
Gao Hongbo: The Curse of Blessing in 1616 AD

author:Xinmin Network

The first time in his life to fuzhou, Wang Anshi, Zeng Gong, Lu Jiuyuan and Tang Xianzu's hometown, the place where cultural celebrities appeared in history, especially Tang Xianzu has become an important cultural business card in Fuzhou, his "Four Dreams of Linchuan" not only fascinated the famous people in the opera industry for hundreds of years, but more importantly, became a national cultural symbol and classic, so the most important thing to go to Fuzhou is to visit Mr. Tang Xianzu, the "opera saint".

We met him in the "Three Ong Garden". What is the "Garden of Three Ong"? Tang Xianzu, Shakespeare and Cervantes. Why put three artists of different races and nationalities in one garden? The answer is simple and straightforward: the three masters, though born of different ages, all died in 1616 AD, 1616, as if under a spell.

Gao Hongbo: The Curse of Blessing in 1616 AD

In my memory, many writers have met and died at a time in what I call the "magic spell". For example, my old chief, Mr. Feng Mu, vice chairman of the China Writers Association, and Zou Difan, the old editor-in-chief of the Poetry Journal, left us on the same day on September 5, 1995, the only difference being that Zou Difan was at eight o'clock in the morning and Feng Mu was at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Another example I encountered when I was working in the General Office of the China Writers Association, in the first two days of the first month of 1989, we sent away Tie Yifujiang, vice chairman of the China Writers Association and xinjiang poet, Bao Chang, executive secretary of the Secretariat, and Mo Yingfeng, director of the Chinese Writers Association and Hunan writer.

"Three Weng" died in 1616, they did not know each other before they died, but after their deaths, they had the honor of gathering in fuzhou, a cultural hot land, with their works to show a cultural spirit and character, for Tang Xianzu, this is his hometown of life, old age, illness and death, he was a prodigy when he was young, a talented son when he was young, a clean official and a famous eunuch when he was in politics, a poet and playwright after retirement, he was a poet and playwright after retirement, when he was 20 years old, he finished the two small poems on the wall of The Yunfeng Temple in Xishan, which was inscribed because of the falling water, was fresh and amazing: "Scratch your head to the East Forest, and the relics will jump back and forth." Although it is a thing on the head, it is ultimately a water cloud heart. "The bridge view is under the western sunset, and the autumn water is left behind." Or the casting place, back to the lotus leaf east. "It was determined by the Zen master that the Zen heart of The Zen Buddha was thick and wanted to persuade Tang Xianzu to become a monk, but unfortunately his parents were both Taoist believers, so that Tang Xianzu spent his whole life wandering between the three schools of Confucianism, Zen and Taoism, but ultimately attributed to the art of great beauty.

Shakespeare is famous for his plays, and his presence has made Britain and even the English language one of the top rankings in the history of human civilization. I remember reading "Shakespeare's Sonnets" in my youth, and the translator Tu An was so impressed by some of the wonderful sentences that he and Mr. Tu An met for the first time, and blurted out two Shakespeare poems: "Forty winters besieged my forehead, digging deep trenches and shallow grooves in the field of beauty." Mr. Tu'an Yile said that I translated it when I was 20 years old.

Cervantes's "Don Quixote" is almost well-known in China, but his bronze statue came to China more than thirty years ago, towering on the campus of Peking University, under the bronze statue there is a green meadow, which is a famous place where Peking University students often meet, in May 1988, I studied at Peking University and wrote a small poem "Over the Statue of Cervantes":

Good long journey, good tired passerby, you have been driving all the way for hundreds of years, and finally stop trekking here. With bronze eyes, scan the green space and blue sky, and hypnotize happily to the young companions.

The Spanish Knight, the wonderful Don Quixote, becomes your eternal figure. So that when we take a picture with you, we often regret that there is a windmill next to us...

"Tang" and "Tang" are translated, and I took a well-known "Tang" Chinese, which is also the earliest translated name I read.

When I wrote this poem, I only thought that Cervantes stopped when he went to Peking University, but he did not expect to be reunited with the old man in Fuzhou thirty years later.

In the "Garden of Sanweng" stands bronze statues of Sanweng, all of whom have the "bronze gaze" I write in my poem. In 1616 AD, the god of disease and death took away the life of Sanweng's flesh, but the times made Sanweng reborn and immortal through the cultural masterpieces forged by their painstaking efforts and talents, which is fate, but also the fortune of literature and national fortune, so wandering in the beautiful "Sanweng Garden", seeing several pairs of young couples taking wedding photos, I send a silent blessing from the bottom of my heart: Lovers who have been watched by Tang Xianzu, Shakespeare and Cervantes bronze eyes, your descendants must be very intelligent.

1616, The Blessing of the World. (Gao Hongbo)

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