
California 10 hospitalized! It's because The Mexican cheese cornflakes are poisonous!

author:American Life Express

Source: U.S. News Express (

Lovin Los Angeles

California 10 hospitalized! It's because The Mexican cheese cornflakes are poisonous!

Cheese corn flakes sold at oak gas stations in the Sacramento Valley paralyzed a customer after eating them. Sacramento Bee Newspaper

Nacho cheese is a famous Mexican snack that can be found everywhere in California. However, a toxic cheese cornflake was recently found in Sacramento, California's capital, and 10 people have been hospitalized after eating it, one of whom is at risk of paralysis.

The California Department of Public Health is currently investigating the poisoning of customers with cheese corn flakes, and 10 people have been hospitalized after eating them, all of whom have symptoms of botulism. The California Department of Public Health is currently conducting a joint investigation with four local health departments, and while it has not been disclosed which counties the patients came from, they believe it is related to cheese corn flakes sold at the Valley Oak gas station three weeks ago.

Three weeks ago, a woman ate cheese corn flakes purchased at the Valley Oak gas station and experienced symptoms of ghosting, vomiting and difficulty breathing. She was sent to the emergency room for treatment after the coma has been so far, the hospital said that the patient botulism, currently unable to speak, unable to open her eyes, may face the risk of paralysis, she has not improved after three weeks of treatment.

The California Department of Public Health notes that Botulinum toxin is a deadly virus that can be caused by eating food contaminated with Botox. Botulinum toxin mostly grows in an oxygen-deficient environment, and home-made canned food is particularly prone to breed botulinum toxin due to improper preservation. Botulinum toxin releases toxins that damage the nervous system, can cause symptoms such as dyspnea, nausea, strabismus, muscle weakness, and in severe cases, death due to respiratory paralysis.

The California Department of Public Health has revoked the gas station's food sales license and is also tracing the source of contaminated food. The family of the poisoned woman has filed a lawsuit against the gas station.

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