
The taste of saury

author:Xinmin Evening News
The taste of saury

For a paradise, this season has always been the "autumn of appetite".

This year, due to the epidemic, I miss it even more. Autumn is like knife fish, and the taste is mixed. It is not only the freshness of "cat and I want to know" sung by Jay Chou in the song, but also the astringency of "warm and regretful" that Yasujiro Ozu's movie laments. All the good things in the world need to be tempered by time, and after the plague, people cherish the bitterness and sweetness.

Gastronomy is the soul of the theme park, it is not only hungry, but also inherently healing, it and the beauty of the resort together, interpret the good life. This autumn, except for the Expo, every corner of the city seems to have a feast. Taking the Shanghai International Tourism resort as an example, the mobile food truck of "Hermès" orange has driven into the Yi Ou Lai Shopping Village, the streets of Disney Town, there are also outdoor cars serving various cuisines, and Halloween has also spread a wonderful food map waiting for tourists to explore one by one.

Disney approaches food in the way it approaches everything: a desire to create an innovative experience that is completely immersive. Since 1955, Disney Resorts around the world have expanded from three classic snacks such as "hot dogs, popcorn and ice cream" to more refined, complex and diverse dishes: Tokyo DisneySea's East Sea shrimp buns and chili soy sauce stews; Disneyland Adventure's hickory smoked turkey legs, Disneyland's Food Story Paris's French dinner, Hong Kong Disneyland cartoon-like Chinese dim sum, etc., all of which have become unique landscapes with local characteristics in each resort.

The importance of food is that it secretes happiness and joy. It is an important part of Disney's dream philosophy. In each park, the theme scenic spot will arrange its own theme restaurant, like a big meal, which needs to be savored; the mobile food trucks that can be seen everywhere, like snacks, provide leisure and recreation; and the restaurants in hotels and towns, like a late night snack, meet the extra supplements. No matter which restaurant you're sitting in a resort around the world, you'll find that disney's three elements of storytelling (landscape, facilities, and performances) are here, with beautiful food styling and presentation itself being a miniature landscape that captures your eyeballs; iconic dining locations (such as castle restaurants, beast castles, or pirate piers) that create immersive dining experiences that leave you hooked; and improvisational performances by cartoon characters that make you childlike, taste buds, and emotionally engaged.

Eat at Disney and you'll be part of the story, and every food contains the creativity of the designer and the ingenuity of the maker. Even if it's a humble sandwich or a hot dog, the wrapper is made of the original Mickey Mouse comic, and sometimes you'd rather imagine it than tear it apart. Let you capture the light of abundant food, such as the long moon; let you feel the beauty of small things, like red leaves. Like saury, life is full of these details of the heartbeat, fleeting misses, perhaps, this is the taste of autumn. (Jin Tao)

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