
In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

author:An An talks about history

1. Stuck in a predicament but unable to get up

This year's hit TV series "Ignite Me, Warm You" aired as scheduled, and people turned their attention to Chen Feiyu, the actor behind this masterpiece. However, for the star, who has endured years of hardship, he has already experienced numerous challenges and struggles.

Although he has invested millions of dollars and devoted himself to all kinds of works with enthusiasm, it is always difficult to break the forgotten dilemma, he was the son of the world-renowned actor Chen Kaige, and his every move attracted everyone's attention with his outstanding talent and handsome appearance, however, the reality ruthlessly tells us that his acting career is not smooth sailing.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

Second, the failure of youth films made him struggle

Back in 2017, that year, youth films were in the limelight, and Chen Feiyu also followed the trend and co-starred with Ouyang Nana in the youth movie "Secret Fruit". However, the film suffered a double blow at the box office and word of mouth, becoming a major setback in his acting career.

At that time, one youth film after another sprung up, whether it was "Left Ear" or "Beijing Love Story", they all won the warm welcome of the audience and high praise from the industry Chen Feiyu looked at these successful examples, his heart was full of hope, and he looked forward to taking this opportunity to become famous in one fell swoop, however, the failure of "Secret Fruit" made him deeply disappointed, the box office was dismal, and the word of mouth was in an uproar.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

3. Blindly following the trend and delaying the drama was banned

In 2019, a series of popular dramas such as "Town Soul" starring Zhu Yilong and "Chen Qingling" starring Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo made Chen Feiyu see business opportunities, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to show his strength.

However, his efforts did not get the rewards they deserved, and instead the work was banned because of blindly following the trend, which undoubtedly brought him a huge blow.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

At that time, the delay drama rose appropriately, and it became an upstart in the entertainment industry. Chen Feiyu saw that others had continuously achieved amazing results with the delay drama, and he was uneasy in his heart, and he couldn't wait to follow closely and seize a place.

So, he made up his mind without hesitation, invested tens of millions of funds to support it, and tried his best to shoot the drama "Haoyi Xing". For this drama, Chen Feiyu went all out, whether it was the role selection or the scene setting, he was responsible for the whole process and did it himself.

However, it was not long after the completion of "Hao Yi Xing" that the official suddenly issued a statement strictly prohibiting the broadcast of all Tanmei dramas. When Chen Feiyu learned about this, he was immediately stunned and his face was full of doubts.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

He stopped on the set, looked around blankly, his eyes were erratic, and his face showed confusion and helplessness. After a long time, Chen Feiyu slammed the table beside him angrily, with such force that bright red marks instantly appeared on the back of his hand.

Fourth, the suspense drama continues to look forward to it

Dating back to around 2020, Chen Feiyu challenged himself again and tried the TV series "Jiang Ye" and the suspense drama "Gold Rush" adapted from the male frequency text, but unfortunately, these works did not attract widespread attention and praise, and the reputation was mediocre and there was little popularity.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

For the drama "Jiang Ye", Chen Feiyu poured all his efforts. During the production process, he often frowned, stared at the script worriedly, and racked his brains for the future development of the series.

As long as there is a doubt in his mind, he will immediately call the screenwriter for an in-depth discussion, and the debate will be fierce for hours and tirelessly.

In terms of investment, Chen Feiyu did not hesitate to pour out his money and created this drama with a large amount of money. He has high hopes for whether "Jiang Ye" can win a good reputation.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

However, when the drama was finally completed, the broadcast effect was far lower than Chen Feiyu's expectations, and the response was chilling, and the popularity of the Internet was quickly overshadowed by other dramas.

Seeing the ratings continue to decline, Chen Feiyu should have felt so lost and depressed at that time! He thought that he had finally found the right path this time, but he didn't expect that the results were very small, and compared with other popular dramas, the gap was obvious.

Not long after the extravagance of "Jiang Ye", Chen Feiyu immediately teamed up with the powerful actor Liao Fan to create a high-profile suspense drama - "Gold Rush". He has high hopes for this work, and he is afraid that he will fall into the predicament of declining popularity again.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

However, the surprise soon came, and once "Gold Rush" was broadcast, its dismal level was jaw-dropping, and the audience ignored it, and the ratings almost fell to freezing point.

