
Juti Zhutiyin Juti culture, as a Zhaotong person, how much do you know?

author:Micro Zhaotong

Juti Mountain and Juti were built

Juti is the ancient title of Zhaotong. Zhuti, pronounced "shú shí" (cooked time) rather than "zhū tí" (beaded hoof), is a transliteration of a Yi place name. Recently, it has been proposed to read it as "tū shí", also known as Yi transliteration. However, the Kangxi Dictionary, Zheng Xiaoxu's "Ciyuan" and the previous reprints of the Cihai do not have the "tū shí" note. The Kangxi Dictionary has the character "Zhu" in zhuyin: "Zhu ,...... And "Collection rhyme" lazy Zhu Cut, the sound is special. Zhu Ti, the name of the county, belongs to the Qianwei County in the Former HanShu Geographical Chronicle. "The first edition of the "Ciyuan" (Zheng Xiaoxu's main school) in the 4th year of the Republic of China (1915) has: "Su Lin said 'Zhu Ti, read the special time'. (Yan) Shi Gu notes 'Zhu, Yinshu, Ti, Shangzhi Anti'. The Notes on cihai are all "shú shí". Su Lin was a scholar of the late Eastern Han Dynasty, erudite, and knowledgeable about ancient and modern (the Eastern Han Dynasty called "ancient", of course, the era is even older); Yan Shigu (581-645) was a Tang Dynasty scholar, and his Notes on the Book of Han were authoritative in history; The Jiyun was written in the second year of the Reign of Emperor Renzong of Song (1039), and the Kangxi Dictionary cites its phonetic pronunciation, which is quite credible. Therefore, the zhuyin quoted in the above three dictionaries should be authoritative.

"Judy" is also synonymous with silver. "Juti Silver" is produced in Juti Mountain. Zhuti Mountain includes the mountains flowing along the Jinsha River and Niulan River in the three counties of present-day Zhaoyang, Ludian and Yongshan, and the main vein starts from the Laoyakou of Dashuijing and passes through Laojun Mountain, Shuikou Pass, Xinyingpan, Jianfengkou, Sandaozhen, Daliangzi, Shangdingshan, Huoganliangzi to Yongshan Wulian Peak. Before the establishment of Zhuti County, the area of present-day Zhaotong belonged to the territory of Liang Prefecture in the "Jiuzhou" ("Yugong": Ji, Yan, Qing, Xu, Yang, Jing, Yu, Liang, Yongzhou) during the Xia and Shang Dynasties; In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was divided into "five clothes" (the place outside the ancient Wang Qi, with a rate of 500 miles, divided into five grades according to the distance, called "five clothes", that is, Dianfu, Houfu, Suifu, Yaofu, and Huangfu), which means the farthest place from Gyeonggi. In the sixth year of Emperor Jianyuan of the Han Dynasty (135 BC), Zhuti County was established, and the name of the county was derived from the Zhuti Mountain in the territory. The jurisdiction is equivalent to the three counties of present-day Zhaoyang, Ludian and Yongshan, and the seat of government is in present-day Zhaoyang District. At the same time, there were also nanguang (present-day Zhenxiong and other places), Tanglang (also known as mantis, tang wolf, present-day Qiaojia, Huize, Dongchuan) counties, all of which belonged to Qianwei County. In the nineteenth year (214) of the Han Dynasty Emperor Jian'an, he set up Zhuti County, which commanded Zhuti, Tanglang, Hanyang (present-day Weining, Guizhou), Nanchang (present-day Bijie, Guizhou), and Nanguang, with the county seat in Zhuti County. During the Southern Qi Dynasty (480-502), the counties of Juti were divided into three counties: south, north and east. In the early days, Southern Zhuti Commandery led Toi, Tanglang, Hanyang, and Southern Qin Counties (in the Song Zhi, Southern Qin's real name was Nanchang, and emperor Taikang of the Jin Dynasty changed its name in the first year); Northern Zhuti Commandery led to Hanyang and Yicheng Counties (around present-day Yiliang, Daguan, Yanjin, Shuifu, and Suijiang); In the third year of Yanxing (494), He divided The Southern Zhuti Commandery (南朱提郡) out of The Eastern Juti Commandery (東朱提郡) and commanded Hanyang and Nanqin Counties.

