
Video 丨Gao Shiqi: The founder of China's science popularization cause

author:Things around the Association for Science and Technology

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The interview record activity of "Walking with the Party for a Hundred Years" is sponsored by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, organized by the Science and Technology Innovation Department and the Science and Technology Communication Center of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, and co-organized by the Chinese Geographical Society, the Chinese Psychological Society, the Chinese Civil Engineering Society, the Chinese Agricultural Society, the Chinese Forestry Society, the Chinese Medical Association, the Chinese Pharmaceutical Society, the Chinese Nursing Society, and the Chinese Anatomy Society. Systematically review the growth process and development achievements of the National Society under the leadership and care of the Party, and show the vivid practice and touching stories of the National Society in organizing and mobilizing the vast number of scientific and technological workers to listen to the Party and follow the Party and serve the "Great People of the Country". This episode tells: Mr. Gao Shiqi is disabled and dedicated to the cause of science popularization in China.

Source: Science and Technology Innovation Department, Science and Technology Communication Center of China Association for Science and Technology

Source: Today's WeChat public account of the Association for Science and Technology

Organizations at all levels of the China Association for Science and Technology should adhere to the responsibility positioning of serving scientific and technological workers, serving innovation-driven development, serving to improve the scientific quality of the whole people, and serving the scientific decision-making of the party and the government, and promote the construction of open, hub-type, and platform-based science and technology association organizations. Take up the long arm, take root in the grass-roots level, unite and lead the vast number of scientific and technological workers to actively march into scientific and technological innovation, organize and carry out innovative scramble actions, promote the prosperity and development of science and technology, promote the popularization and popularization of science, and truly become a people's organization that unites and links the vast number of scientific and technological workers under the leadership of the party, and become an important force in scientific and technological innovation. ——Xi Jinping

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