
In-depth understanding of Anhui's top ten famous teas - Yongxi Huoqing

author:Tea boss

"Jingchuan coated with tea, buds fine color white flavor fragrant, for the offering." This is a passage in the Qing Dynasty Lu Yancan's "Continuation of the Tea Classic", quoted from the "Sui Zhi Lu" about the tea production in Jing County. The author and date of the original book are unknown. Tracing back to the source, Jing County was rich in famous tea in the early Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, in addition to the delicate and fragrant Jingchuan Tu tea meal, Jing County also produced a wide variety of other famous teas. For example, Xu Ke's "Ke Yan" (1924) has a detailed account of Shijing tea: "Hu Huisheng, a native of Jing County, has literature, tastes the shijing of his hometown to see the feed, drinks and is sweet, the taste is thick, in order to see the light of The Longjing in Wuhang before the rain, the color is not in time to incense, and the soup produced by the pit mouth is also similar. His uncle Pu An spoke Yu Yun, and the tea name of Jing was complicated, all of which were tied to the land. In the county chronicle, there is only one kind of white cloud, which produces Baiyun Mountain, and now it is full of basil, a forest of thorns, and there is no longer tea. Similar to the evening, the famous tea is Shijing, followed by Yongxi, Shijing and Yongxi are in the foothills of Huang93 Mountain, and the stone well is particularly deep, and the two peaks are sandwiched, commonly known as pits. Tea production stone, with the mountains up and down, the heavens and the earth are green, suspected not to be human. The Lion Peak of Hangzhou's West Lake, there is no rabbit with fireworks, tea has the difference between the bottom of the pit mouth, the bottom of the pit is especially rare, and the color and fragrance are better. Counterfeiters are disordered with tea near the pit. "Because of the Qing Dynasty Yongxi Huoqing is very famous, the Shijing tea produced in the Area of Shijing and Yongxi here may be "Yongxi Huoqing".

In-depth understanding of Anhui's top ten famous teas - Yongxi Huoqing

According to research, Yongxi Huoqing originated in the Ming Dynasty. Regarding its origin, there is a local legend: in ancient Times, there was a Xiucai named Liu Jin in Yongxi, nicknamed Mr. Luo, who found a "gold and silver tea" (a tea tree with half yellow leaves and half white leaves) in Yongxi Bending Mountain one spring, and then collected the fine bud leaves to create "Yongxi Huoqing", and later the Emperor of Gong, Huoqing was widely known. According to the "Jing County Chronicle", in the second year of Qing Shunzhi (1646 AD), "from the south of Mopan Mountain to Yongxi, it is more than thirty miles wide, and it produces many beautiful teas and fir trees." "It can be seen that more than three hundred years ago, Yongxi tea was quite famous. During the Qing Xianfeng period (1851-1861 AD), the output of fire youth was more than 100 quintals, which was the peak period of fire youth production. Some people have deduced that "Huoqing" is named after the evolution of "Xuanqing", which was created by the development of the technology of tun green stir-fried green absorption bead tea. At present, the Tunlu production area still calls "fried dry" as "boiled dry" The dried green is particularly exquisite, which is incomparable with other roasted green tea stir-frying and drying technology at present; the essence of the fire green manufacturing technology lies in the charcoal fire boiling. There are ancient poems: "Pick the white clouds on the ridge on credit, the night candle wind in front of the Tujia, the March report that the spring is not yet headed, and the East Garden rumors that forging plum blossoms."

In-depth understanding of Anhui's top ten famous teas - Yongxi Huoqing

Huoqing is produced in fengkeng, pankeng, shijingkeng and wantou mountain area of Yongxi in Jing County, among which the unity rock, yinshang rock and rock foot of Fengkeng are the top tea leaves, such as chicken claw dock, orchid pit and Iaijing stone in Pankeng, and Eagle Nest rock in Shijingkeng. Huang96 Mountain in the production area belongs to the remnants of Huangshan Mountain, with an altitude of 1175 meters, which is the highest peak in Jing County, with majestic mountains, unrestrained streams, green bamboo and beautiful scenery. The Yongxi River merges seventy-two mountain streams in the territory, and the springs flow for a long time all year round. The climate is mild, with abundant rainfall, an average annual temperature of 15 °C and an average annual precipitation of 1500 mm. The soil of the tea garden is sandy soil, with a deep soil layer, rich in organic matter and ammonia, phosphorus and potassium, which creates a unique ecological environment for the growth of tea plants.

