
Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

author:Looking for spring and autumn

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="1" > preface</h1>

"I respect my father, not because of what kind of legendary experience he has had, what kind of status he has, but because he is a person with real faith, a communist who keeps his faith at the center of his life." Xiong Xianghui's daughter Xiong Lei said of her father's latent experience during the revolution.

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Picture 丨 Xiong Xianghui old photo

Xiong Xianghui was admitted to Tsinghua University after graduating from high school at the age of 17. On the first anniversary of the Nine Movement, Xiong Xianghui joined the Chinese Communist Party, which also made him a legendary intelligence hero. Chairman Mao later commented on Xiong Xianghui's role in Hu Zongnan's side, saying:

"At that time, Hu Zongnan's every move was in our hands, and this was the most successful example of our party's intelligence work. Xiong Xianghui alone can top several divisions. ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="56" > premier Zhou was carelessly involved in an accident</h1>

In June 1946, the weary Premier Zhou paced back and forth in his office in Nanjing, and he, who had never smoked, actually lit a cigarette, accompanied by puffs of smoke, and Premier Zhou fell into contemplation until the cigarette burned to his fingers. Premier Zhou no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered someone to invite Hu Zongnan's confidential secretary Xiong Xianghui to meet him.

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Picture 丨 Premier Zhou in Nanjing in 1946

Xiong Xianghui had actually secretly joined the Communist Party before serving as Hu Zongnan's confidential secretary, and originally during the War of Resistance Against Japan, he was a cold and idle pawn installed by Premier Zhou next to Hu Zongnan, and because of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to resist Japan, Xiong Xianghui did not play much of a role.

Because Xiong Xianghui talked well and performed well, he soon attracted the attention of Hu Zongnan, and in February 1938, Hu Zongnan talked to Xiong Xianghui alone, saying that he would focus on cultivating him, and recommended him to enter the seventh branch of the Xi'an Central Army Officer School and become one of the members of the "Huangpu Department". At the same time, Hu Zongnan took Xiong Xianghui's parents to live first, gave them living expenses, and visited them personally many times.

After Xiong Xianghui finished his studies at the military academy, Hu Zongnan designated him to speak as a student representative at the graduation ceremony, and selected him as his confidential secretary, in addition to handling official documents and daily affairs, Xiong Xianghui also drafted a speech for Hu Zongnan. Xiong Xianghui is good at writing short and capable speeches, and most of them use bold words in the text, which is very in line with Hu Zongnan's taste, so it is deeply favored by Hu Zongnan.

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Pictured by Xiong Xianghui at the Army School

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Hu Zongnan followed Chiang Kai-shek on the opposite side of the Communist Party, and Xiong Xianghui's role was brought into play and he became an important figure in intelligence work. During the Liberation War, it was precisely because Xiong Xianghui delivered a large amount of important information to the central authorities in a timely manner that Chairman Mao was able to "know oneself and know the other" in dealing with the Kuomintang, and was able to beat Hu Zongnan's troops again and again on the Shaanxi battlefield.

This time, xiong Xianghui, who happened to be in Nanjing, immediately rushed to Premier Zhou's residence in secret, and as soon as he entered the door, Premier Zhou pulled him to sit down on the sofa and said to him solemnly:

"I accidentally had an accident."

It turned out that on June 7, Premier Zhou took Marshall's special plane back to Yan'an, and on the way, due to his inability to be sleepy, Premier Zhou fell asleep unconsciously. After getting off the plane, Premier Zhou found that the small book he had put in his shirt pocket was missing, and the notebook happened to record Xiong Xianghui's address in Nanjing.

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Pictured by Marshall and Premier Zhou

Two days later, Marshall sent someone to return to Premier Zhou a tightly packed small box, saying that it was a confidential document, and Premier Zhou opened it and found that it was a small book that he had accidentally lost. Premier Zhou, who is familiar with intelligence work, knows that although the book was returned, Marshall may have taken a picture of the contents of the book, so that Xiong Xianghui would be exposed.

After listening to Premier Zhou's story, Xiong Xianghui felt a pang of nervousness in his heart, and he fixed his mind and firmly told Premier Zhou that if something happened, he would not be afraid, and for the sake of the party's cause, he had already put life and death aside. Premier Zhou shook Xiong Xianghui's hand and said:

"We want to find a way to recover this loss, you first go to Shanghai to avoid the limelight, find a reliable person to pay attention to the movements at home, and after half a month, if everything is normal, you will return to Nanjing to continue to go through the formalities of staying in the United States."

