
There is a traditional Chinese medicine that nourishes the spleen and stomach, which can rationalize the qi and disperse the cold, and Li Shizhen said that it opens the spleen and awakens the temper

author:Civilian Traditional Chinese Medicine

Friends who know Chinese medicine know that the spleen and stomach are the root of the determination of qi and blood, the source of the spirit of the spirit, Li Gao, one of the four masters of the medical community Jin Yuan, put forward in the "Spleen and Stomach Theory" that "internal injuries to the spleen and stomach, a hundred diseases are born", so raising the spleen and stomach is the basis of health, and poor spleen and stomach is the root of most sub-health and diseases.

Since the spleen and stomach are so important, how to nourish the spleen and stomach? There is such a taste of spleen and stomach of traditional Chinese medicine, it not only nourishes the spleen and stomach, but also can rationalize the cold, Li Shizhen said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that it opens the spleen and awakens the temper, it is the Chinese medicine Gansong.

There is a traditional Chinese medicine that nourishes the spleen and stomach, which can rationalize the qi and disperse the cold, and Li Shizhen said that it opens the spleen and awakens the temper

Although the Chinese medicine gan pine has a pine word in its name, it has nothing to do with pine trees, and is the root and stem of the herbaceous plant Gansong of the family Bada, which can be collected in spring or autumn, but it is better to collect in autumn, and it is better to have a strong smell of the main root.

[The role of gansong]

After the collection of gansong can be dried as a reserve of Chinese herbal medicine, its five flavors belong to sweet and spicy, the four qi are warm, the spleen meridian and the stomach meridian, and the rational qi relieves pain, opens the spleen and awakens the spleen.

There is a traditional Chinese medicine that nourishes the spleen and stomach, which can rationalize the qi and disperse the cold, and Li Shizhen said that it opens the spleen and awakens the temper

[Gansong's Understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine]

Chinese medicine Gansong five flavors are xin can perform qi, and its flavor aroma can wake up the spleen, and the four qi are warm and can disperse the cold, so it can nourish the spleen and stomach, especially the spleen and stomach discomfort caused by cold condensation and poor gas machine.

It is also recorded in the ancient texts of Chinese medicine, such as the "Materia Medica": "Gansong awakens the spleen and stomach"; the "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Gansong aromatic, even open spleen depression, very awaken temper".

There is a traditional Chinese medicine that nourishes the spleen and stomach, which can rationalize the qi and disperse the cold, and Li Shizhen said that it opens the spleen and awakens the temper

It is worth noting that although gansong can nourish the spleen and stomach, it is used with caution for those with qi deficiency and blood fever.

Spleen and stomach is the source of qi and blood metaplasia, spleen and stomach strong qi and blood, spleen and stomach weakness for a long time is qi and blood deficiency, so there is "internal injury to the spleen and stomach, a hundred diseases by birth" saying, Gansong is a traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and stomach, properly used to strengthen the body, but if used improperly, it will also cause a burden.

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