In-depth understanding of Anhui's top ten famous teas - Yongxi Huoqing

The general harvesting period from Qingming to Guyu, the picking requirements are "two leaves and one heart, eight points in size, neat branches, and even flowers". That is, pick eight to one inch long bud and two leaves, the size should be uniform, the bud leaves should be fat and straight, the bud tip and the leaf tip should be aligned, there is a sharp tip, the first leaf is slightly unfolded and still holds the bud, the second leaf is tender, and the leaf is slightly rolled back. Yongxi willow leaf species is an excellent variety resource suitable for Yongxi fire. The fresh leaves collected should be strictly selected to achieve "twelve do not", fish leaves, diseased and insect leaves, broad leaves, bud leaves are not in harmony and internode long leaves, "half-sided" leaves, sandwich leaves, old leaves, tufted leaves, broken leaves, single leaves, frozen leaves, bud head atrophy and more than the length of the leaves, do not. Fresh leaves are spread out for about 6 hours, and the fresh leaves are made on the same day.

The production process of huoqing is divided into green killing, kneading, stir-frying head blank, re-kneading, frying two blanks, spreading, breaking old pots, sieving and other processes. The journey takes about 20 hours.

In-depth understanding of Anhui's top ten famous teas - Yongxi Huoqing

Kill the green: with a diameter of 46 cm barrel pot, the pot temperature of about 140-160 ° C, the amount of leaves thrown 1.5-2 kg of green time 6-7 minutes, the degree of greening should be mastered appropriately tender, the green leaves can not have bubble points and scorched edges. After coming out of the pot, shake the water vapor and knead it in time.

Kneading: Gently knead with both hands, the force should not be too heavy, to achieve the initial strip and squeeze out part of the tea juice.

Stir-fried head blank: fry the head blank with a barrel pot, the pot temperature is 100-110 ° C, the amount of leaves thrown is about 0.8 kg to knead the twisted leaves, quickly shake and stir-fry, lose moisture, and fry until the tea does not stick to the hand. Re-knead out of the pan and continue to fry the second blank.

Stir-fry two blanks: the pot temperature is 80-85 ° C, each pot into the re-kneading leaves 1-1.5 kg, slowly stir-fried to shape, more fried less shaking, until the tea leaves are bent, forming a shrimp shape, you can get out of the pot. Let it cool for about 3-5 hours, and then break the old pot.

In-depth understanding of Anhui's top ten famous teas - Yongxi Huoqing

Breaking the old pot: The shape of the fire green waist circle is gradually formed in the process of breaking the old pot, so this is the most critical process. The temperature of the pot is about 55 ° C at the beginning, and then it slowly drops to about 40 ° C. In order to ensure stable heating, charcoal is required as fuel. The amount of leaves to throw starts at 4-5 kg per pot, and the middle is twice merged into the pot to facilitate the tight shape. The whole journey takes about 10-12 hours. All by two hands operation, so that the tea in the pot pressure, squeeze, push, roll, turn, turn, boiling and frying action should be light, to prevent the hair from falling off, the number of stir-frying should be less, starting more than 10 times per minute, and then reduced to 5-6 times per minute. The low temperature of the stir-fry, the length of the time, the number of leaves, the slowness of the speed, and the lightness of the action are all the most fried green teas, which can be described as a veritable "low temperature long boiling". Stir-fry until the moisture content is 7%, the particles are formed, the surface is smooth, the color is green, and it can be cooked. Raise the temperature of the pot half an hour before the pot to develop the aroma. After the tea is sifted by hand, it is a genuine fire green.

In-depth understanding of Anhui's top ten famous teas - Yongxi Huoqing

Yongxi Huoqing has long been famous. Wang Chaolin, the poet of the "Eight Monsters of Yangzhou" in the Qing Dynasty, after drinking the fire green of Yongxi, suddenly felt the fragrance of the six intestines, the poetry was flourishing, and the lyricism was waving: "I don't know the cliff of Jingyi Mountain, the spring wind is stronger than this fragrant bud; the two stems of fine leaves and fine finch tongue rolls, steaming and roasting should not be shallow; Xuanzhou tea is exquisite, Fangxin Naxun Longshan Spring; an Ou Seser scatters light rui, who is better than Yu Chuanzi; sucks white clouds into the window together, making people feel fragrant; the long sky mist xilin is late, and the rain and wet smokers forget to return." "The quality of Yongxi Huoqing Tea was highly praised.

Yongxi huoqing tea is divided into 1-3 grades, its shape is granular waist round, tight and heavy, the color is dark green and oily, the white is hidden, the light is revealed, the floral fragrance is rich, fresh and long-lasting, the taste is mellow, the taste is sweet and sweet, the soup color is tender green emblem yellow, bright and bright, the leaf bottom is tender and even, and the apricot yellow is shiny.

In-depth understanding of Anhui's top ten famous teas - Yongxi Huoqing