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Picture 丨 Xiong Xianghui and his wife engagement photo

After hiding in Shanghai for half a month, Xiong Xianghui received a letter from his fiancée in code, and after learning that everything was normal, Xiong Xianghui was relieved, quickly returned to Nanjing, completed the formalities for staying in the United States, and then went to Xi'an to visit Hu Zongnan. Hu Zongnan's attitude toward him did not change in the slightest, and he also held a banquet for him, hoping that he would return with his degree as soon as possible.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="57" > why Chairman Mao "saw the enemy like a god."</h1>

Before leaving for the United States, Xiong Xianghui and his fiancée held a grand wedding and invited Chiang Ching-kuo to marry them. Just as he was waiting for the day to arrive in the United States, the Kuomintang Secrecy Bureau found Xiong Xianghui and said that Mao Renfeng had asked him to go to Nanjing to meet Hu Zongnan. Xiong Xianghui originally thought that the matter of the small book was exposed, but he did not expect that Hu Zongnan asked him to postpone his three-month trip to the United States.

Hu Zongnan handed over two secret documents to Xiong Xianghui, one was the plan approved by Chiang Kai-shek to attack Yan'an, and the other was the deployment of troops in the Northern Shaanxi Liberation Army. Hu Zongnan asked him to draw a military sketch based on the two documents and to draft a political platform. Taken aback by Xiong Xianghui's careful reading of the plan, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized 17 brigades totaling 150,000 troops and 94 aircraft, intending to swallow up the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region in one fell swoop.

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Pictured by Hu Zongnan and Chiang Kai-shek

The next day Xiong Xianghui followed Hu Zongnan from Nanjing to Xi'an, and that night Xiong Xianghui found a secret contact person in disguise, handed over this important piece of information, and entrusted the contact person to report it to Yan'an. Many of Hu Zongnan's senior generals did not know about this plan at that time, and Hu Zongnan had wanted to wait for the troops to assemble before issuing combat orders, and deliberately suppressed it for a few days, but he did not expect that Chairman Mao had already obtained Xiong Xianghui's report in Yan'an.

Three days before the attack on Yan'an, Chiang Kai-shek asked Hu Zongnan to suspend the three-day offensive and wait for the withdrawal of the US military observation group in Yan'an, and this information was also quickly sent to Chairman Mao. In accordance with the instructions of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, the Party Central Committee withdrew from Yan'an as scheduled, leaving Hu Zongnan with an empty city. Premier Zhou praised xiong xianghui after receiving information:

"At the crucial moment, Xiong Xianghui once again defended the Party Central Committee."

After Hu Zongnan's army entered Yan'an, he was overwhelmed and began to boast about the "victory of the nationalist army in recovering Yan'an", and on March 24, Hu Zongnan, accompanied by Xiong Xianghui and guards, entered Yan'an, not only to find a central press corps to publicize it, but also to hold a military parade and hold a celebration meeting to show his "victory".

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Hu Zongnan accompanied Chiang Kai-shek on his visit to Yan'an

What Xiong Xianghui did not expect was that starting the day after he was stationed in Yan'an, his reorganized 31st Brigade was wiped out by the Plaster and the brigade commander was captured; on April 4, the reorganized 135th Brigade was wiped out at the Yangma River, and the acting brigade commander was captured; a month later, the reorganized 167th Brigade was again annihilated by the PLA, and the brigade commander was captured.

In more than a month, Hu Zongnan's southern army suffered three fiascos, and Hu Zongnan decided to hold on to Yan'an and no longer divide his troops, and this important information was once again secretly sent out by Xiong Xianghui and transferred to the Party Central Committee. In response to the information sent by Xiong Xianghui, the Party Central Committee held a celebration meeting on May 14, at which Premier Zhou made a public appearance and announced that the Party Central Committee had been working together with the military and people in the border areas after withdrawing from Yan'an.

Xiong Xianghui relayed this news to Hu Zongnan, who immediately lost his former aura, and he never understood why Chairman Mao was able to make clever calculations and take a step faster than himself everywhere. On May 20, Hu Zongnan told Xiong Xianghui that there was nothing left on his side, and asked him to go to the United States and leave early the next morning.

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Picture 丨 In 1944, Xiong Xianghui and Hu Zongnanxia took a group photo

As early as after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Hu Zongnan decided to recommend Xiong Xianghui to study in the United States for further study, accompanied by more than a dozen of his own confidants. Due to various delays during the period, Xiong Xianghui was unable to make the trip until Hu Zongnan attacked Yan'an. After capturing Yan'an, he lost three battles and three defeats, and Hu Zongnan decided to let Xiong Xianghui continue to study in the United States.

