
From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

author:An An talks about history

1. The Chen Feiyu scandal disturbed Chen Kaige's life in all directions!

This weekend, the entertainment industry was once again hit by a heavy punch, which instantly sparked countless heated discussions and speculations. Immediately afterwards, the competition between the paparazzi for attention became more and more fierce, and a paparazzi battle was about to begin.

First of all, there was amazing news in the sports world - women's basketball player Li Meng was exposed to the scandal of "knowing three and being three". Immediately afterwards, a paparazzi was imprisoned for five days for exposing intimate bed photos of a well-known star, which undoubtedly caused an uproar.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

After digging deeper, it was found that the star exposed this time turned out to be Chen Feiyu, and the "paparazzi" that provoked the incident was headed by "Super Photography Yangyang".

For a long time, Chen Feiyu's public image has maintained a positive attitude and won praise from the audience. However, as soon as this intimate bed photo incident was exposed, his image instantly fell to the bottom, and the positive image he had worked so hard to create collapsed in an instant.

The Chen family was also implicated because of this, and the past events that were difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood were once again revealed, and became the topic of conversation after everyone's tea and dinner.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

Chen Feiyu's team naturally could not tolerate this situation and immediately took legal measures to defend its rights. However, the "super photography Yangyang" did not restrain because of this, but even more arrogantly claimed to be the "messenger of justice" who exposed the "false personality" of the star.

All of a sudden, the two sides launched a fierce competition on the battlefield of public opinion.

However, this paparazzi storm is not an innocent bystander. Chen Kaige, a veteran actor, was ruthlessly touched by the "black hand" of the paparazzi. For a time, all kinds of old things in his past were ruthlessly exposed, and others were allowed to comment and discuss.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

2. Review Chen Kaige's peak moment and taste his genius!

When it comes to Chen Kaige's directorial career, it is really thought-provoking. When he was young, he became famous with his debut film "Yellow Earth" with his outstanding talent and unique artistic vision, and dropped a shocking "bombshell" in the film industry at that time.

Subsequently, he won worldwide acclaim for himself with his epic masterpiece "Farewell My Concubine".

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

The work "Farewell My Concubine" can be called Chen Kaige's most eye-catching masterpiece. With a unique perspective full of poetry and art, it vividly depicts an intricate and inseparable same-sex love story.

In the movie screen, Cheng Dieyi's unwavering pursuit of the pear orchard industry, as well as the intellectual struggle between him and his peers in the emotional entanglement, together depict a vivid picture of the pear orchard world, which deeply attracts every audience.

There is no doubt that this wonderful work has become the pinnacle of Chen Kaige's directorial career, his reputation is like thunder, and the Douban score is as high as 9.6 points, the audience enthusiastically praises his deep and delicate artistic insight, and places high expectations on him.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

Since the advent of "Wu Ji", Chen Kaige's follow-up works seem to have lost their former brilliance. These films either have too deep and complex storylines to be understood by a wide audience; Either the plot setting is far-fetched and difficult to resonate.

Many film critics have mercilessly accused Chen Kaige's new work of "form over content" and a serious disconnect from contemporary aesthetics.

3. Self-redemption has failed, arrogance and arrogance have lost people's hearts

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

In fact, the decline of Chen Kaige's later works is distressing. Just when everyone was expecting his career to create more brilliance, his new work fell into word-of-mouth crises again and again.

Since the controversial "Wuji", the evaluation of Chen Kaige by public opinion has always been in the whirlpool of controversy of "incomprehensible" and "pretentious".

The talented Chen Kaige gradually fell into the predicament of "Gu Ying's self-pity". Although he has achieved great achievements in aesthetics, and the visual effects of "Boundless" are top-notch, the storyline is too difficult and obscure for the average audience to grasp; And although the subsequent "Legend of the Demon Cat" tried to reproduce the style of the Tang Dynasty, it still seemed high and low.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

Obviously, Chen Kaige has fallen deeply into his "Qing Gao literati" temperament and can't extricate himself. He has never been able to let go of his body and always scoffs at the negative comments of others.

In his eyes, the culprit for all this was simply the "low aesthetic level" of the general public, which was incompatible with his refined taste.

This posture of "arguing on the basis of reason" is really ridiculous. In the early years, when "Wu Ji" suffered a box office fiasco, Chen Kaige once confidently declared that "you will understand in ten years".

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

However, time flies, and now it has been a long and dramatic eighteen spring and autumn. The film, which was once revered as a "masterpiece" by the director, still failed to gain the recognition and appreciation of the majority of audiences.

It's really embarrassing!.

