
"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

author:Xin Momo's small food light
"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

This weekend is the second day of the first month of February in the lunar calendar, which represents the end of the first month and officially enters February, and the folk often say: "February two dragons look up", so this day is also known as the Spring Dragon Festival, the Green Dragon Festival, and it is also one of our traditional festivals in China. By the beginning of February, every household will prepare all kinds of sacrifices for the Dragon King, and also sacrifice the land lord, praying for the next year's wind and rain, abundant grain, and rice warehouse, pinning people's good wishes and yearnings!

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

The food customs in february 2 are also different, we must eat pig head meat in the north, because in the hearts of the ancient people, the Dragon King was mainly in charge of the rain, in order to make the wind and rain smooth, so we had to offer the best food to the Dragon King, so that the custom of eating pig head meat was handed down. In addition, there is the custom of eating dumplings and noodles, eating dumplings is called "eating dragon ears", in the past medicine was not developed, it is not easy to cure the disease, people think that "dragon head" will suppress all diseases, eat "dragon ears" will bless their own health, get rid of all diseases. Eating noodles is also called eating "dragon whiskers", dragon whisker noodles got their name, this day people use the custom of eating noodles to worship the dragon king, hoping that it can carry the clouds and rain, sprinkle Ganlin, and have a good harvest in the coming year! Today, I would like to recommend a simple and fast-handed clear soup noodle, smooth and delicious as long as five minutes to get it, and then add prawns, seaweed and rape to make the nutrition more balanced, suitable for all ages!

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

【Fresh shrimp and vegetable noodle soup】

Ingredients required: 1 serving of thin noodles for 1 person Seaweed 1 piece of shallot 1 stick Of raw soy sauce 1 tsp sesame oil 1 tsp vinegar appropriate amount of salt A little chicken essence 2 pepper 2 rape 3 shrimp

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

Preparation steps:

1. Wash and break open the rapeseed, pick out the shrimp line from the middle, cut the green onion and set aside.

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

2. Take a large bowl and shred the seaweed and put it in, add soy sauce, vinegar, pepper, salt, sesame oil, chicken essence and green onion.

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

3. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add the thin noodles and cook for 3-5 minutes.

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

4. When the noodles are almost cooked, put the rapeseed and prawns in and blanch them.

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

5. Scoop two spoonfuls of boiled noodle soup into a bowl, then fish the noodles into the bowl and mix well.

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

6. Place fresh shrimp and rape on top and sprinkle with green onions.

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious

7. A simple and nutritious fresh shrimp and vegetable soup noodles are ready, and it is also very suitable for breakfast!

"On the second of February, the dragon looks up", the dragon's whisker noodles are arranged, and they are finished in five minutes, and the taste is smooth and delicious


The noodles should be selected as fine, and the specific cooking time is determined according to the thickness of the noodles. Seasonings and side dishes are added to your personal taste, and a fried egg is also good!

Do you like this delicious noodle soup? If my sharing is helpful to you, please like, collect and forward, if there are any questions and suggestions, you can leave me a message below the article, and everyone discusses and learns from each other! Pay attention to Xin Momo's small food light, I will share a variety of high-quality food here every day, welcome to visit!

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