
What is the best life like?

author:Half summer ginger candy

  2021 has slowly opened the curtain, the major online shopping platforms, sales are relatively good, basically 2021 work manuals, time management manuals, as well as a variety of weight loss plan books, financial planning books, and a variety of 100-day plans.

Many people have paid out of their pockets, bought and bought, feeling that as long as they buy these books, they can go further from the "ideal self", and feel that as long as they buy these books, they can overtake in curves and realize the dream of middle-aged counterattack, sudden wealth and thinness, as if as long as they buy it, they can really persist for a whole year.

What is the best life like?

Reality always punches the face mercilessly. Actually? Most of them have New Year's resolutions for next year, which is still similar to this year's, and may only have one or two more "new plans".

In the vast sea of people, people who can really adhere to the "New Year's plan" for a whole year are really rare and one in a thousand. Many people rushed to apply for a fitness card, and after a month, they rarely visited. That's why in the first three months of each year, gymnasiums dare to sell you fitness cards several times larger than they can accommodate, and that's why the various "management manuals" sell particularly well every New Year's Day.

They succeeded in capturing the consumer's eagerness to change their mindset and successfully sold the product.

What is the best life like?

  So why? Why are we always dissatisfied with our current situation? Squeeze your head and pursue a "good life"? When people reach middle age, I often think about a question: What is the best life like?

  There is no uniform standard for this issue. But the only thing that is certain is that all those who seem good to us are actually created in the accumulation of time and energy, and are worked out in the perseverance and continuous efforts of day after day.

What is the best life like?

  Someone said: "Children without umbrellas can only run hard." ”

  Work hard in order to find your own place in the cruel competition, have the capital to support yourself, and realize your ideals and ambitions;

  Strive to live in order to live up to the good times and youth, and to live an ordinary day happier, more poetic and more valuable;

  Trying to love is to light the torch of life, in the cool years and boring life, looking for the little warmth contained in the emotional core.

  Striving to be a better self is to obtain material satisfaction, spiritual self-confidence, and firmly control the fate in their own hands.

What is the best life like?

  It's a world of rapid change, and it's also a world of hours and snobbery. On the track of life, if you slacken off, if you stagnate, you will stand still, and the gap between you and others will widen indefinitely.

  Unfortunately, the principle of such payment is not understood in real life, or understands but is too lazy to do it. They either covet a moment of comfort and waste a lot of their time in the pursuit of pleasure and waste time, or they are lucky and try to take a "shortcut" in life through a simpler and easier way. At that time, the light flew by, and they looked back at themselves who had nothing, and only then did they sigh with infinite regret: If they knew today, why did they do it in the first place!

  But it was too late!

What is the best life like?

  Everyone's life is only once, in this limited time, the best memory and the most beautiful look you can leave for yourself is to work hard!

  There are never shortcuts in life. When you tiptoe and chase your dreams through the years, don't think that the continent is flat. Only when you insist on walking in spite of everything and with the most beautiful posture will the thorny land bloom brilliantly.

  Heaven rewards hard work, and the way you work hard is the most beautiful!

  May we encourage you with the King.

What is the best life like?

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