
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!

author:Ludian Media
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!

"Ludian" Yi means "mountain flat dam", standing in the south gate of Zhaotong, is a bright pearl on the bank of the Niulan River, but also the main production area of ancient Zhu Tiyin, the ancient station of the South Silk Road, known as the "source of Zhu Ti Thousand Years Silver Capital" reputation, according to legend, Ludian is also the hometown of Wangdi Duyu, Zhu Ti Cultural Park is also designed around this cultural concept.

Now Zhuti Cultural Park has become the largest public space in the county urban area, is a living room in Ludian City, but also a business card to show the image of Ludian, a good ecological environment, has long become another good place for Ludian citizens to relax, entertain and exercise. Let's walk into it and see her quiet beauty.

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Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!
Juti image (6) | stunning, see the beauty of Ludian!

Source 丨 Photo/Wen Longjiang

Editor of this issue 丨 Li Dongmei

Editor 丨Kong Xiangshu

Submission email: [email protected]

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