Chen Feiyu's mood fell to the bottom, his mood continued to be low, and he was afraid that he would collapse and never be able to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry again. In order to motivate himself, he began to motivate himself frequently in front of the mirror: "If you persevere, you will succeed!" "However, it is far more difficult to convince yourself than it is to convince others.

Fifth, variety shows hit the streets, and it will be difficult to fight again

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

In order to find a new breakthrough, Chen Feiyu resolutely decided to participate in a parent-child variety show - "Think of a Way, Dad". He saw AngelaBaby's blockbuster performance in "Running Man", and his heart ignited hope, thinking that variety shows might be a good opportunity for him to turn over.

So, he took the initiative to contact the producer and begged to join the recording team of the variety show.

The producer was moved by Chen Feiyu's enthusiasm, coupled with his special status as the son of the actor, and finally reluctantly provided him with a chance. From the planning stage of the show to the official start-up, Chen Feiyu devoted all his efforts and participated deeply in the whole process, just to seize this rare opportunity.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

At the recording site, Chen Feiyu's interaction with the children was full of love and patience, and he did his best to meet the various needs of the children. Sometimes, he gently strokes the children's heads, with a happy smile on his face.

Looking at the scenes in front of the camera, Chen Feiyu was secretly happy in his heart and finally found a new path.

However, the good times did not last long, and just when the show was about to be broadcast, the parent-child variety show suffered the doom of a complete ban. All the effort and effort was wiped out in an instant.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

When he learned the news, Chen Feiyu was standing on the set, looking around sluggishly, his eyes were confused and trance-like, and a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, the producer immediately stepped forward to comfort him, but Chen Feiyu just shook his head lightly and responded in a relaxed tone: "It's okay, I'm used to it." Although he said it lightly, the disappointment and helplessness in his eyes could not be concealed.

This time, the tentacles of success seemed to be close at hand, however, after all, it still lost its wave of goodbye. For Chen Feiyu, this is undoubtedly the biggest blow in his life.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

However, he did not back down, but strengthened his belief in moving forward, believing that one day, he could meet his own glorious moment.

Part 6: Finally ushered in enthusiastic applause and firm waiting

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, this year has arrived. The TV series "Ignite Me, Warm You" starring Chen Feiyu was finally released on major video platforms, and achieved very excellent results - a high score of 7.2 points and warm praise from the audience.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

Perhaps, this is the dawn that Chen Feiyu has been waiting for for many years, giving him the opportunity to achieve his own comeback.

Looking back on the past, Chen Feiyu has experienced countless hardships and hardships, and tasted the ups and downs of life. He has stood on the edge of Vanity Fair many times, from the initial attention, to the later slump in popularity, and then to the current peaks and turns, his life path can be described as magnificent and tortuous.

However, what is admirable is that he never chose to give up, always stuck to his beliefs, and waited for the arrival of his own spring.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

As soon as the new drama was broadcast, it immediately set off a craze on the Internet, and praise poured in like a tide. Many people have said that Chen Kaige, the son of a powerful actor, has finally waited for his own excellent works.

Seeing these comments, Chen Feiyu's heart was full of joy, and he knew that his efforts after so many years had finally been recognized.

In the crew, Chen Feiyu always shows a steady and calm attitude, and gives 100% trust and tolerance to all staff. However, when he is alone, he often gets caught up in memories of the past and nostalgia for the hard years he has passed.

In addition to Luo Yonghao, there is also Chen Kaige's son?

Whenever he recalls the setbacks that have hit him hard, he can't help but sigh, and his brow reveals deep worry.

Fortunately, Chen Feiyu has gradually got rid of the shadows and regained his former fighting spirit and determination. He said with a smile that as an actor who has long been known as the "dark light of the industry", this time he may really have to illuminate the entire film and television industry.

While talking and laughing, Chen Feiyu's eyes flashed with bright light, and he regained the brilliance of confidence and expectation.

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