
The first test of Mount Everest in the "Serial" special documentary "Ambition of the Land - Chronicle of a Large Team of National Surveys"

author:Journal of Surveying and Mapping

Journal of Surveying and Mapping

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"Ambition of the Land - Chronicle of a Large Team of National Surveying" special documentary

(1) The first measurement of Mount Everest

The special documentary "Ambition of the Land - Chronicle of a Large Team of National Surveyors", which tells the true stories of the surveying and mapping team members, has been broadcast on Phoenix TV on October 14.

The movie "The Climber" is being broadcast in major theaters. This film, which was based on the first summit of Mount Everest in two generations in China, won warm applause with its shocking pictures and difficult and tortuous stories.

In fact, the real experience of climbing Mount Everest has more touching and profound stories. Members of the First Geodetic Survey Team of the Ministry of Natural Resources (The First National Survey Team) made five more measurements of Everest after the first measurement of Everest in 1975. They also went to the South Pole twice, stationed in the Inner Mongolia wasteland 37 times, penetrated deep into the no-man's land of Tibet 48 times, and stepped into the hinterland of Xinjiang 49 times, hiking more than 60 million kilometers, equivalent to more than 1,500 circles around the earth.

In the process, a total of 43 players died in the wild... In their hearts, surveying and mapping is a career that can be exchanged for their lives.

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