In the fourth year of the Sui Dynasty (584), the imperial court set up a state in the southern central region, changing Nanguang County to Xie Prefecture and Zhuti County to Gong Prefecture; In the third year of Daye (607), Gong Prefecture was abolished and the establishment of Juti County was restored. In the fifth year of Daye (609), Juti County was merged into Kaibian County (present-day Yibin and Junlian Area).

In the first year of Tang Gaozu Wude's reign (618), Gong Prefecture (present-day Zhaoyang, Ludian, Yongshan, Huize, Dongchuan, etc.) was established as the governor of Yizhou, and the former Zhuti County was reorganized into two counties, Anshang (present-day Zhaotong), Tangxing (present-day Huize, Dongchuan), and the prefecture's seat of an upper county. Six years later, in the seventh year of Wude, Anshang County was renamed Juti County. In the eighth year of Wude (625), Gongzhou was renamed Quzhou. In the fourth year (630) of Emperor Taizong of Tang, Nantong Prefecture was established in three counties: ZhuTi, Shimen (present-day Yanjin Doushaguan), and Kaibian (present-day Junlian, Yibin, Sichuan), and four years later, in the eighth year of Zhenguan, it was renamed Xianzhou (abolished within the year), and was again called Quzhou.

Juti, from the establishment of a county in 135 BC to 630 AD to the reorganization of Nantong Prefecture, although there were changes in the establishment of counties and counties, but the name of "Juti" has not changed, with a total history of more than 760 years. It is known that from the Shu Han to the Tang Dynasty Zhenguan period (223~630), Wen Qi, Deng Fang, Li Guang, Li Feng, Wang Hua, Yong Yue, Li Yi, Li Zhao, Dong Bing, Yang Shu, Fei Shen and others served as the Taishou of Zhuti Commandery (犍) from the Shu Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty (223-630), and his Chinese Qi, Li Yi, and Li Zhao were famous Taishou, and Wen Qi made outstanding contributions to water conservancy construction and agricultural technology in northeast Yunnan and even Yunnan.

The splendor of Jutiyin

The Han Dynasty mined silver in Zhuti Mountain, so it was called "Juti Silver", which became the name of a kind of silver in the Han Dynasty, enjoyed a high reputation, and then became a synonym for silver. The 1980 edition of "Cihai" "Zhu Tiyin" entry said: Zhu Tiyin "is a kind of silver name in the Han Dynasty, produced in Zhu Tishan, Zhaotong County, Yunnan Province, and later called silver 'Zhu Ti', that is, derived from this." Juti silver is very good in color, and the price is higher than that of ordinary silver." At that time, the first-class (eight two) Zhuti silver was worth 1580 yuan of copper coins, and the price of silver per stream was 580 yuan higher than that of other silver of origin. Among the currencies issued during Wang Mang's New Dynasty (9-24) was the "Silver Goods Erpin", one of which was Zhu Tiyin, which stipulated that its price was 1.5 times that of silver produced in other regions. In addition to being used as currency, Juti silver is also made into silver utensils for practical use, such as silver bowls, silver chopsticks, silver wine glasses, etc., of course, this is only possible for large households to enjoy. In the nineteenth year of Ming Chenghua (1483), Yunnan had more than 102,300 silver lessons, accounting for more than half (55.9%) of the total number of silver classes in the country (183,000 taels), and the Ludian Lema Factory (located in Longtou Mountain, 40 kilometers away from the county seat) was the largest silver factory in the province at that time. In the seventh year of qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1742), the output ranked second among the eight major silver mines in the province; By the seventh year of Jiaqing (1802), the output ranked first in the country, with an annual output of 1.5 million to 2 million taels of silver, which was the heyday of mining. Within 10 square kilometers centered on Laojun Mountain, there are more than 30 mine caves, with caves hundreds of meters to thousands of meters deep, gathering more than 100,000 people to mine. The entire Lemachang mining area is full of large and small mines, smelting furnaces 48, the local people will be summarized as "nine mountains and two rocks two land", namely Big Buddha Mountain, Laojun Mountain, Admiralty Mountain, Wutai Mountain, Yingpan Mountain, Yellow Mine, Zhaobi Mountain, Guanyin Mountain, Qinglong Mountain, Immortal Rock, Red Stone Rock, Watermelon Land, Radish Land. The furnace of the mining area is red, and the road is open in all directions for tens of miles. From the mining area to the county seat, the eaves are hung high all the way, and the traffic is busy day and night, which is very lively.

