' nests, and the thieves' strength is weakening. The priests recommended and changed their ranks, and the officials were frustrated with a small text, expounding the Arguments, and asking yue to return. Professor of Li'e and Tai'erzhou.  In the ten years of Shaoxing, the servants of the zhao were known to each other, and they gave Lin to be hired to explain and summon the right. Shi Jin ren ren The first words of the exposition: "The land that must be contested in Guanzhong, the ancient heavenly palace, is willing to stick to it to cover Bashu, and map the Central Plains." "The disadvantages of the sub-verbal superintendent and the county keeper recommendation." He also begged for strict prohibition to curb the floods of the Rivers and Zhejiang Rivers. Summoned to the examination library, in addition to the secretary of the provincial orthography, the relocation of the school Shulang and Wu and Yi Wangfu professors. When the generals of the time are rewarded for their merits, they are appeased, and the soldiers are deployed outside, and the guards are single and widowed, and the theories of neglect are expounded. Later, the generals who advance and retreat a little will be taken seriously, and the Dao soldiers will be summoned to benefit the forbidden brigade, as expounded.  Thirteen years later, he was transferred to the secretary Lang and the examiner of the National History Academy. Every time Qin Juniper recommended Taiwan's advice, he would first give his own will, and try to explain: "Secretary jiuji, how do you want to get along with Taichung?" Xie Xie said, "The Minister knows, and the old and dead secretary is lucky!" Juniper was silent, and even stopped, in charge of the Taizhou Chongdao Temple, And Liquan and Qu Erzhou passed judgments.  In the winter of the twenty-fifth year, the emperor took advantage of the opportunity to raise the two Zhejiang Road cities, became the judge of the Imperial History Bureau, and promoted the official Wailang. Emperor Xiaozong was in the royal residence, and Emperor Miaoxuan chose the palace staff, saying that "the solemn old man became a person who did not exceed the explanation", and changed his order to the ancestral hall and built the royal palace to read it.  In the spring of the thirty-first year, heavy rain, no wheat seedlings, Jing, Zhejiang and Zhejiang thieves, zhao attendants, Tai Zhi Tiao Chen Yi disaster, royal theft techniques. "Since the peace talks, there have been years of hired coins, and the people have been overwhelmed, and the subjects wish that His Majesty will not trap China with gold people?" When the converts have the order to return, complain about the road, and do your majesty wish that The Golden Man will not be willing to be willing? The officials of the prefectures and counties are far away, and the scourge of fishing and plundering has been compiled by yu, and the subjects wish that His Majesty be severely dirty? The decree of rent has been pardoned and reinstated, and the example of leniency is a fictitious text, and the subject wishes His Majesty to apply for the prohibition of the edict? If the number of people can do it in the first stage, it is enough to move the heavens and the earth, summon peace, and calamity, thieves are not enough to worry about. He also said: "The Golden Lord Liang will invade, it is advisable to guard the key points, to guard the sea road, and not to be unscrupulous on three sides, and to supervise without a marshal." Shu Song, Di Jiana, face the edict: "Qing's words are deeply ill, but send people back to the north, have already contained the covenant book, and they can't bear Yuye." "Move will be the prisoner, enter the Zongzheng Shaoqing."  In the thirty-second year, when Emperor Xiaozong ascended the throne, he was also a servant of the Ministry of Interpretation and Labor, and he entered the ministry of explanation, saying: "The generals will be defeated as a victory, risking the rank of knight, and the forbidden army of the state box will be rewarded by Qin Pi, and the reward must not be unjustified." "When the time is known, it is implemented.  When the golden lord liang died, King Ge asked for peace and then discussed the dispatch of envoys. Elaboration: "It is advisable to send a stern dispatch to the order, and to confront the enemy of the country, or not to obey, then there will be war." If so, then China's prestige can be revived. The emperor said: "The messenger is hired, the story is also, the old testament is not followed, and the yuanzhi is fixed." "It is winter, give the servants and the Tai Zhi a piece of time affairs, and explain the ten things that are all {髟方}." At that time, dozens of people should be ordered, but The Explanation and the Guozi Siye Wang Shipeng pointed out Chen's current affairs, rebuked Quan Xing, and had nothing to hide. Tomorrow, the two men were summoned to the inner temple, and the emperor gave him a reward, wine and a royal book. Shi Jin Taishang Emperor, Taishang Empress Book Treasure, Ministry of Works Routine Entry Official, Expounding Words. Or: "The first order of public transfer, zeke and his descendants, Nai bao resigned?" He smiled and said, "The treasure book is not my merit, can I risk the reward for my descendants?" In the first year of Longxing, he really worshiped the servant of the Ministry of Works. Interpretation: "The subject goes to the winter to beg for the two Huai, His Majesty says that the spring is the first to do, the summer and autumn are finished, and now the time is over." The emperor said: "The Jiang and Huai affairs are all paid for Zhang Jun, and the Shu Jun is the Great Wall." "The Governor's Office asks Xiao Qi to surrender, and asks for explanation, and explains that he is invited to be surrendered. The Russian emperor recaptured Lingbi County, and the great generals Li Xianzhong and Shao Hongyuan went deep into the helpless and asked Yi Bing to be the queen of the palace. Wang Shiguo was defeated, and the controversy was blamed on the war. Explanation: "Your Majesty's surrender is also." The generals will be defeated and helpless, and when the correction is lost, an can be depressed. The emperor said strongly, and put the armor of the imperial front into the army, and the hand commanded Laojun, and the army's voice was revived.  The number of hours is easy to say, explain the strength of the words, please increase the number of counselors. Emperor Yue: "A good name is like someone who wants to go straight away." "Tang Dezong suspected that Jiang Gongfu was selling straight, and Lu Zhen cut the advice, and he hoped that His Majesty would learn from it." "The emperor has repeatedly praised.  The Jin people seek peace, the emperor and the exposition, and expound: "He wants to make peace, and fears me? Love me yeah? Straight to my ears. "The harm of Li Chen Liu is not allowed. Emperor Yue: "The same is true of the meaning of the emperor, and it is appropriate for the aunt to respond to it." The emperor's words of "selling straight" are: "Hu Quan is also like this." Those who refuse to give advice distinguish between right and wrong ears. Interpretation: "The holiness should be like heaven, but it is better to compete with your subordinates for fame." Emperor Yue: "Qing Yan is also." "In addition to the Ministry of Works, Shangshu and Attendant Reading."  Deputy Marshal Jin Shi Liezhining made a good decision on the three matters requested, the proposal of the national letter and the year coin, but the decision to cut Tang, Deng, Hai, and Si was unresolved, and wang Zhiwang and Long Dayuan were sent to ask questions, and the crowd was full of words. Explanation: "Not with the four states is to be reconciled, the discussion is to be determined first is to be dispatched, now he is a guest, I am the Lord, I care for the world with benevolence, he cruelly abuses my people, and the golden power has declined, so why show weakness first." "The Dynasty Talks About Yunzhi.  