
"Black Panther" Dervik Bosman died young Marvel changed its original layout

author:Worldview News Entertainment
"Black Panther" Dervik Bosman died young Marvel changed its original layout

"Black Panther" Chadwick Bosman unfortunately died young, and Marvel must change the original layout. Figure/Excerpt from imdb

Marvel hero films have been popular around the world for more than 10 years and will officially enter the next stage from the release of "Black Widow". In the previous stage, there was "Iron Man" Robert Downey jr. became a brother of The Board, and also led a group of superhero actors to create brilliant results, who can take over such a heavy responsibility in the new stage? The expected characters on the table have their own shortcomings.

The new stage of Marvel hero movies will pay more attention to non-traditional white male heroes than the previous stage, such as female or transgender groups, non-white people, etc., have the opportunity to make a big splash, so there are always rumors that Marvel earlier flaunted oscar queen Brie Larson's "Captain Marvel" is the most capable hero, is to praise her to become the new stage of the main role in the pre-hype. Although Bree has good acting skills, in order to interpret the role convincingly, carry out devilish exercises, physique is not lost, but as a feminist, a bunch of speeches for women have angered many male Marvel fans, and some people have signed a petition to ask Marvel to replace her, in this case, it seems that it is not very suitable for her to take over the most important role.

Marvel's heroes' personal films, the highest grossing in the United States is the "Black Panther" that sold for more than $700 million, with such a large public support, and is a non-white hero, if it really becomes marvel's next stage of the Billboard, it is completely reasonable. Helpless actor Chadwick Bosman died of colon cancer in August last year, and even who will take over the protagonist of "Black Panther 2" has become a mystery to be solved, let alone "Black Panther" upgraded to Marvel's brother.

Marvel's first Asian hero, "Shangqi", which is also a non-white man, was originally a masterpiece that Marvel placed high hopes on and hoped to seize the attention of Asian audiences around the world, including the vast Chinese market, and the protagonist also met the needs of the new stage of "non-traditional white people". It is only Liu Simu, who was selected in the screen, and his appearance has always caused controversy in the Chinese area, and it is not necessarily guaranteed that the box office will open up such a good performance as "Black Panther", and it is really too early to take over the position of a brother soon.

Marvel Comics in the United States one of the most popular "Spider-Man", made into a movie is still popular, but unfortunately the filming rights Marvel sold to Sony very early, is currently Sony and Marvel cooperation, is half a foot into the mother's home, Marvel can continue to use? How long can it last? It all depends on the outcome of the negotiations with Sony, so that Spider-Man, who is like a disciple of Iron Man in the movie, may not necessarily replace Iron Man's position.

"Black Panther" Dervik Bosman died young Marvel changed its original layout

Although "Captain Marvel" Brie Larson has an Oscar title, he is not loved by some male Marvel fans. Figure/Excerpt from imdb

"Black Panther" Dervik Bosman died young Marvel changed its original layout

"Shangqi" Liu Simu has not yet passed the audience test, and I don't know how to accept it. Figure/Excerpt from imdb

"Black Panther" Dervik Bosman died young Marvel changed its original layout

The "Spider-Man" movie copyright is not entirely in Marvel's hands, and it is not suitable to become a kanban brother. Figure/Excerpt from imdb

(Editor: Zhang Yijia)

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