
What a good life is like

author:Jimmy reads

What do you think a good life looks like?

Some people say that love has a double harvest, some people say that fame and fortune are double harvested, some people say that there is money and power, and some people say that there is money and leisure...

For the standard of a good life, Yi jia's "Good Life Operation Guide" gives us a concept of a life wheel. A good life should be balanced in the five aspects of health, emotion, work, mission and finance, that is, these five aspects achieve a good satisfaction, so that this life wheel can roll up normally, which is a healthy and beautiful life.

The five aspects mentioned above are measured by your own satisfaction, because your life is decided by you.

Still, you'd better have a clear standard. For the way we are now is what we chose and expected to be ten years ago. So, ten years from now, twenty years from now, you should also have an expectation of your own good life.

When we know exactly what we want, we can go straight to the target.

What a good life is like

So do you have a clear purpose in life? What kind of other half are you looking for? What are your requirements for your health? What do you ask of your job? What do you think is your mission in the world? What are your expectations for your finances?

Have you thought about these questions? Do you have a clear and unambiguous answer? Know where your life is going, what kind of people you are partnering with, and what kind of life you live?

Of course, everyone has their own standards for what exactly it is to be satisfied.

It is precisely because we decide our own lives that this standard is also set by ourselves.

It's just, have you ever started to set your own standards? Have you ever started thinking about these standards?

Since it is the standard, you have to give yourself a measurable indicator.

For example, health, have you ever thought about what kind of proportion you want to make your height and weight reach? Are you satisfied with your current health? How much time do you plan to spend each day exercising? How do you eat healthy and have a healthy schedule?

For example, emotions, what conditions do you want this person to meet, and will you add your family background to the reference? Have you ever thought about living a small life after getting married, or living with the elderly? How is the housework arranged, and who will manage the income and expenditure of the family? Many people will say that I have not yet fallen in love, why do I want to do so much? However, think these things clearly before falling in love, and after having a standard of living that you want, it will be easier for you to find the right person.

In fact, to put it bluntly, don't talk blindly when you talk about love, don't just find someone to talk about. Life is short and you should spend your time on the right people.

Having a clear object standard before falling in love can avoid trapping us in the sweetness of love at the beginning and forgetting to use our own intellect to evaluate our love object.

Of course, when in love, be honest with each other, and at the beginning, two people can talk about the views of both sides on many things, and see if the views of both sides are the same: for example, how many children do you want to have? How to raise children, do you bring them by the elderly or by yourself? ......

How do you balance family and work? Don't just enjoy love when you are in love, and wait until you get married and have children later, but find that there are a lot of thorny problems to solve.

What a good life is like

For the work of this matter, many people may not have considered. Because we were taught to study well, get into a good school, and get a good job. But we don't know what good work is, and we don't know much about the work around us. Many times, they follow the instructions of relatives and friends to choose a major that they think is good, and then they naturally want to find a job that corresponds to the profession.

After that, I have been doing this job, from small workers to experts, or from small workers to old fritters.

Are you satisfied with your current job? Is this something you like to do? What are your plans for the job? Are you working too long? Would you consider changing jobs? Does your job make your life unbalanced? Do you like the working atmosphere of your team? Do you like the culture of the company? Do you feel that your work maximizes your value?

And for the mission, everyone comes to this world with their own mission. But in our busyness, we forget our mission, and then go with the flow, people follow the clouds, do not feel and listen to their own hearts, we are trapped in the struggle with the people around us, forget our mission, completely follow others to follow the same path.

Some people have a clear mission at a very young age, like Zhou Enlai, who made it clear at the age of 12 that he would "study for the rise of China."

Some people have found their mission in continuous growth, like Mr. Lu Xun at that time, the reason why he wanted to abandon medicine and follow literature was because he realized that his mission was to awaken the sleeping Chinese people, not just to heal their bodies, but to heal their hearts.

What is our purpose in coming to the world? Is it to make the family's life better or to help others? In fact, the mission can be big or small, everyone is unique, everyone has a different mission.

What a good life is like

As for finance, this is a topic that young people have paid more attention to in recent years, and we have also seen various financial courses and financial advertising everywhere.

So do you have your own financial standards? Have you ever thought about how much money you're going to have in five years, ten years from now, and how much money you'll need to have in retirement? And with that, how will you achieve these financial goals for you?

Although life is an adventure, it is full of unknowns and accidents.

But we should set a general direction for our lives as soon as possible, even if there are unknown and unexpected patronage, we can better cope.

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