
Tea aroma China - Anhui Yongxi fire green

author:Tea mouth

Jing County has historically produced famous teas, especially in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and there are many famous teas. Such as: white cloud tea, plum blossom slices, pine lotus, yellow tea, yang tip and so on.

Before 1949, Jing County mainly produced sharp tea. Around 1949, Jing County still mainly produced sharp tea. After 1953, it was re-produced as roasted green strip tea, fried green, and fire green.

Huoqing is the old famous tea in Jing County, with a history of more than 300 years, but it was almost extinct before 1949, and it was developed after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Tea aroma China - Anhui Yongxi fire green

Yongxi fire green

Yongxi Huoqing is a historical tea and belongs to the green tea category. Created in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. It is produced in Jing County, Anhui Province.

Jing County, named after "Jing Shui", was established in the Han Dynasty. Located in the southern Anhui Mountains, the upper reaches of the Qingyi River, the southeast belongs to the Remnants of the Huangshan Mountains, the northwest part of the Jiuhua Mountain branch, the middle is a narrow valley bottom, the mountains and rivers are beautiful. Across the east, middle and west are uplifted mountain hills, during which two underground flats along the river are embedded, so the landform has the characteristics of three ups and two volts. The low hilly tea area in the southeast is a key tea-producing area in Jing County, and it is also the production area of Yongxi Huoqing.

Jing County belongs to the subtropical monsoon humid climate zone, with four distinct seasons, mild and humid climate, no severe heat in summer, no severe cold in winter, suitable for the growth of tea plants.

The soil of the tea garden in the main production area of Yongxi Huoqing is Wusha soil, ph4.5-5.5, the soil layer is deep, the organic matter and content in the soil are rich, the soil is loose and fertile, which is conducive to the growth of tea plants, and the tea varieties are excellent.

Tea aroma China - Anhui Yongxi fire green

The picking period is generally from Qingming to Guyu. The standard for fresh leaves is the first development of one bud and two leaves, and the requirements are very strict. It is required that "two leaves are one heart, the length of the body is divided, the branches are the same, the flowers are even" that is, picking eight to one inch long (2.5-3.3 cm) of one bud and two leaves, the size of the bud leaves should be uniform, fat and straight, the first leaf is slightly unfolded and still holds the bud, the second leaf is tender, the leaf is slightly rolled back, close to the bud, the bud tip is flat with the leaf tip.

Tea aroma China - Anhui Yongxi fire green

The appearance is round, tight and heavy; the color is dark green, the oil is moist; the aroma is rich, high and fresh; the taste is mellow, sweet and resistant to bubbles; the soup color is yellow and green, clear and bright; the bottom of the leaf is apricot yellow, even and neat.

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