Xiong Xianghui said goodbye to Hu Zongnan before leaving, but Hu Zongnan simply shook hands with him and did not say anything more. Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou's "enemy is like a god" made Hu Zongnan feel very bad, and this time it was the last time the two were separated in ten years together.

Xiong Xianghui made a short stay after returning to Xi'an, then bid farewell to his family and left for the United States, and after arriving in the United States, Xiong Xianghui obtained a master's degree in one and a half years. After the People's Liberation Army captured Nanjing, Xiong Xianghui was so excited that he immediately set out to return to China, smoothly returned to the mainland via Hong Kong, and was cordially received by Premier Zhou.

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Picture 丨 Xiong Xianghui family portrait

As early as two months after Xiong Xianghui went to the United States, the Kuomintang cracked the underground party organization of the Communist Party of China in the northwest, and Xiong Xianghui's identity was revealed. Hu Zongnan knew this news and regretted it a lot, he did not expect that the most trusted person lurking around him was actually the Communist Party, Hu Zongnan was in the way of face, decided to personally deal with several people involved in his subordinates, for Xiong Xianghui was already in the United States, Hu Zongnan had no choice but to mention this matter to Chiang Kai-shek.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="58" > Bear Xianghui's identity is revealed</h1>

After Xiong Xianghui returned to the motherland, he returned to the ranks and also attended the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China on October 1, and on November 5, Xiong Xianghui received an invitation from Premier Zhou to attend a banquet for the Elders of the Kuomintang at the Zhongnanhai Qinzheng Palace. Because he was not familiar with the road, Xiong Xianghui was a few minutes late, and when Zhang Zhizhong, the former representative of the Kuomintang authorities for peace talks, saw Xiong Xianghui, he was stunned and inhaled a cool breath of "ah." Premier Zhou smiled and asked Zhang Zhizhong:

"What, you don't know?"

Zhang Zhizhong was busy saying that he knew, and he couldn't imagine that Old Brother Xiong had also revolted. Premier Zhou said with emotion:

"He's not an uprising, he's a returne."

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Photo by Premier Zhou and Zhang Zhizhong and others

Immediately after Premier Zhou unveiled the mystery of Xiong Xianghui's identity to everyone, the guests were greatly surprised after listening to Premier Zhou's explanation, and Liu Pei, former deputy minister of national defense of the Kuomintang, said with emotion:

"I really can't imagine that Hu Zongnan lost the battle."

Zhang Zhizhong said that he had long known that Chiang Kai-shek was far from being an opponent of the Communist Party militarily and politically, and only today did he know that Chiang Kai-shek was not an opponent of the Communist Party in terms of intelligence. Premier Zhou proudly said that Chiang Kai-shek's combat order had already been placed on Chairman Mao's desk before it had been issued to the commander. Subsequently, Premier Zhou hoped that Zhang Zhizhong would relay to Chiang Kai-shek and persuade him to change his ways, otherwise he would only kill himself.

Immediately after attending the banquet, Zhang Zhizhong wrote a letter to Chiang Kai-shek, in which Zhang Zhizhong's tone was quite indignant, to the effect that he had only known that the Kuomintang was not an opponent of the Communist Party militarily and politically, and he did not expect that he was far from being an opponent of the Communist Party in intelligence:

"Do you have people like Xiong Xianghui in your agent?" What kind of people have been used! How could Hu Zongnan not lose the battle? How can the world of the Kuomintang not be lost? ”

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Photo by Premier Zhou and Xiong Xianghui

Zhang Zhizhong's letter was sent several days after it reached Chiang Kai-shek, when our army was capturing Guiyang and beginning to cut off the main retreat of the main force of the Sichuan Nationalist army to Yunnan. Chiang Kai-shek was still celebrating the "Golden Gate Victory" and did not return to Chongqing until mid-November to fully deal with the situation in the southwest.

At that time, Chiang Kai-shek had already begun to suspect Hu Zongnan, and even blamed Hu Zongnan for his failure, and was also suspicious of Hu Zongnan's plan to "march into Burma". Chiang Kai-shek made up his mind, in order to prevent Hu Zongnan from violating the yin, four times refused Hu Zongnan's idea of abandoning Sichuan, until our army completely cut off Hu Zongnan's retreat, Chiang Kai-shek suddenly woke up, agreed to Hu Zongnan's request to abandon Sichuan, and ordered him to lead his army to retreat to Xichang.

