
"It is no accident that China can create a development miracle"

author:Bright Net

"It is no accident that China can create a development miracle" (witnesses say)

— Ambassador bellakis of Moldova to China

Reporter Feng Xuejun

"China has completed the industrialization process of Western developed countries for hundreds of years in a few decades, and has steadily become the world's second largest economy. China is recognized as one of the safest countries in the world. China has made remarkable achievements in fighting COVID-19 and reviving its economy, setting an example for other countries. I sincerely congratulate Chinese people on their outstanding achievements under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Moldovan Ambassador to China Bellakis said in an exclusive interview with this reporter a few days ago.

In August 2020, Bellakis was officially appointed Ambassador of Moldova to China. "This gives me the opportunity to observe up closely the development achievements made by China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China over the past 40 years of reform and opening up."

On April 12 this year, Bellakish learned at the Chinese Foreign Ministry's Hubei Global Promotion Event that Wuhan has regained its great potential as a "thoroughfare of nine provinces" after defeating the epidemic. "Hubei is a vibrant hot land, and there are endless possibilities here." Ten days later, Bellakis visited Wuhan, becoming the first envoy in China to go to The Region for Economic and Trade Exchanges after hubei's global promotion event.

In Wuhan, Bellakis saw cars flowing endlessly, citizens strolling along the river, saw the major national public health event medical center under construction, experienced the popularity of the "night market economy" as a commercial barometer of the city, and learned that the number of foreign tourists continued to increase during the cherry blossom viewing season... During this visit, Berakish signed a memorandum of friendship and cooperation with Wuhan City on behalf of Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. "Wuhan has not only fully recovered from the epidemic, but has even made gratifying new changes."

Fuzhou, Ningbo, Yiwu, Tongcheng... Although less than a year into office, Bellakish has already visited numerous cities and villages in China. He found that even remote rural areas now have a well-developed infrastructure for road traffic and network communications. Some villages have become "live broadcast villages" and "e-commerce villages", exploring new ways of development. "I like a Chinese proverb, 'It's better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish.'" Bellakish praised that China has strengthened the "hematopoietic" function with specific projects, found a sound and stable long-term poverty alleviation mechanism for the people in underdeveloped areas, and achieved the sustainability of poverty alleviation.

"It is no accident that China can create a development miracle." Berakish told this reporter that in his observation, whether it is China's successful fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, or the complete elimination of absolute poverty and the realization of a well-off society in an all-round way, members of the Communist Party of China are always fighting in the most difficult and difficult areas. "For them, the task they shoulder is of paramount importance and glory, because this is a promise made by the Chinese Communist Party to the people, and it is also a promise that must be kept."

Berakish said the Chinese Communist Party insists on putting the people at the center. In the fight against the epidemic, the COMMUNIST Party of China and the Chinese government have insisted on "not giving up anyone", putting people's life safety and physical health first, earnestly respecting the value and dignity of everyone's life, and winning the people's trust and support.

The Chinese government not only cares about the people of Chinese, but also practices the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind. On April 27 this year, the Chinese government aided moldova to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to Chisinau. Last year, China repeatedly assisted Moldova with testing reagents, masks, protective clothing and other epidemic prevention materials, and held video exchange meetings for medical experts to share knowledge and experience in epidemic prevention and control. "China is one of the countries that has provided the most assistance to Moldova during the epidemic prevention period," Berakish said. We are deeply grateful for China's help promptly, warmly and sincerely, without any strings attached. ”

Bellakish said that China has a long history of civilization, and the CPC insists on integrating Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, and constantly promotes the sinification of Marxism. "In the face of change and in the face of change, the Communist Party of China, which has a century-old history, is constantly full of vitality. For the sake of the people and relying on the people, China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China has created an impressive human miracle, and I believe that the Communist Party of China will certainly be able to lead the Chinese people to continuously create new historical glory of the Chinese nation in the future. ”

Source: People's Daily

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