The emperor used the story of Zhenzong and ordered the two members of the feast to be handed over to the Academy of Scholars, in preparation for the advisers, to explain the pair of special numbers. Repeatedly citing diseases and begging for bones, the emperor could not bear to go. In the second year, he expounded on Yili, except for the Xianmo Zhi scholar and the taiping Xingguo Palace. His Majesty resigned, and the emperor asked what he wanted to say, expounding: "Xu He forgot the revenge of his ancestors, abandoning the four states would lose the heart of the Central Plains, and sending the righteous people hurt the spirit of loyalty and righteousness." But His Majesty has not forgotten the old minister's words. "It refers to current affairs, and the emperor is very interested. The edict was summoned in autumn, and a golden rhinoceros belt was given, and a fish was granted. He died at home for more than a month, at the age of seventy-four. Special gift of Duan Ming Dian Bachelor.  Zhu Xi tried to say: "Qin Ju threatened the enemy to want the king, advocated peace and discussion, and spoke unevenly. Juniper destroyed the spirit of loyal and righteous soldiers, so he made the scholar Huai'an a habit. Until the decay has not been discussed, it is rare to know that it is not. There are Jianbai in the dynastic discourse, and there are those who talk about the interests and harms of the people, and those who say that the Jin people are irresponsible, but Hu YoushiQuan and Zhang Shangshu explain the ear. "Uncle Tsubaki."  Hong, Zi Chengji, Yi Shu, Zhenjiang Danyang people. Ben Hong's surname, whose first had a name, tasted the Zhongshu Ling, avoided the Southern Tang Dynasty, and changed his surname to the present. Later, he avoided the Xuanzu Temple. Hence the reason.  Proposed to ascend to the JinshiJia Section. Chongning Zhong, as a doctor of Guozi, went out to raise the Lizhou Road Study and seek to change the Fujian Road. Sit on the reprimand, judge Yun Zhou, and re-mention the study of Northwest Beijing Road, and go through Hunan and Hebei East Road. Xuanhe Zhong, in order to supervise the imperial history, moved the temple and entered the imperial history. Shi Wangdi and Cai Jing were more practical, and they intended to be neutral and had nothing to attach. Xu Jingheng, the attendant of the palace, was also going to sit in the official department, know the Guiyang Army, and change to Haizhou. When Shandong stolen, he repeatedly attacked the city, and planned to lead the soldiers and people to hold on.  Jianyan, the mother is worried, and the secretary is less supervised, and he can't afford it. At the end of the funeral, for the living lang and the Zhongshu Sheren, he said: "The soldiers have been rising for many years, the rewards are from the people, there is no house and they are responsible for the house tax, there is no Ding and the Ding tax is responsible, from time to time, there is no name, there is no empty day, so they go and steal." The thieves in this pass should not be hurried, it is advisable to ask for so, the thieves in Jiangxi cannot be delayed, and it is advisable to seek so that they are destroyed. The rich man is the basis of political affairs, and the thrifty one is also the basis of wealth. Emperor Gaozong, who was in power and discussed the transfer of rao and xinjian, proposed to be sparse, saying that "it is not enough to show the situation and stick to the imperial court." Moved to Shizhong and the official Shangshu, the speaker intended to try Lizhou County, and longtuge to know Wenzhou. Xuanfu made Meng Yu's chief division ask Min Kou to cross the county, and he planned to make an envoy to help. Yu was furious and ordered to be a master. The money intended to be borrowed from the seal is already self-impeachment. Thief Ping, plus rank first class, summoned as the Rebbe Shangshu, moved to the official department.  After crossing the river, the law did not see the register, and the officials followed the matter and established a document, which was called "Provincial Record", and came and went freely. To revise the "Edict of the Seven Divisions", the order was drafted in short, and the old law and the continued surrender command were detailed into a book, which was written on it.  The Jin people attacked Huai again, and Zhao Ri's attendants went to the capital hall to give Zawen a strategy for attacking and defending. It is proposed: "If the country is strong, it will fight, the generals will fight, the money will be used enough to fight, I will be the main, and the other will fight." His Majesty moved to the southeast, the year before the fortunate meeting, this year fortunately Lin'an, the residence of the King of Xing, there is no agreement as Gao Zu in Guanzhong, Guangwu in Hanoi also. In terms of the national situation, it can be spoken of, but it cannot be said to be war. "It is intended that when Xianggu discusses war to show his martial prowess, he really cannot fight."  In the third year of Shaoxing, he used the words of the people in the drought and earthquake to tell the people that they were happy and angry; if they acted partially, they were resentful and obedient." Try to talk about it in terms of small things: for example, the superintendent and the guardian offer envy to Yu and be deposed, and the Xuanfu division sacrifice receives it, which is to stop practicing the fa and alienating it. There are those who are servants of their own servants, who lie down to their homes, and who do not taste the thanksgiving, and then go away with a beautiful post, and if the drum court officials move away from the disease and abolish the hajj, they will be reprimanded, which is to stop practicing the law and being redundant. The legislation is very strict, the offenders are rewarded with family wealth, the high-ranking officials and powerful ministers are even camped and obstructed, and the public sales do not dare to ask, whether it is the law and the weak. If the small things are like this, if they are pushed to the extreme, they will be complained about and angry. "Seek the speaker to be a scholar of huiyou ge zhi and raise the Jiangzhou Taiping Temple." At first, the proposed brother Lang Guan Xingzu and the proposed feudal invaded the reign, so the father and son were dismissed. From Wenzhou, lift the Bozhou Mingdao Palace. Died, aged seventy-five, Yuwen Xian.  At the beginning, it was planned to return from Haizhou to Zhenjiang. Zhao Wan's rebels forced the county, and the defender Zhao Zisong was defeated and fled. To threaten the mother to flee, to meet the thief, to want to fight, to know: "Death has no way to avoid, may not frighten the old mother." "Thieves give up. He came again as a thief, and with a blade, he tried to point to his mother, "This my mother is also blessed not to be afraid." "The thief gave up again. There are twenty volumes of "The Collected Works of Mr. Jing Zhi" and "Notes on Du Fu's Poems".  Zhao Kui (赵逵), also known as Uncle Zhuang (庄叔), was a pre-Qin man, and his ancestors were in Rongshu and his family was in Zizhou. Kui reads a number of books, especially good at gathering ancient books, examining the traces of the rise and fall of the past generations, and the contemporary celebrities Ju Gong provenance festival, the root of the poor, still friends with their people. Shaoxing twenty years, like the province to play the name, next year's countermeasures, on the relationship between the father and son of the monarch is very deep, promoted to the first. Shi Qin Juniper had a subordinate, while Kui was displeased with being an emperor. That is, to depose Wang Yan, he granted The Left Chengshi Lang and signed the book Jiannan Dongchuan. The emperor asked Juniper, where is Zhao Kui? Hinoki is a real pair. After a long time, the emperor asked again, except for the school secretary. Kui bicycle to que, the tax collector Hope Juniper, search for books, only to count the gold. Having taken office, he has not tasted selfishness, and the more he hates it.  Kui Gui's imperial system of "Shiba Grass Poems" has the sentence "The Emperor's Heart Did Not Dare to Feast on Antu", and the anger of Jungami said: "Kui Yu thinks that it is not peaceful? It is also said that Kui Yue: "The museum is thin, can you take care of your home?" Kui Yue: "Pro-elderly people can't go far and dangerous." Hinoki Xu Yue: "When you take a hundred gold as a helper." "That's it. He also sent his relatives to confess the preface, satirizing Kui to thank him, but he did not answer, and He was angry, and he wanted to squeeze it, and he died before it was too late.  