Lema Silver Factory has driven the development of the local silver mining industry, forming a grand silver mining event. The "Lecture Notes on Local History of Yunnan" edited by Mr. Fang Guoyu mentions Zhaotong Silver when listing more silver mills, such as: Ludian Lema Silver Factory (Ludian Longtou Mountain as the center), with the highest output and the best quality; Yongshan Jinsha Silver Factory, Qianlong seven years of mining, the annual lesson of more than 5,000 silver; Zhenxiong Copper Factory Po Silver Factory, Qianlong 59 years of mining, annual lesson silver 1019 two; Yongshan Sandaogou Silver Factory, Qianlong forty-three years of mining. At the same time, it also mentions the silver factories such as Zhenxiong Changfadong, Yiliang Xiaofa Road, Daguan Banpo, Qiaojia Dashuigou and so on, which together cast the glory of Zhu Tiyin. In the 23rd to 30th year of the Republic of China (1934-1941), the Lema Factory mined and refined 19428 kg of silver ore, smelted 1477 kg of silver-lead mixture, and extracted 43.17 kg of pure silver. Until the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), the Lema Factory mining party ended. In the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935), a cobbler on the banks of the Zhu Ti River (now known as the Sayu River) found a side of the Zhu Ti silver block when plowing the land by a farmer surnamed Zhu Ti, weighing 2531 grams, engraved on the top "JianLu weighs fifty pounds", "Jianlu" is the Eastern Han Huan Emperor Liu Zhinian number "Jianhe", only 3 years (147 ~ 149), the text indicates the era of silver block casting, the value and weight. After analysis, the silver content is 42%, and the rest are impurities such as tin, so it is called "silver tin platinum". This silver block was once collected by Zhang Xilu and later donated to the Zhaotong Cultural Relics Management Office. The "Zhaotong Rural Chronicle" edited by Yang Luqian and Bao Mingquan reads: "In the former Zhaocheng City, commerce flourished, factories were developed, and silver scales, Yunnan copper and Shu salt, and carriages and horses were handed over. In the commentary, it is stated: "In the past, commerce flourished, and during the Qianjia period, the Luo (Le) Horse Factory, the ChangfaDong, and the Jinsha Factory all flourished one after another, and a lot of silver was produced. Traders in the factory sell a cart of rice, that is, a cart of cake (unrefined silver cake) is returned. This is one of the local Chronicles of Juti Silver. That is to say, the glory of Zhu Tiyin is not only the Han Dynasty, but also the thousand-year history from the Han Dynasty to the Republic of China.

Juti culture and its heritage

"Zhu Ti" as a construction ended in the early years of Tang Zhenguan, and the name "Zhu Tiyin" has always been inherited. Zhu Tiyin's fame is also commonly sung in literary works. Han Yu, one of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, has a poem in the poem "Gift to Cui Guanlizhi": "I have a double drinking cup, and its silver comes out of Juti." "It can be seen that in ancient times, Jutiyin was widely used throughout the country.