Obviously, it can be seen that Chen Kaige is gradually moving towards the tragic end of self-isolation and isolation from the world with an almost blind and arrogant attitude. He has been unable to sincerely accept the existence of any dissenting opinions or voices, and has quietly cut off the bridge of cultural exchange with the general public.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

Fourth, family members and relatives are also affected, and no one around them is spared

In this paparazzi turmoil, Chen Kaige is undoubtedly a victim worthy of sympathy, but the most innocent is his relatives. In this incident, Chen Hong and Chen Feiyu's family, young and old, even became the "scapegoats" who were implicated.

Do you still remember the intricate emotional entanglements between Chen Hong, Chen Kaige and Ni Ping? That past can be described as a sensational "love triangle". The outside world has always questioned whether Chen Hong intervened in the six-year relationship between Chen Kaige and Ni Ping and became the so-called "little three".

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

Although Ni Ping and Chen Kaige did not officially enter the marriage hall, at Chen Kaige's father's funeral, she was fully responsible for all affairs, as if she was already a "prospective daughter-in-law".

However, it is a pity that they failed to go through the last journey of their lives hand in hand, but Chen Hong successfully entered the Chen family, tied the knot with Chen Kaige, and gave birth to two lovely children.

Regarding this relationship with Chen Kaige, Ni Ping said frankly in her autobiography, "This is my most undignified period." Between the lines, her resentment towards Chen Hong was overflowing.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

As for Chen Hong herself, although she later clarified for herself, claiming that she and Chen Kaige were both "single" when they were in love. However, the "seamless switching" of time nodes has always made her image in the eyes of the public always bear the notoriety of "stepping into the junior".

In addition, Chen Kaige's grievances with his first wife Hong Huang in his early years have also surfaced again. Some people accuse Chen Kaige of being the "third party" who really inserts Hong Huang into the love life of Hong Huang and his ex-boyfriend.

Some people even dug up ambiguous photos of Chen Kaige with male close friends, questioning his "sexual orientation".

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

For a while, many scandals in Chen Kaige's past were exposed, and the outside world was allowed to comment and point out the country. His relatives and friends were also forced into this storm and endured an unprecedented "bloody storm".

Fifth, how to achieve brilliant achievements? How will they brew their own bitter fruit and fall into the trap of self-destruction?

There is no doubt that in this lively paparazzi turmoil, the most painful is undoubtedly Chen Kaige. In fact, all this is not accidental, but stems from his unique and distinctive personality and behavior.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

We must be honest with the fact that Chen Kaige was talented in his youth and can be called a bright new star in the directorial industry. He rose to fame with his debut masterpiece "Yellow Earth", and later won international awards with his epic blockbuster "Farewell My Concubine".

At that time, Chen Kaige was only in his 40s and had already become a world-class director.

However, just when people were expecting his next masterpiece to shock people again, Chen Kaige's follow-up works failed to break through as expected, and word of mouth declined seriously. Since "Wu Ji", the evaluation of his works by the outside world has shown a completely different polarization trend, and the voices of controversy have come and gone.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

Chen Kaige, who was once talented, gradually fell into the predicament of self-absorption. He is overconfident and even reluctant to listen to the advice of others.

He believes that the audience's aesthetic level is inferior and incompatible with their own tastes, and this is the crux of the problem.

This kind of stubborn attitude is really laughable. When "Wu Ji" suffered a box office waterloo, Chen Kaige once arrogantly declared that "you will understand in ten years".

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

However, time flies, and now 18 years have passed, and the audience still finds it difficult to agree with this film that he claims to be a "masterpiece".

Obviously, Chen Kaige is gradually moving towards the edge of loneliness with a blind and arrogant attitude. He was no longer able to truly accept the existence of dissent, and gradually lost the bridge of communication with the public's aesthetics.

This also made him bear the notoriety of being "stingy" and "ignoring public opinion".

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

For example, "A Blood Case Caused by a Steamed Bun" created by a netizen based on "Wuji" attracted more widespread attention than the original work, and Chen Kaige resolutely resorted to the netizen to the law.

In the end, under the pressure of public opinion, Chen Kaige was forced to withdraw the lawsuit, but the image of "stingy" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Don't you think that the world is really full of contradictions and ironies? Take the young man who participated in the talent show as an example, when he laughed at himself that he had never been exposed to the works of director Chen Kaige, and even bluntly said that he was reprimanded by his mentor as "living in the past", there was a buzz in the audience.

From everyone praising to everyone ridiculing, to the present, Chen Kaige's biggest problem is "can't afford to lose"

Immediately, a large number of ridicule and ridicule of Chen Kaige's "inability to accept criticism" remarks appeared on the Internet, however, he did not choose to remain silent, but resolutely sued all netizens in court, which undoubtedly made him even deeper into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Some people commented that the current Chen Kaige has fallen into the quagmire of "Arthur literature" and has become a stubborn old man, who can no longer keep up with the pace of the times. There are endless topics about him, but on the road of film directorship, his voice has become weaker and weaker, gradually losing its former glory.

Such a situation is really impressive and sad for a once young and promising director.

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