Emperor Lin wept juniper back, that is, Qian Kui wrote Saburō and was also a member of the Power Ceremony Department Wailang. Emperor Ru Jingling Palace, the secret province of living alone. The emperor repeatedly looked at him, and on the same day, he was introduced to the upper temple, and the emperor said, "What does the qing know?" Always self-defeating. Since Qing Dengdi, he has been depressed by the chancellor and has not seen Qing for a long time. Qin Juniper recommended the priest, did not taste a word and Qing, so as to know that Qing did not attach the magnate, and the true Tianzi protégé was also. "Zhao Chong Pu'an County's Royal Palace Professor." Qu Song: "The way of speech is not clear for a long time, beg Guangshi Kaina, do not be in the midst of lowliness, and cultivate the spirit of daring." "Tijana' it. When The Pu'an Government persuaded him to talk about the matter of Prince Huan, Wang Yue said: "Yu Si Shiye, chop Jiang Chong himself to Emperor Wu, how is it?" "This is beyond the reach of the courtiers." "Wang Yigai has something to do with it.  Twenty-six years later, he moved to Qilang and removed Qijulang. Entering Xie, the emperor also said: "Qin Juniper Yanyan, the only one who does not attach it is Qing." Kui Yue: "The subject cannot imitate the ancients to resist the power and adultery, but he is not the same as him, so he does not dare to do anything." He also said, "When your majesty runs away from the door of power, the subject does not dare, nor does he tolerate it." "Next year, tongzhi gongju, as far as the public examination, in order to reform the old evils, so as to win Wang Shipeng and Yan Anzhong."  At first, Before Kui could pay tribute, Jiang Xuan removed the Household Attendant and gave Xin Cijian a friendship with Xi Jin and returned it. Emperor Fury, Strike The Second Thing, Fu Kui Read, Qu Can't, Xuan Knows Suzhou in this way, the Second Emperor still has the second right, and the Kui is also given to the matter. Not much, except for the Zhongshu Sheren, who ascended to the sixth year and was a foreign system, and there was nothing likely after the southern crossing. Emperor Yu Wang Lun said: "Zhao Kui is pure and usable, and he has not seen it in Shu Shi." Therefore, at the age of two, he ordered it to come here, and reported that he did not attach it to the magnates. First, Kui tried to recommend Du Xinlao, Tang Wenruo, and Sun Daofu to be famous scholars of Shu, and then feng fang, Liu Yifeng, Li Shi, and Tan Ciyun responded to the edict, and Zai Zhi was heard. Emperor Yue: "Shu people are far away, and those who are useful in literary deeds during this period are not known for no reason because of their arguments." Before this Shu middle eunuch tourists were mostly isolated, not allowed to go to the imperial court, even a pity. "Self-juniper power, deep inhibition of Shu shi, so the emperor and its language."  Seeking the outside world with illness, the emperor ordered the national doctor Wang Ji to see the disease first, and could not do anything. Died at the age of forty-one. The emperor wept and sighed. Kui Yu said to himself: "Sima Wengong is not close to non-color, does not take non-wealth, although I am not Xiao, Shu Ji Muzhi." At the height of Fang Jun's power, the one who was in charge of the shackles was not the only one, and the emperor urgently called Kui not attached to Li, also known as The Kui article resembled Su Shi, so it was called "Xiao Dongpo", and he died before he could use it, but his theory was not passed on to the world. There are thirty volumes of "Perched Collection".  Commentary: If Gui's master is in Anguo, Ju Zheng's teacher is in Yang Shi, Dun Fu's teacher is in Cheng Yi, and his cousin is handed over to Chen Wan, and his teacher and friend have their own origins. Therefore, its discussion is straight, rigid and severe, not confused, not afraid of the strong, roughly similar. Ruo Fuju correctly discerned the Miao of Wang's "Three Classics", the first impeachment of Qin Juniper in the Year of the Turtle, and the party of Cai Jing, cheng Yuli, especially contributed to the famous religion. Zhang Xiang's exposition of things is unavoidable, Hong's is simple and bright, and Zhao Kui's pure and good writing is good for a while, and he is jealous of Juniper and does not scratch. The saying goes: "Years of cold and then wither after knowing the pine cypress." "Believe it!

【Column 210 Zhongyi VI】 The History of Song Shu, Arutu, etc. ○ Zhao Liangchun Xu Daolong Jiang Cai Ma Cai MiYou Zhang Shijie Lu Xiufu Xu Yingwei Chen Wenlong Deng De Met Zhang Jue Zhao Liangchun, Zi Jingcheng, Ju Rao Yu Gan, After Emperor Taizong's son Gong Xian Wang, Xiang Xiang Ru Yu great-grandson also. In the past generations, he was named "Xianzongzi". Liang Chun learned less from Mr. Rao Lu in his hometown and knew that he was standing in the great festival. And Shi, so to the dry rule, and did not try to dry people recommended. At the beginning, Yiyin was the main bookkeeper of Taining, and the third moved to huaixi yun jurisdiction, and the floating cham was redundant for more than 20 years. Ma Guangzu, Li Boyu, and Fan Dingsun recommended him, but he was unable to lift himself up. Passed the examination and changed the knowledge to Fenning County. Fenning, Jiangxi Opera, The Vulgar Shang, The Good Chun Zhi, No Torture, No Appointment of Officials, Those Who Take the People's Dun Filial Piety, Those Who Respect the Relatives, and even Those Who Are Virtuous, Are Brought to justice, and the Customs are Less Revolutionary. Rank Man, special right to Jiangxi to appease the driver Yi Wen, edict to remove the audit court of the various divisions, supervise Jiangxi, and promote Dali Sizhi.  At the end of the Xianchun Dynasty, the courtiers established the Imperial Household in Nei County, thinking that it was Pinghan, and then removed Liang Chunzhi Anji Prefecture. First, Zhizhou Li Geng, Pepsi Was abolished. Liang Chun zhi, the day and the staff of the discussion so guard the preparation, all held. When the years were hungry, the people gathered together as thieves, and the places sprang up. Or please strike it with a soldier, Liang Chun said, "Isn't the people happy to be thieves?" When the times are difficult and dry, the phase rate is plagiarized. "Commandments belong to the righteous, and all the soldiers scatter, and those who do not return are bound to offer." There are those who plunder people's goods and treasures and return them after their lords have thanked them. Liang Chun persuaded the rich to come out of Su Zhenzhi, and tasted the words of the people: "So that the taishou can help the people, and they will not hesitate to do so." "His words are earnest enough to move people, and everyone responds to them." Chao Yixun used Xu Daolong as a punishment for Zhejiang West, supplementing Liang Chun and Jia Liang Chun zhi secret cabinet.  Wen Tianxiang went to Pingjiang, and the troops went out to plunder in all directions, Liang Chun captured and beheaded several people, and the soldiers in the city of Wushou were slightly killed. Fan Wenhu sent the envoy to surrender with the book, and Liang Chun burned the book to behead him. The soldiers forced the lone pine pass, and there was a purpose to enter the guard. Daolong went, the army arrived, and the army went to its east and west doors. Liang Chun led the city to guard, and at night he was on the house and did not return.  First, the imperial court sent Wu Guoding to aid Yixing, yixing was already in danger, did not dare to go, but as Anji saw Liangchun, he was willing to stay as a supplement. Liang Chun saw that Guo Ding was generous and generous, meaning that it could be used also, please Yu Chao, stay shu Anji. The state has decided to open the south gate to take foreign troops, and the soldiers enter the city and shout: "The crowd is scattered, and the marshal will not kill Ru." So the cries dispersed. Liang Chun ordered the car to return to the house, and the soldier stopped saying: "At this point, the waiter should be self-sufficient." "Liang Chun lingered." Ordering the family to flee is to close the cabinet and learn from it. When a soldier rescued him and revived him, the people wept and cried, "Why does the waiter suffer himself?" Escape to survive. Liang Chun said, "Am I an escapee from evil?" The crowd could not keep it, and Liang Chun shouted, "Do you want to be chaotic?" The crowd wept and fell back to their deaths.  