The splendor of Jutiyin also brought about the prosperity of Juti culture. During the Han Dynasty and the Two Jin Dynasties, people called the culture around the present-day Wumeng Mountain and Wulian Peak "Zhuti Culture", and also called it "Qianqingchi Culture". Its early period is the Western Han Dynasty, the main manifestation of ZhuTi culture is that agricultural production technology has a higher level, if you go back a little further, it is Du Yu from Zhu to mention the Chengdu Plain as the King of Shu, "teach the people to farm", indicating that Zhu Ti had a relatively advanced agricultural technology in ancient times; Its landmark event was that Wen Qi, the governor of The Southern Province (later known as The Taishou of Juti County), "wore dragon ponds, irrigated rice paddies, built Pi ponds, and prospered for the people", applied advanced agricultural production techniques to Zhuti and even the entire Nanzhong region, and promoted the economic development of Nanzhong (Yunnan) and Zhuti (Zhaotong). To this end, the imperial court ordered the construction of a shrine in Yizhou to commemorate it. On November 21, 1993, in order to commemorate the 1990th anniversary of Wenqi Chiseling Dragon Pond, Zhaotong inaugurated the 3.3-meter-high statue of Wenqi in Dalongdong Park (the base is washed stone inlaid with marble), and more than 200 people from all walks of life participated in the unveiling ceremony (after the contract operation of Dalongdong, the statue did not know where to go). The second is the development of industrial technology. The most prominent is the mining, smelting and production of Juti silver and Tanglang copper. Juti silver became the national common currency at that time, and silverware was widely used in daily life; Tanglang copper and bronzeware are mass-produced and sold throughout the country (cultural relics unearthed from various places can prove it), as well as the cultural taste embodied in bronze ware (not only practical but also has ornamental value and cultural vision), representing the heyday of Zhuti culture; At the same time, the culture of the Juti region was relatively developed, and various ethnic minorities lived in a mixed way, "Yi people are known as Kun (ethnic groups), small species are known as Suo (ethnic groups), all curved heads, wooden earrings, and iron wrapping." ...... Discuss the metaphorical object, called the Yijing. The remarks of the people of Jinnan (Zhong) are also half quoted in the Yijing, although scholars. "Juti County... His people are studious, Binqian is, and he is a number of soldiers, and he is crowned by Ningzhou. (Huayang Guozhi NanzhongZhi) This shows that in the Han Dynasty, the Zhuti ethnic minority had a higher culture; In the Han Dynasty, the cultural elements reflected in the emergence of Meng Yan and Meng Yu (two officials to generals and yushi Zhongcheng), The Wei and Jin Dynasties had Huo Biao (a history of four thorns), the Meng Xiaoju stele (the first stele in Hainei), and a large number of tombs (Liang Dui), indicating that the Zhuti culture was the peak of its formation and development in the Han Dynasty and the Western Jin Dynasty. It was only because of the successive years of conquest and annexation in the last years of the Eastern Jin Dynasty that "the hinterland of Zhuti was deserted" ("Huayang Guozhi NanzhongZhi"), and Zhuti culture began to decline.

Any culture may decline, but it cannot be interrupted. Zhuti culture in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, was inherited by the "Wuman culture", after the Song Dynasty, the embodiment of the Umeng culture, and to the present Zhaotong literary phenomenon and Zhaotong writers, it can be said that the inheritance of Zhuti culture, this is an undeniable historical development trajectory.


1. Chang Xuan's "Huayang Guozhi"

2. Fang Guoyu's Lecture Notes on Local History of Yunnan

3. "Zhaotong Regional Chronicle"

4. "Ludian County Chronicle"

5. Li Zhengqing's "History of Zhaotong Hui Culture"

6. Zhang Xilu's Selected Writings of the West Building

Source: Chen Fang, deputy researcher of Zhaotong City Local History Office

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