
Day 16 The Taste of Saury and the Taste of Life (and This Week's Schedule)


Living with the movie Day 16

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Title: Saury Flavor Director: Yasujiro Ozu

Nanjing, home

Day 16 The Taste of Saury and the Taste of Life (and This Week's Schedule)

There is an uncle downstairs in my house, who often sings a passage of "Ussuri River" or "Solo River" in a beautiful voice in the early morning or dusk. If you can't hear it every once in a while, my wife and I will mutter privately, it is a business trip, maybe it is a bad mood, it will not be a bad health. These people around them, even if they don't meet, seem to have become an indispensable part of life... I remembered that in the two or three yards where I had lived since I was young, there would always be a neighbor who loved to sing in bel canto while walking. Therefore, watching "The Taste of Saury" again, when you hear the corridors in the movie, the same faint bel canto singing method (and no one is seen), you can't help but smile. In the end, Ozu can't get tired of seeing it or his daily shooting is so simple and repetitive, but there are constantly new flavors for you to discover.

The most common thing in daily life is diet. Ozu movies are full of wine and food, bars and restaurants are places where the characters exchange family affairs and moods, and what to eat and whether to have another drink is the most commonly discussed question in their lives. Ozu's unfinished script is called "Radish Carrot", and two of them are directly named after food: "The Taste of Tea and Rice" and "The Taste of Saury".

There is tea in "The Taste of Tea and Rice", but there is no saury in "The Taste of Saury".

"The Taste of Tea and Rice" writes that a phoenix man who came to the countryside of The Self-Confidence State married Miss Qianjin, who came out of the stream, and often became angry with each other because of their different lifestyles. This man's favorite thing is to come home after working overtime, stealing leftover tea to make a bowl of cold rice, and enjoying it alone. This was probably the most relaxed and satisfying moment of his life.

And "The Taste of Saury" does not comment on saury. But speaking of which, I also fell in love with saury because I was influenced by the title of the film (not the movie itself). Saury is a civilian food, and the meat is not tender, so it is generally only used for grilling. The cheapest price on Taobao is only ten yuan a pound, and when you get home, you don't have to deal with it, you can fry it in an oven or pan for a few minutes, and it is very suitable for serving sake or beer.

Day 16 The Taste of Saury and the Taste of Life (and This Week's Schedule)

What is the "taste of saury"? It is said that this fish is a time-telling fish, which appears on the coast from November to the beginning of the next year, so it always gives people a sense of depression and loneliness. The Japanese love to put saury on a small stove, and the green smoke is slightly swirling, so they make various haiku of "burning saury", which are all sad and cold tones. This certainly sounds very Ozu, but it's a literati Ozu taste.

I prefer another version, because the grilled saury does not go offal, so it has a slightly bitter taste. It is a daily taste of Ozu.

In "The Taste of Saury", Japan has entered a consumer society, and the eldest son of Kasa Tomoto asks his father to borrow money to buy a refrigerator, the neighbor's house has added a new vacuum cleaner, the daughter-in-law is worried about the white leather bag, and the son wants to buy golf clubs. The life of a new small family has changed from traditional Japanese food to hamburgers and ham omelettes.

Times are moving fast, but people are getting old. The protagonists of "Autumn Day" and "The Taste of Saury" are all old men, and Ozu also discusses their desires through food. The old guys in "Autumn Day" often say that they want to eat "carrots, shiitake mushrooms, dried radish, tofu", but their partners debunked it, "I also want to eat steak and pork chops". When it came to "The Taste of Saury", I simply talked about aphrodisiacs at the wine table. In the end, it is the diet of men and women.

The Taste of Saury is Ozu's last film. Screenwriter Takao Noda said that the title of the film was unobtrusive, "but it is certain that the saury will not appear on the screen, but a sense of the whole." When writing the script, Ozu's mother died, which infiltrated the script into the "suffering of Huang Lian".

The story is still the story of a married woman in the end. Hirayama, played by Kasa Chi-jin, learns that the teacher's beautiful daughter missed the wedding date to take care of her father, and now she is old and haggard, and her heart is terrified, so she quickly looks for a husband for her daughter Luzi, who is waiting for the word, and after a series of twists and turns, Hirayama got her wish. Of course, Kasachi was "once again" alone. Drunk, humming a military song, drunk in a tavern.

Day 16 The Taste of Saury and the Taste of Life (and This Week's Schedule)

The daughter played by Iwashita Shima, dressed up to say goodbye to her father, when she looks back and gets up, I see that she is more youthful and brilliant than Hara Setsuko in the black and white film, but for the father of Kasachi, there is more of an indescribable bitterness. This is the most sad scene I saw when Ozu married his daughter. This is also the last time Ozu's daughter says goodbye to us.

And Kasa Chi-jin, Ozu's spokesperson on the screen, with his youthful memories and the melody of the defeated country, greeted the last light of his life and drank one cup after another. Since then, we have said goodbye to Ozu.

Day 16 The Taste of Saury and the Taste of Life (and This Week's Schedule)
Day 16 The Taste of Saury and the Taste of Life (and This Week's Schedule)

Schedule the film in the third week

My private nineties

December 19 (Monday) Xiao Wu, Jia Zhangke, 1997

December 20 (Tuesday) Wushan Yunyu, Zhang Ming, 1996

December 21 (Wednesday) Winter and Spring Days, Wang Xiaoshuai, 1994

December 22 (Thursday) Suzhou Creek, Lou Ye, 2000

Long live love on Friday, December 23, Cai Mingliang, 1994

December 24 (Saturday) Chongqing Forest, Wong Kar Wai, 1994

December 25 (Sunday) Mr. Zhao, Lü Le, 1999

Wei Xidi lives as usual · WeChat: iweixidi

【2016.12.3 - 2017.12.2】

<b>Living with movies</b>

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