Xu Daolong character Bo Qian, Wuyi people of Wuzhou. Father Huan, Zhi Nanxiong. Daolong was appointed as an official, a judge of Tanzhou, and Quan zhi quanzhou. The Jinghu system made Wang Lixin play Daolong as a senator. Li Xin moved the army to Shangshu, Daolong and ten guests went to Gangneung. Zhao Mengchuan served as an envoy, and daolong joined his military, so he was put in prison.  Shi Wen Tianxiang went to Pingjiang, and the four pawns were out, suffering for western Zhejiang, especially Anji. There is a decree that Daolong will be taken to the city. Niu Jianjun fled, Fan Wenhu, Cheng Pengfei, and Guan Jingmo all wrote suicide notes to lure them down, and Daolong burned books to behead them.  The soldiers went to Linping Gaoting Mountain, ordered the jiandao to enter the reinforcement, when there were tun troops on land and water, the road was never passed, and it was agreed that Taihu Lake should pass through Wukang and Lin'an County. On the same day, take a boat out of the lake gate and Po Song Village. Zhao Liangchun, the sheriff of the county, was hanged to death. In the second year of deyou, on the first day of the first month of the second year, the pursuing soldiers and Daolong, Andi Ling's pro-army three hundred people fought to the death, and the guns were broken, and the first army was destroyed. Dorumi saw that inside the ship, the inter-keeper was less sluggish and died in the water, and the eldest son, Zaisun, also went to the water to die. Yu Bing had those who had escaped from the dynasty, and ordered officials to give them to them, to show kindness to their families, to erect temples and anji, and to give them sons and grandchildren. Yue Three Days Song Died.  Jiang Cai, a native of Haozhou. Short-looking. Less was plundered into Heshuo, a little longer to die, subordinate to the Huainan army, in the name of good war, but since the return of people can not be a high official, as the deputy capital of Tongzhou. Shi Huai is a strong general, but Xiao Xiong has no talent. Only to know the soldiers, good at riding and shooting, caressing the soldiers and soldiers, to the front, the military law is cold. When his son was in battle, he returned to the white matter, only to see that he was defeated, drew his sword and rushed away, and killed him several times.  Jia Xiangdao came out of the division, and only then did he take sun huchen as the vanguard and reject Ding Jiazhou. The large army set up artillery mounts and crossbows on the riverside, thousands of ships in the middle of the stream, and the flags were linked and drummed down. Before the soldiers engaged in battle, the front had already been handed over, and the tiger minister passed the boat where his concubine was riding, and everyone saw it and rejoiced: "The step marshal is far away." So all the armies collapsed, and only then did they also collect troops and enter Yangzhou. The soldiers took advantage of the victory to attack Yangzhou, and only then did they fight for the three-mile ditch of the three-fold front, and they made meritorious achievements in battle. He also fought with the marshal at the Yangtze Bridge, and the sun was in turmoil, and the flow of arrows ran through the shoulders, and only then did he draw his arrows and swing his sword forward, and the direction was easy. The army has built a long siege, from Yangzi Bridge to Guazhou, northeast across the bay to Huangtang, northwest to Ding Village, to be trapped for a long time, Shi Deyou first year also.  In the first month of next year, the Song Dynasty died. In February, the Five Envoys and the First Pavilion Gate Xuanzanshe people held the edict of Empress Xie to surrender, and only then did they fire crossbows to re-attack the Five Envoys at Zhaobo Fort, and retreated in a big battle. Not long after, the Duke of Yingguo went to Guazhou, and only then did he and Tingzhi weep and swear to take it. The soldiers wept. He scattered all the gold and the army, and pounded Guazhou with 40,000 people at night, and at the third time of the battle, the people embraced the Duke of Yingguo and avoided it. Only then did they pursue the battle to Puzi City, and the night did not retreat. Ah Shu made people recruit them, and only then did they know: "I would rather die than surrender the general evil!" "In April, only with troops attacked the bay headchamp. In May, the attack resumed, the riding was whirled and stopped, and the naishe rode and fought, to the four drums, and the whole division returned. Yang ran out of food, and only then did he send out Mizhen Prefecture and Gaoyou to give soldiers. In June, when the guards arrived at Majiadu, Shi Bi of Wanhu captured them, and only then did he fight with Da Dan, and Ah Shu Chi came to the aid of the troops, but he was spared.  Tingzhi is in the enclosure for a long time. Summoning talent to calculate things, screen left and right, the words for a long time, the first smell of the cloud: "Xiang Gong but endure the film when the ear hurts." "Left and right smell sweaty. Only then did he protect Tingzhi with a soldier, and he died with both of them.  In July, King Yi was in Fuzhou, commanding the envoys of the Dragon God and the Baokang Army, and summoning caicai, before going east with Tingzhi to Taizhou and entering the sea. Ah Shu chased after him with his troops and besieged Taizhou, causing the messenger to surrender, so that he did not listen. Ah Shu drove the soldier's wife to the city, and the generals opened the door and surrendered. The capital Cao Anguo entered the cai lie in and insisted on offering it. Ah Shu loves his loyalty and courage, and wants to surrender and use it, so he speaks slowly; Ah Shu scolds Tingzhi for not surrendering, and only then does he know: "Only those who do not surrender are also." "Fu was indignant, Ashu was angry, and he slashed Yangzhou. Before he was about to be executed, Xia Gui came out of his way before he cut his teeth and said, "If you see me, I would rather die than die?" There was Hongfu, Xia Guijia Servant Ye, from Guiji Lao to the zhenchao xiongjiang left army command, zhenjiang north. Gui descended, Fu and Zi Dayuan, Dayuan, and Peng Yuanliang waited for Peng Yuanliang to reunite with guijun fuzhi, plus right Wu Dafu and Zhi Zhenchao. Nobles are subordinate, and they are blessed, but they do not listen, so that they go from the son to the son, and the blessing is cut off. The soldiers attacked the city, did not pull out for a long time, sent your nobles to the city, good language and blessings, please ride into the city alone. Fu XinZhi, the door is sent and the soldiers rise up, the father and son are blessed, and the city is slaughtered. Gui Shu killed, Dayuan and Dayuan sneered: "The Law stops the first plot, why should the whole family be killed?" Fu Ling said: "If you repay the Song Dynasty with one life, why tell people to seek evil deeds?" "Second and blessed, Fu scolded the number of nobles for disloyalty, please go south to die, so that you will not betray the country." The sniffer drooled.  Ma Tao, Tang Chang people also. The fathers and uncles of the family are all known as loyal and courageous generals, and Kun and his brother Kun are particularly prominent. Xian Chunzhong, Qi Zhi QinZhou, Qi Zhi Yong. Yongdi received the Six Commandments, Annam, and passed through the Zhuxi Pass, and the care of the emperor was less inappropriate, and often summoned chaos. The town of Qizhen caresses the barbarians and governs the passes, all of which are organized, Dali does not dare to expound more well, Annan does not dare to enter Yongping, and all the people are on the account book, and the border is yanran. Guangxi Jingluo Li Xing performed his merits, and Jia Gemen xuan praised the people. Soon, the general Zuo Wuwei was conscripted into the Dynasty. After the fall of the Song Dynasty, He stayed in Jingjiang, commanded the armies of Tun Shu, and guarded the city with the protector of the Jing dynasty.  