
Remembering Mr. Gao Shiqi: "China's Hawking", a generation of science masters

author:Skeptic explorers

Maybe you haven't seen "The Food, Clothing, Shelter and Travel of Bacteria", nor "Seven Periods of Life" and "The Third Stream of The Human Body", maybe you don't know "The Face of Illness", nor do you know "The Work of the Sun" and "The Soil In bed", but you have to know him.

He is a famous scientist, a pioneer and founder of China's science popularization cause, and a leading banner in China's science popularization community.

He is Gao Shiqi.

Remembering Mr. Gao Shiqi: "China's Hawking", a generation of science masters

Because his sister was taken by the disease and took her precious life, he resolutely transferred to the University of Chicago Medical Research Institute to study bacteriology and fight against the disease, but in the process of fighting the encephalitis virus, he was unfortunately infected by the virus, leaving a lifelong disability.

In the "Reading Life Society", he became acquainted with the deputy editor of "Reading Life", the author of "Popular Philosophy", the young philosopher Aischi, and became a friend of Mo Rebellion, and thus embarked on the arduous road of popular science creation.

His scientific sketches are mainly bacteriological, but they are often widely quoted, involving the entire field of natural science, and the articles integrate science, literature and political theory into one, sandwiching and discussing, which is both popular and simple, but also vivid and vivid, unique.

Premier Zhou Enlai once said: "Gao Shiqi represents science popularization!" ”

Zhou Guangzhao, chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, commented on his remarks: "Mr. Gao Shiqi used his legendary life to compose a miracle of life of a patriotic intellectual who unremittingly disseminated and popularized science and culture for the sake of the motherland and the people, and left a very precious spiritual wealth for our nation. Mr. Gao Shiqi is an outstanding example of scientific and technological workers consciously shouldering the social responsibility of disseminating science to the masses, and scientific and technological workers should take him as an example and make due contributions to improving the scientific and cultural quality of the whole nation. ”

In 1988, Mr. Gao Shiqi died.

Source: Science Compound

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