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Figure丨 Liberation of the Great Southwest

But it was too late, hu Zongnan disobeyed Chiang Kai-shek's orders for the first time in his life, left his troops and fled to Hainan, and for a time the troops scattered and fled, and in just a few days, Hu Zongnan's 400,000 troops were completely disintegrated, and the situation in the southwest region also reached the expected goal of our army.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="59" > the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed</h1>

Let's go back to the beginning of the article again, Premier Zhou accidentally lost the book he carried with him, why didn't Xiong Xianghui be exposed because of this? In fact, Premier Zhou's estimation of Marshall was correct, Marshall immediately took a photo after getting the small book that Premier Zhou had lost, and also sent agents to track down Xiong Xianghui's details.

The results of the investigation surprised Marshall, why did the information of this big red man around Hu Zongnan appear in Premier Zhou's book? There must be a very big secret behind this matter. Marshall admired Premier Zhou very much from the bottom of his heart, but forced by his own identity, he had to align himself with the Kuomintang, and after some ideological struggle, Marshall decided to give this information to Chiang Kai-shek.

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

In 1946, Premier Zhou signed an armistice

Then Marshall went to see Chiang Kai-shek and asked him what new ideas he had for the peace talks between the Kuomintang and the Republic, and Chiang Kai-shek said that he was going to arrange for Mao Zedong to be the governor of the province or the minister of a certain ministry, but Mao Zedong did not accept this proposal, so the government was ready to salute first and then soldier. Chiang Kai-shek also told Marshall that once the negotiations broke down, the Kuomintang troops were fully confident of eliminating all the communists within half a year.

Marshall had no objection to Chiang Kai-shek's "bold remarks", because he also believed that with the help of the Americans, the Kuomintang army had enough advantages to defeat the Communists. Marshall immediately told Chiang Kai-shek that he wanted to provide him with a piece of information, and thought that Chiang Kai-shek would be ecstatic to ask him for information, but Chiang Kai-shek responded expressionlessly:

"The Kuomintang is in great need of economic and military assistance from the United States, but it basically does not need intelligence help, because the Kuomintang has a world-class intelligence system." When the Japanese army attacked Pearl Harbor that year, if the Us side could pay attention to Dai Kasa's intelligence, it would not be successful by the Japanese army. ”

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Pictured: A group photo of the tripartite armistice agreement between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party

In Marshall's view, his heavyweight intelligence should be handed over to Chiang Kai-shek equally, rather than being sent out like a beggar. Thinking of this, Marshall did not say anything more and left Chiang Kai-shek's office with the information.

The news of Marshall's visit to Chiang Kai-shek soon reached Premier Zhou's ears, and according to the analysis of the Movement of the Kuomintang, Premier Zhou speculated that Marshall had not yet presented the intelligence to Chiang Kai-shek. Premier Zhou had a clever move, sent someone to invite his friend Fu Jingbo to drink coffee, "by the way" gave him a few tickets, as the personal secretary of the US ambassador to China Stuart Redden, Fu Jingbo borrowed the ticket to give flowers to his boss.

Three days later, Stuart Redden invited Marshall to the Nanjing Central Theater to watch the Peking opera "Heroes of the Crowd", and when he saw the scene of "Jiang Gan Stealing Books" in the play, Marshall broke out in a cold sweat. For the story of "Jiang Gan stealing books", Marshall already has some understanding, thinking of the small book of Premier Zhou that he accidentally obtained a few days ago, Marshall guessed that he was also "Jiang Gan":

Zhou Enlai was usually cautious, how could he have lost his confidential copy on the American plane? Even if Zhou Enlai was accidentally lost, why didn't he send someone to pick it up that day, but sent it by himself? And after the small book was sent, why didn't Zhou Enlai lock the book in the safe in time, but instead casually threw it on the table?

Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident, almost exposed the lurking party members, americans: almost became "Jiang Gan" preface Premier Zhou carelessly had an accident Why Chairman Mao "expected the enemy like a god" Xiong Xianghui's identity revealed the mystery that Xiong Xianghui was not betrayed

Pictured by Marshall and Chiang Kai-shek

A series of speculations made Marshall begin to doubt his initial judgment, he was very glad that he did not take the liberty of handing over the book to Chiang Kai-shek, otherwise he would really become a modern "Chiang Kai-shek". After Marshall confirmed his suspicions, he destroyed a photocopy of Premier Zhou's small notebook, which is why Marshall did not betray Xiong Xianghui.

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