By the 14th year of the Yuan Dynasty, Pingzhang Ali Hague attacked Guangxi. The troops of the Chu Fa Institute and the various soldiers guarded the Jing River, while the three thousand men guarded the strict pass, dug the horse pit, and broke the ridge road. The large army attacked Yan Guan, but entered Pingle with a partial division, passed through Lingui, and attacked The Fortress. The soldiers were defeated and retreated to Jingjiang. Pingzhang made people surrender, and fired crossbows at them. Attacking in March, the night was not disarmed, more than a hundred battles were fought, and the city was killed and wounded, and there was no intention of surrender. The eastern corner of the city was slightly humble, and the large army attacked the west gate, and with the elite troops broke the sluice gate at night, attacked the east gate, and broke the outer city; closed the inner city and defended it, and then broke it. He led the dead soldiers to fight in the alley, the knife wounded the arm, killed his head, and rose up with his fist, and immediately surpassed the time. When the Jing River was broken, Yong Shou Ma Chengwang and his sons all surrendered to the city of Qi, and the Dutubu commanded Lou Ling to guard the Moon City with 250 people. Ali Hague smiled and said, "It is He Foot Attack." For more than ten days, Lou cried out from the wall: "I am hungry, I cannot come out, and I should obey the orders of the food I give." "Count the cattle that are left behind, and count the rice." One will open the door and return to the wall. The army takes advantage of the high view, the soldiers are all divided into rice, the cooking is not ripe, the raw beef is raw, and it is exhausted. The horns are beating the drums, and the generals think that they are also in battle, and they are waiting. Lou Nai ordered his troops to embrace a cannon, the sound was like thunder, the city collapsed, the smoke rose out of the sky, and the soldiers were shocked to death. The fire is extinguished, and the ashes are left behind.  Miyou, a native of Mizhou first, and then crossed huai to live in Luzhou. You was a man of firm and resolute quality, and was tired of serving as the commander of the Guerrilla Army in Luzhou and yuqian, and was changed to deputy governor of Jiangxi Road.  In the ten years of Xianchun, the People of The Pavilion Gate Xuanzanshe were the capital of Jiangxi. It was winter, and the Great Yuan Emperor Xiang Boyan went down to Ezhou, leaving the right Beggar Ali Hague to guard it, and the army went east. In February of the following year, Zhu Qisun sent Gao Shijie to take Ezhou, Ali Hague counterattacked with troops, and Shijie jingjiangkou was defeated, and half into Jiangxi. Jiangxi set up Huang Wanshi to recruit them, and recruited more than a thousand volunteer soldiers from Ningdu, Guangchang, and Nanjian to be blessed. In November, the army reached Longxing, and Liu Yu's army was defeated, and the infant city was defended. When Wanshi moved to Fuzhou, he would flee, fearing that he would not obey, but dispatched his troops to help him, and guarded against war. Before Longxing arrived, the hammer had fallen, and the troops led by Xia Ji of Dutong collapsed and surrounded.  Marshal Zhang Rongshi and Lü Shikui raised troops to force Fuzhou, and You led the crowd to enter Xianping, and the soldiers came to call out: "Who is surrendered?" Fighter? Yu Yue: "Fighter also." "When his troops fought a surprise battle, they marched into Longmaping, and the number of large soldiers was heavy, and it rained like rain. You told his subordinates: "Today the day of death is also, if you fight vigorously, or there may be physiology." The crowd was indignant. From the battle of Tatsumi to the end of the day, you were shot in the face, pulled out of the battle, and was shot with four arrows and three shots, and everyone died, leaving only a few dozen people. Yu Nai wielded a double knife to cut around the south, crossed the bridge in front of him, and the horse pedal broke, so he was executed. Seeing his courage, he refrained from killing, and returned to Longxing. Marshal Song Du OA said: "Strong men also." "If you want to descend, you will be indomitable for the rest of the month." Trying to scold Wanshi as a traitor to the country made me unable to reach out. The Song Capital OA ordered Liu Yu and Lü Shikuo to sit in the city tower, to guide the downstairs, to leave behind with a golden charm, to allow the official, to be blessed, to be invaded, to be insulted, to be a teacher, and to benefit from it. And he made Yuko say, "When the Father dies, the Son is at peace?" You rebuked: "Ru Xing begs in the city, the first cloud is the son of the City, who does not pity Ru Ye." Yi Ran undressed himself and asked for punishment, so he died. The viewers all wept.  Zhang Shijie, Fan Yangren. Less from Zhang Roushu, guilty, sui ben Song, subordinate to the Huai soldiers, not well-known. Nguyen Sicong was surprised to see it, and lui Van Tak was summoned as a small colonel. All the armies in Huangzhou were under the control of Wuding. Attacked Andong Prefecture, fought against the rapid forces, and had meritorious service with Gundam aiding Ezhou, and turned ten officials. Seeking from Jia Rudao into Huangzhou, zhanping lawn, recapturing the captives, adding sanitation officers, and knowing Gao Youjun and Andong Prefecture.  In the fourth year of Xianchun, the army built Lumen Fort, and Lü Wende asked Yi Bing to go to the dynasty, and transferred Shijie and Xia Gui to it. And Lü Wenhuan surrendered to Xiangyang, and ordered Shijie to guard Ezhou with 5,000 people. Shi Jie locked the two cities with iron, sandwiched with cannons and crossbows, and set up attacking tools. The army broke through the new city, drove down for a long time, and Shi Jie fought hard, and could not go forward, sent people to recruit, and did not listen. Xiang Bo Yanyang attacked Yan Shan Pass, sneaked from Tang Port into Han, attacked Hubei in the east, and surrendered.  Shi Jieti's troops entered the guard, and the Daofu Rao Prefecture entered the dynasty. When the party is in danger, the generals of the conquest are not more than enough, and the only world is coming, sighing up and down. From the defense of Hezhou for several months, it was added to the Baokang Army to undertake the mission, and the governor of the capital was the soldier. The generals went out in four directions, took the counties of western Zhejiang, and restored the cities of Pingjiang, Anji, Guangde, and Liyang, and the army was quite strong. In July, together with Liu Shiyong's generals, jiaoshan was sent out, and ordered the ten arks as the square, in the middle of the dingjiang river, there was no order not to issue a command, indicating that they would die. Marshal Ah Shu zai attacked him with fire arrows, and Shi Jie was in disarray, did not dare to attack, and went to Jiang to kill more than 10,000 people. Big defeat, Ben Yuanshan. Ask the master and don't report it. The Dragon Hunt and the Divine Guard Sixiang were all under the command of the envoys. In October, he went along the river to solicit envoys, and was restructured to set up a deputy envoy and concurrently know the Jiangyin Army. The army had reached Dusongguan, summoned Wen Tianxiang to the guard, and took Shi Jie as the envoy of the Baokang Army and Zhipingjiang. He was also summoned to the guard and inspected the school as a junior.  In the first month of the second year, the army was forced to come to An, and Shi Jie asked to move the three palaces into the sea, and joined forces with Tianxiang to fight the city. The chancellor Chen Yi sent people to ask for peace, but he could not stop the empress dowager. Before long, the peace talks were also depressed. The soldiers arrived at Gaoting Mountain, and Shi Jie Nai raised his troops into the Dinghai Sea. Shi Guoying sent the capital Bian Biao to say that the messenger surrendered, Shi Jie thought that Biao had come from his own Ju Nanye, vertebrae cattle to enjoy it, wine half, Biao calmly spoke, Shi Jie was furious, broke his tongue, and the scarf mountain of The Brick.  