
Academician Chen Kaixian: It is predicted that chinese medicines and innovative drugs will occupy the main part of China's pharmaceutical market in 2030 Finance

At the "2020 Fourth China Innovative Drug Forum and editorial board of China New Drug Magazine", Jiao Hong, director of the State Drug Administration, pointed out in his speech that since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, a total of 19 drugs and 13 vaccines have been approved to carry out clinical trials, and 2 drugs for epidemic prevention and control have been listed, making positive contributions to the great victory in the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

Academician Chen Kaixian: It is predicted that chinese medicines and innovative drugs will occupy the main part of China's pharmaceutical market in 2030

Jiao Hong, director of the State Drug Administration

Director Jiao Hong said that the pharmaceutical industry is related to the health of the people, and the 19th National Congress will elevate the maintenance of people's health to the height of national strategy and make a major decision to "implement the Healthy China Strategy". Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the State Food and Drug Administration has always adhered to the people-centered approach, continuously improved the regulatory system, continued to deepen the reform of the review and approval system, accelerated the listing of innovative drugs and urgently needed clinical drugs, and met the people's new expectations for new drugs and good drugs.

Academician Chen Kaixian: It is predicted that chinese medicines and innovative drugs will occupy the main part of China's pharmaceutical market in 2030

Yin Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor

Yin Yong, vice mayor of Beijing, pointed out that the original innovation and industrial development of biomedicine are of special significance to the construction of a national science and technology innovation center and the construction of a high-tech industrial structure in Beijing, and are a strong support for promoting the high-quality economic development of the capital. Especially since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic this year, the biomedical industry has become one of the most active areas of innovation.

He said that as a national science and technology innovation center and international exchange center, Beijing has unique advantages in developing the industry of innovative drugs, with the advantages of reform and opening up, policy information, scientific and technological innovation, industrial foundation and business environment. In the future, Beijing will continue to promote the innovative drug industry to become bigger, better and stronger.

Academician Chen Kaixian: It is predicted that chinese medicines and innovative drugs will occupy the main part of China's pharmaceutical market in 2030

Chen Kaixian, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

On the same day, Academician Chen Kaixian, chairman of the conference, made a report on "Driving a New Leap forward in China's Pharmaceutical Field with Innovation". Academician Chen Kaixian pointed out that in the research and development of new drugs, China is still facing many new challenges and new opportunities. First, the clinical demand is huge, and in terms of major diseases and rare diseases, China's demand is very large. Second, we must strengthen basic research, take the initiative to dock new breakthroughs in the frontiers of science and technology, and the cutting-edge technological research of life sciences and biotechnology not only nurtures the breakthrough of new drug discovery, but also constantly updates the concept of drug research and creates a new situation and new formats in the pharmaceutical industry. Third, fully based on China's national conditions to give play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, natural medicine and so on. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the public relations of drug research and development for major public health emergencies. "The development of the epidemic this year is a profound reflection on our side. While developing major chronic diseases, tumors, and cardiovascular drugs, we should pay close attention to major sudden infectious diseases. ”

According to reports, the development momentum of China's new drug research and development is very rapid, and the contribution to the global pre-market new drug research and development has risen rapidly from 1-5% in 2016 to 7.8%. Like Japan and Western European countries, we have entered the second echelon, "We predict that by 2030, China's specialty drugs and innovative drugs will occupy the main part of our Chinese pharmaceutical market." ”

On the same day, Liu Jingzhen, secretary of the party committee and chairman of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer of China New Drug Magazine. Also present at the meeting were Li Bo, president of the China Academy of Food and Drug Control, Sun Lei, director of the Medical Device Evaluation Center of the State Drug Administration, Li Jianming, deputy director of the Food and Drug Audit and Inspection Center of the State Drug Administration, Wang Tao, chief reviewer of the Drug Evaluation Center of the State Drug Administration, Che Mingfeng, deputy secretary general of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, Wei Shuyuan, president of the China General Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry Research, and Wang Shaofeng, secretary of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, and Director Liang Sheng. The conference was presided over by Shi Shengyi, deputy general manager of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. and executive editor of China New Drug Magazine. More than 70 experts in the field of new drug development participated in academic reports and roundtable discussions.

The conference approved the list of members of the editorial board of the 7th China New Drug Journal, and Academician Chen Kaixian awarded medals to the outstanding editorial board and excellent review experts.

(Editor-in-charge: Gu Fan)

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