
Timeless classic - musical prodigy Mozart


In the entire history of art, and not only in the history of music, Mozart is a unique figure.

Among many artists, he is known as a musical prodigy.

Mozart was born on 27 January 1756 in Salzburg, Austria, the seventh child of Leopold. He learned piano at the age of four and soon began composing; that is, he wrote music earlier than he wrote. One afternoon, when he was five years old, his father, Rewobo, returned with a violinist and a trumpet-blowing friend to practice six trios. The child must also join the violin he uses for his children. The father scolded: "I have never learned, how to make a fool of myself!" "The child cried. The friend who blew the trumpet did not want to go, pleaded for him, and said that he would let him pull it around himself, but fortunately, his sound was not loud and could not be heard. Father also grunted and said, "If you hear your piano, you have to get out." The child sat down and pulled, and the trumpeter slowly stopped playing, with tears of surprise and admiration; the child finished the six trios from beginning to end intact.

Timeless classic - musical prodigy Mozart

At the age of eight, he wrote his first symphony; at the age of ten he wrote his first opera. Between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, in Italy, the birthplace of opera, he wrote three Italian operas performed in Milan, and according to the custom of the time, he conducted the orchestra. Before the age of ten, he toured the capitals of more than a dozen germanic states and the major cities of Vienna, Paris and London, and caused a sensation throughout Europe.

Just as he was able to participate in a trio without learning violin, he wrote Italian opera almost without a teacher. In his childhood, he traveled throughout Central and Western Europe, and children had more opportunities to observe and listen than to formal learning: so Mozart's ability to comprehend and feel, and the rapid absorption and digestion, was almost inconceivable. We ancients had a saying, "When the hour is over, it is not necessarily better"; Europeans also believe that precocious children grow up with few truly great achievements. It is true that in ancient and modern China and abroad, there are prodigies; but there are not many prodigies who have become prodigies, and there is no second example so far of such an outstanding and precocious genius as Mozart who has finally become an immortal master and shines for the art world.

Timeless classic - musical prodigy Mozart

In his short life of 35 years old, he left a lot of musical wealth, and his works were as many as hundreds of songs, which also had an important impact on the later music world. There are the well-known "Little Star Variations", the Turkish March, the opera "The Wedding of Figaro" and so on.

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