In April, from the second king into Fuzhou. In May, he and Yizhong Fengxuan were the main ones, and signed a letter to the Privy Council. Wang Shiqiang led a large army to attack it, and Shi Jie was fengyi Wang into the sea, while the soldiers of Chen Hangyan and Lady Xu attacked Pu ShouGeng, but they did not fall. In October, the marshal instigated the general to come to the aid of Quanquan and was relieved. While instigating the capital to send people to recruit the king, he also sent Sun Anfu to say that Shi Jie, Shi Jie detained An Fu in the army and did not send them. Recruiting Liu Shen to attack Shallow Bay, Shi Jie's army was defeated, moved wang Ju Jing'ao, and Shen Fu came to attack Jing'ao, but Shi Jie fought but fought, because of the stone  Gangzhou.  In the first month of the fifteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty, the general Wang Yong attacked Leizhou and defeated him. In April, King Yi was killed, King Wei was killed, and He was a young man and a privy councillor. In May, Qiqiong Prefecture pacified Zhang Yingke to attack Leizhou, and the three battles were unfavorable. In June, another decisive battle under the thunder city, Ying Ke died. Shi Jie is uninhabitable in Gangzhou, and migrates to the cliff mountain of the new meeting of the king. In August, he was enfeoffed as the Duke of Yue. Send Qiongzhou millet to the army. In October, Ling Zhen and Wang Daofu attacked Guangzhou, and the earthquake was defeated.  Next year, Marshal Zhang Hongfan and other soldiers went to Yashan, or Shi Jie said: "If the northern soldiers use boats to block Haikou, then I cannot advance and retreat, and I will first take Haikou." Fortunately, the victory is also the blessing of the country; if it is not victorious, it will go west. Shi Jie was afraid that there would be centrifugation on the sea for a long time, and the movement would be scattered, but he said: "When is it time to sail frequently?" Now it is necessary to decide the winner or loser. "Xi Burned the grass market, and made more than a thousand people into the water, and for the sake of death, everyone was in danger." According to Haikou, the soldiers were exhausted, and the soldiers were thirsty for more than ten days, and they drank from the sea, and the sea was salty, and the drink was vomited, and the soldiers were in great distress. Shi Jie led Su Liu Yi and Fang Xingri in a great battle. Hongfan deshijie nephew Han, ordered to be an official, made three to recruit, Shijie counted the ancient loyal ministers: "I know the descent, born and rich, but the Lord dies without moving his ears." "In February, Yan Wei, Hongfan and others attacked the cliff mountain, Shi Jie was defeated, and Wang Zhou was guarded. The large army of Bo Zhongjun, Shi Jie Nai, broke the peacekeeping and took the port with more than ten ships. Later, liu zili defeated it and sent his generals Fang Yulong, Ye Xiurong, zhang Wenxiu, and more than forty others. Shi Jiefu wanted to serve Princess Yang to ask Zhao to stand up, and the Russian hurricane broke the boat and drowned under the Pingzhang Mountain.  Liu Shiyong, a native of Luzhou. He has been a sanitation officer with his military exploits. The Lugang Division collapsed, Jia Xiangdao wanted to enter the sea in the east, and Shi Yongzan's entry into Yangzhou was re-raised, as if it were Daoranzhi. When Yao Yao restored Changzhou, it seemed that Dao ordered Shi Yong to take Lücheng with Huai troops, and the imperial court added Shi Yong and the state defense envoys to help Shou Chang, while Zhang Yan defended LüCheng and joined forces to resist the army. Lost in battle, YanMa was weak, trapped in the middle of the stubbornness, Lücheng was lost, and Changzhou was lonely. The army surrendered to Yancheng, and Shi Yong rebuked Yan with great righteousness, and Yan retreated in shame. He also sent Fan Wenhu to give an edict, and Shi Yong ambushed the crossbow and shot him away. Often besieged for several months, reinforcements were exhausted, there were flocks of birds flying around the city, the evil was ominous, and the city fell in Russia. Shi Yong pulled out the fence and fought and walked, his brother Ma fell into a trench, jumped out, and Shi Yong raised his hand and went away. Thousands of huai troops fought to the death. There was a woman who lay under the corpse, and six of the Spies Huai soldiers turned their backs on each other, killing ten hundred people. Shi Yong went from the Second King to the sea, saw that current events could not be done, was angry and drunk, and was buried in Gushan.  Lu Xiufu, zi junshi, a native of Yancheng, Chuzhou. He was born at the age of three, and his father moved to Zhenjiang. Slightly longer, learned from his hometown mr. Meng, Meng's disciple Heng Baiyue, referring to XiuFu alone: "This extraordinary child is also." "In the first year of Jingding, dengjin shidi. Li Tingzhi towned Huainan, heard its name, and set up a curtain. At that time, the world called the many people, with Huainan as the first, called "Small Imperial Court".  Xiu Fu was talented and beautiful, and for a while the literati could rarely reach it. Sex is quiet, do not seek knowledge, every official to the cabinet, guests and hosts to rejoice, XiuFu alone without a word. Or when the feast is gathered in the house, sitting in the room of the nobles, the solemnity of the whole day, there is no rare hope. Even if they look into what they are doing, they will all rule, and although they will not change their official positions, they will move to the competent machine yi script. In the ten years of Xianchun, Tingzhi made Huaidong and promoted him to senate. In the first year of Deyou, the side affairs were urgent, and the staff belonged to many dead, but Xiufu did not go. Tingzhi took his name, except for Sinong Temple, and was promoted to Zongzheng Shaoqing and Quan Qi.  In the first month of the second year, the rebbe attendant made the army ask for peace, but it was not the opposite. The second king went to Wenzhou, and Xiufu and Su Liuyi followed him, causing people to summon Chen Yizhong and Zhang Shijie to come, so they and Liyi Wang yu fuzhou. Enter the Ming Temple, sign the Privy Council. Yizhong Yixiu was in the army for a long time, knew military affairs, and began to consult on every matter, and Hideo also praised him, and all committed suicide. It is not in harmony with the discussion, and it is appropriate to impeach the speaker in the middle. Zhang Shijie asked Yi Zhong: "When is this the case, moving to talk about people with Taiwan?" "The Emperor of Yizhong is afraid, and he urgently summons Xiufu to return."  When the emperors and courtiers spread across the seashore, shushi neglected, Yang Taifei hung curtains, and the group of courtiers called themselves slaves. At each season of the pilgrimage, Hideo seems to be standing upright, such as ruling the dynasty, or when he is in the middle of the line, weeping miserably, wiping his tears with his clothes, and his clothes are exhausted, and there are all those who are sad left and right. Belonging to the well Ao Wind, the king died in shock, and the courtiers wanted to disperse. Xiufu said, "Emperor Duzong's son is still there, will he be left behind?" The ancients had a brigade and a mid-riser, and now a hundred officials have all the tools, tens of thousands of soldiers, if the heavens have not wanted to destroy the Song, can this not be the evil of the country? "It is to stand with all the nations to defend the king." Shi Chen Yizhong went to Champa City, because he was not in harmony with Shi Jie, and repeatedly failed to arrive. It is with Hideo as the left minister, and he and Shijie share the government. Shi Shijie garrisoned the yashan mountain, Xiufu raised the army brigade outside, transferred the work inside, and did his best to do what he said. Although in a hurry, the Juri book "University Chapters and Sentences" to persuade the lecture.  In February of the sixteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty, the cliff mountain was broken, Xiufu went to defend Wang Zhou, and Shi Jie and Liu Yi each broke off the dimension, Xiufudu could not be taken off, and nai scepter sword drove his wife into the sea, that is, the negative king went to the sea to die, at the age of forty-four.  