
The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

author:Secretary of the Sultan
The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

Damei Xinjiang, rich in flavor, there are roast lamb, grilled fish, grilled buns, grilled eggs, grilled buns, rice intestines noodles and lungs, etc., and even including roast camel meat, so have you eaten Xinjiang horse meat? Among them, smoked horse meat is very famous, but the smoked horse meat located in the Night Market in Kezhou, Xinjiang is even more coveted by tourists, when the uncle of Xinjiang who sold horse meat told me that this was smoked horse meat, I was suddenly shocked: China is really a foodie country!

The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

Although not a meat lover, meat is the best of many ingredients in cuisine, whether in a five-star hotel or a roadside food stall, meat is the most delicious food of all. But whether it is pork, mutton, dog meat, fish meat, beef, rabbit meat and other common meats, or wild game that is not common in life, horse meat is very rare, but Chinese do not seem to like horse meat.

The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

There is an old folk saying: "Donkey meat smells of horse meat, kill and do not eat mule meat." In the literal sense alone, donkey meat is eaten fragrantly, horse meat stinks, and mule meat cannot be eaten when beaten to death. But does horse meat really stink? In the Ili region of Xinjiang, bacon meat and horse intestines are very famous special snacks. The picture shows bacon meat at Kezhou Night Market.

The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

This bacon meat is not only seductive in color, but also fragrant, the large set is 85 yuan a kilogram, the small package is 32 yuan a kilogram, although it is not cheap, it is very popular with the locals. It is reported that smoked horse meat is a traditional flavor food of the Kazakh people, according to historical records, Ili smoked horse intestines have a history of hundreds of years. Today, the aroma of smoked horse meat pervades all parts of Xinjiang.

The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

Looking at this tempting horse meat in front of me, I couldn't help but swallow again and again. Friends in Xinjiang said that when they come to Xinjiang without tasting smoked horse meat, it is really white. This kind of human delicacy is comparable to roast lamb for Xinjiang people.

The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

In front of the horse meat stall in the night market, a Xinjiang sister bought about 40 yuan of horse meat and told me that it was very delicious and must be tasted. In the cold winter of the ninth month, the family gathered together to enjoy the steaming horse meat, which is really beautiful! After eating, the body was warm and warm, as if it had dispelled all the cold air of this winter night.

The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

Uncle Xinjiang cut the horse meat and added some special ingredients, which made me salivate. Although some friends say that horse meat is not delicious, Xinjiang horse meat really feeds me. On the horse meat stalls, in addition to smoked horse meat, there is also brine horse meat. Like bacon, brine horse meat is also popular.

The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

Never expected that the "horse meat poisonous" recorded in ancient literature is not so, Li Shizhen once recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that horse meat is poisonous, but in fact, the delicious taste of horse meat has not been tasted by many people. Have you ever eaten horse meat?

The ancients said that horse meat is poisonous, and folk say that horse meat stinks, but Xinjiang horse meat is hungry and tourists drool

It is reported that brine horse meat is more popular in the south, especially in Guangxi, but I went to the south to travel including to Guangxi, and I have never heard of brine horse meat. But after coming to Xinjiang, I found that my knowledge was so short-sighted. Friends in Xinjiang said that the quality of horse meat fat is better than that of beef and mutton, and has high nutritional value. But many mainland tourists come to Xinjiang only to eat mutton, but they hardly know about horse meat, which is a pity.

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