Liu Dingsun, a scholar of Hanlin, also drove his family and sank into the sea, not dying and being held captive, plundering without end, and taking off overnight, and dying in the sea. Dingsun Zibo Town, Gangneung people, Jinshi also.  When Fang Xiufu was at sea, he wrote about the Affairs of the Second King as a book, and recommended it to Deng Guang, a waiter in the Ministry of Ceremonies: "The queen died, fortunately passed it on." "After the cliffs and mountains are flat, Guang recommended his book to return to Luling. At the beginning of the Great Virtue, Guang recommended the pawn, and the survival of his books could not be known, so the affairs of the sea were not known in detail.  Xu Yingbi, the character giant, Qu Zhi Jiangshan people, the world is the QuWang clan. Xian Chun mo, try to make up too students. In the second year of Deyou, the Song Dynasty died, and the Duke of Yingguo entered Yan, and more than a hundred students of the three students followed the line. Ying Bi did not want to obey, but vowed to burn with his sons Qi, Song, and the female yuanniang, and the children were happy to obey it.  Taixue Old Yue Feidi, there is a flying shrine, should be with wine and meat to fly: "The heavens are not Song, the society is a ruin, should die to repay the country, and vow not to live with all lives." After death, the soul will be tired of the king, and the god lord will be matched, and the king's spirit will never be destroyed. Qi also gave poetry to swear by himself. After the sacrifice was made, the servants were fed with wine and meat, and the servants were drunk and lying down, and Ying Yongnai and his children entered the Tiyun Building, accumulated the books and books around the rooms, and set themselves on fire. A small servant did not sleep, smelled the fire, and went downstairs to the cave to look at it, and the father and son of Ying Bi sat like a temple statue. Go to the servants, break the wall, and put out the fire. Ying Bi was not allowed to die, and his children went out of the house, and the pawn did not know what to do, and the next day he got his corpse in the well in front of the temple, and they were all frozen and stunned. The servants are coffins, funerals of the West Lake Golden Bull monks' house. Yi Wang li fuzhou, praised its festival, and gave it to the dynasty Fenglang and the secret cabinet to repair. Ten years later, his co-founder Liu Rujun led more than fifty Confucians to collect and bury Fang Jiayu, who was privately known as Mr. Zhengjie.  Chen Wenlong character Junben, Fuzhou Xinghua people. After Junqing Cheng xiang also. Can article, negative integrity. The first name was Zilong, Xianchun five years of court pairs first, Duzong changed his name to Wenlong.  Xiang Jia seems to love his text, and Yali is very important. Judge of the Zhendong Army Festival, Li ChongzhengDian Storyteller, Secretary Provincial School Scrivener. For several years, the imperial history of the inspector was like a Taoist force. However, since more than ten years, the Taiwan counsel placed by the Tao is all 阘阘, Taichung has inherited it, and everything that has been built is white, and all the manuscripts are like the beginning of the Tao. To Wen Long, he did not submit the manuscript alone, and he was already like the Tao. Knowing that Lin'an Province Hongqi was afraid to ask for a kind of field, as if the Daoist lord said that Wenlong Shang was unable to neglect it, it seemed that Dao was angry, and he slept in his neglect. Xiangyang has been besieged for a long time, as if the Tao Ri is indulgent, and there are many intentions, Shi Yang asks the superintendent, and Yin makes his party keep itself, and even loses Xiangyang. Wen Long was extremely careless. Fan Wenhu's chief teacher was useless, like Dao Qianzhi, to know Anqing, and in addition to Zhao Shu to know Jiankang, Huang Wanshi knew Lin'an. Wen Long said: "Wen Hu lost Xiangyang, and now he is promoted to use it, and he is punished and rewarded." Milk stinky boy, why let the big man send it? Wanshi's political affairs are sluggish, thinking that Jing Yin, how can he rule? Please leave it at that. As if Dao was furious, Wen Long knew fuzhou, and then made the Taiwan minister Li Ke impeached. Before long, Lü Wenhuan led the army to the east, and Fan Wenhu's head landed, and Wen Huan went east. It is as if the Dao soldiers collapsed in Lugang, and the first to flee, so that the city of Leh was evacuated from everything, and the first regret did not need wen long's words. He became the Left Counselor and sought to serve the imperial history.  At that time, things were very urgent, Wang Gong and Chen Yizhong could not draw a plan, and they sat in the court to argue for their own intentions. The subliminal saying that the friend descended from the Pingjiang River, and the Taiwan minister asked to visit his home, and he thought it was okay, and It was advisable to think that it was not possible. Zhang Shijie will be divided into four divisions, and the ministers will not be supervised, and the Taiwan counselor will discuss it, and the gong will ask for the side, and the secretary of state will be consulted, and the minister will be invited to discuss. Wen Long shang said: "The Book says, 'The three queens are united in their hearts, and the same is in the Tao.' 'The northern soldiers take a certain city today, and build a certain fort tomorrow, and I am suspicious of the traces, for example, to save the fire, and to walk in peace. I ask the ministers to work with one heart and one mind, and there is no false discussion. "After that, Yizhong and Gong were not able to go away in the end, and by the beginning of October, there was no way to do anything.  It is winter, and it is tired of moving Wenlong to participate in the political affairs of the governor. Before the discussion fell, Wen Long was begged to be raised in the previous chapter, and after going abroad, he repented, and he returned to the retribution, and did not report it, but returned. In May, King Yi took the title of Governor of Fuzhou and reinstated Wenlong to participate in the affairs of the governor. Zhangzhou rebelled, taking Wenlong as a min and publicizing the appeasement of him. Wen Long made Huang Yiqian a staff officer. According to the soldier Quanzhou, let the people enter the solicitation, and the people will apologize for their sins. Xinghua has a stone hand army, can throw stones in the people, the speakers are dismissed by their inadequacy, the stone hand army is also rebellious, and wenlong is restored to the zhi army, and the peace is leveled.  Wang Shiqiang's army was already surrendered, and Jianning, Quan, and Fu all descended. Knowing that Wang Gang of Fuzhou sent the envoy To xinghua, Wen Long cut him off and let him return it, so that he could hold the book and blame Shi Qiang, and Gangzhong was responsible for the country. The militia defended themselves, and the soldiers in the city were less than a thousand, and the large soldiers came to attack and could not resist, so that their in-laws held books to recruit them, and Wen Long burned books to behead them. Wen Long said, "The lords are afraid of death, and I don't know if I can not die in this life?" "It is to make Lin Hua spy on the realm." Hua immediately surrendered, and led the troops to the city, sentenced Cao Chengsun to open the door and surrender, and Wenlong and his family went to the army, wanting to surrender, unyielding, left and right, Wenlong pointed to his abdomen: "These are all verses and righteous articles, can they force evil? "Strong, unyielding, is the weapon system sent to Hangzhou." Wenlong went to Xinghua and did not eat, until Hang starved to death. His maternal lineage, Fuzhou Ni Temple, was very ill, had no medicine, and cried left and right. Mother: "I died with my son, why should I hate it?" "Also dead. The crowd sighed, "If there is a mother, it is advisable to have a child." "For the sake of burial."  Pu ShouGeng surrendered from Quanzhou and told his people: "Chen Wenlong is not disloyal, if the people are not loyal? The hearer laughed. After the soldiers returned, Wen Long's nephew Zhen Fu raised troops to kill Lin Hua, and according to Xinghua, he was not broken again and died.  Deng Deyu, Zi Dafu, Qiongzhou people. Chun Yu ten years into the soldier. Transferred ningyuan master book, changed to Nanchang County, sentenced to Longxing Province, supervised the operation in Zuozangku, went out of Zhizhao Prefecture, moved to Guangxi to mention the prison, and over the years regent and knew Jingjiang Province.  In the first year of deyou, Changsha was attacked by soldiers, and they had to be sent to the capital Ma Ji and Ma Yingqi to help. Ji Qian rebelled and returned, and he had to be beheaded, and the military should be entrusted with it. Before long, Ma Qi dai was in charge, and the deliberations were not in harmony. In the second year, he moved to Cangwu.  Jing Jiang was broken, and he had to meet the imperial service to look south to pray, and the book banner paper cloud: "Song Room Loyal Subject, Deng Clan Filial Piety." Unable to bear to steal life, Ning Gan drowned. Peng Xian's former residence, Naiwutan Province. Qu Gongziping, Naiwu's partner. Oh my go, I got what I wanted! "He threw himself into the South Stream River and died."  Zhang Jue, zi junyu, a native of Fengzhou, Longxi. In the eighteenth year, he joined the army Diaoyu Mountain, and was commanded by the military capital of the army with many military achievements, and his personal name was "Sichuan Qiao General".  At the end of Baoyou, the soldiers attacked Shu, broke the Jiping Pass, pulled up Changning, and killed the father and son of the defending general Wang Zuo. To Langzhou, he sent down to pacify Yang Yi and pushed the official Zhao Guangzhi to death. To Pengzhou, the general Zhang Dayue was sent down, and the envoy Shi Xuanshan died. Shunqing and Guang'an counties, breaking bamboo down. Next year, the Hezhu Dao soldiers will besiege Hezhou, and all the tools for attacking the city will be prepared. Jue and Wang Jian fought together to defend, and the attack could not be lowered in September. At the beginning of Jingding, King Jian of Heshou entered the dynasty and took Ma Chiyo to keep the alliance. In the fourth year, Qianzi fed to Huxiang Mountain, which was obtained by the Dongchuan soldiers, and repeatedly advised Qian to surrender with a book, and the imperial court used Jue to replace Qian. Jue Kuixiong has a strategy, makes good use of soldiers, sets up ambushes by surprise, and counts all strategies. In its rule of the state, the soldiers must be trained, the apparatus must be refined, the imperial music must have the law, although the slaves will be rewarded for their merits, and although they have been close to their relatives, they will not be punished, so everyone will use their lives.  Since Quan Ru lost Daliangping, the large soldiers built The Tiger Xiang Mountain, garrisoned two cities, attacked Liangshan and Zhongwan Kaida, the people were not allowed to cultivate, the soldiers were not allowed to disarm and lie down, and each channel was escorted by several county soldiers, and the two cities were killed under the battle. In December of the second year of Xianchun, Jue sent shi zhuo and Wang Li to the west gate with fifty axes of dead soldiers, and fought a great battle in the city and restored the city. In April of the third year, Pingzhang Saidian Chi raised troops into chongqing, bad Chongqing wheat, and said out of hecheng, Jue Dingzhou broke the river into a water city, and tens of thousands of soldiers attacked and were led away.  Hezhou ziyu Jiu used the Erran Sheng strategy to migrate the army to Diaoyu Mountain, and the city walls were very solid. Rankai and Qing were subjected to the army, the people withered and withered, and the outside of Jue used soldiers to protect the cultivation, and the internal sect of the people reclaimed the fields and accumulated millet, and did not renew, and the public and private were both sufficient. In the ninth year, the rebel general Liu Zhenfu offered a plan to build a horse mane and a tiger top mountain from Qingju, strangle the three rivers to try to merge, and lead the winged troops to build it. Left and right want to send troops to fight with each other, Jue can not, said: "Wujing Pingmude, Zhangcheng, Wang Shuai's strong soldiers gathered, I attacked it unexpectedly, and the horse mane will take care of it, and there is no time for the city." "Nai Zhang suspected that the soldier Jiaqukou, the submarine division crossed the Pingyang Beach to attack the second city, burned its food equipment, crossed the seventy miles, burned the ship yard, and commanded Zhou Hu to die in battle, and the horse mane city was not enough."  Ten years later, the Ganing River Army undertook the mission. In the first year of deyou, he was promoted to deputy envoy of The Sichuan System and governor of Chongqing. In May, the school was inspected and the school was added. Conscript his troops into the guard, Shu Road is broken, can not reach. In June, Zan Wanshou descended with Jiading, the Three Turtles, and the Nine Peaks, and the defender Hou Du was killed in battle. The counties of Lu, Xu, Changning, Fushun, Kai, Da, Ba, and Qu all descended in January, and the combined troops surrounded Chongqing, serving as the three rivers of Fuliang, and cutting off reinforcements. Since autumn and winter, aid has been exhausted, and Jue has repeatedly entered the city with dead soldiers, allowing him to come to the rescue and drawing a royal plan for it. In the first month of the second year, he sent Zhao An to attack Qingju, pacifyIng Liu Cai and senatoring Ma Songgui. In February, Zhang Wan was sent to Chongqing with a huge warship carrying elite troops, breaking the inner water bridge. In April, the Combined Chongqing Army attacked Fengding Zhuzhan. Jue Jie Lu Shi Liu Lin and Xian Kun Peng as internal responses. In June, Zhao An was sent to break the door of the God's Arm, and Mei Yingchun killed him and restored Luzhou. The Chongqing soldiers gradually disbanded and besieged Luzhou. In December, Zhao Ding should welcome Jue into Chongqing as a system.  Shi Yangli surrendered to Fuzhou, and Jue sent Zhang Wan to attack Li and capture his subordinate Feng Xunwu and others. Establishing a compound army to fight a decisive battle, Shi Jin and Zhang Shijie were killed in battle, and Wan Buzhi captured his wife and appeased Li Duan. Jue took the capital Cheng Cong to guard Fu. Chongqing's troops retreated. Jue Wen's second king Li Guangzhong sent hundreds of soldiers to ask for the king's office. Transferred Shi Xunzhong, Zhao An and others to aid Luzhou. Zhang Wan entered the army, Lian Zhong, Fu Bing pulled out the stone gate and Ba Wu Zhao, won more than 100 soldiers, lifted the siege of Daning, and broke through the eighteen stones. In June next year, Zhang Derun broke through Fuzhou and guarded Cheng Cong. First, Cong advocated the discussion of defending the city in Chongqing, jue into, and did not know it, so he used shoufu. Satoshi to the county, not equipment, to be held. Derun shouldered Cong Gui with his shoulders, and said: "If Zi Pengfei is a politician, he can meet later." Satoshi said, "I am the one who descends, not my son." It was the month when Yuan Shi'an, the Liangshan army, descended. In October, Wanzhou was broken, and the general Shangguan Fu was killed. In November, Luzhou ran out of food, people cannibalized, so they broke it, and appeased Wang Shichang to die.  The large army will be stationed in Chongqing, stationed at Fotuguan, with one army stationed in Nancheng, one army stationed in Zhucunping, and one army stationed on the river. Lu Prefecture surrendered Li Cong, but Jue did not. In December, Dazhou's general Xian Ruzhong broke through the Xianchun Emperor Huacheng, held the general Ma Kun, and the army killed Bao Shenxiang. By the spring of the fifteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty, Li Yi, the commander-in-chief of Jue, sent troops from Guangyang, and none of the troops were lost. In February, the soldiers broke through Shaoqing Province, guarded the general Xianlong, and Hubei raised the punishment of Zhao Li and the shogun Zhao Youtai

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