
"The Taste of Saury": The Cycle of Life, Why is the Fate of Parents Saury? True love needs to let go of a faint melancholy tune

author:Plum reading

"The Taste of Saury" is a peculiar movie, it is estimated that people who like it will love it to death, and those who don't like it will stay away. To be honest, I also felt that the pace was too slow a few times during the viewing process, but when I saw those plain humors, I would smile, and when I finished watching the movie, I felt that it was just right.

"The Taste of Saury": The Cycle of Life, Why is the Fate of Parents Saury? True love needs to let go of a faint melancholy tune

For audiences accustomed to Watching American Hollywood blockbusters, it may be a little difficult to accept its slow pace. Just like the national essence of Peking Opera, you have to wait until your heart has calmed down before you can truly appreciate its beauty. Therefore, only when the mind is calm, can we integrate into the film and appreciate its unhurried style.

"The Taste of Saury" tells a story with the theme of "marrying a daughter" in a trivial and ordinary life, revealing a faint sadness about the passage of time and the perception of life, giving people a sense of timeless beauty.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Why saury? </h1>

Many people will wonder why the name of the movie is the smell of saury fish, without mentioning or showing saury in the whole film?

Saury is an ordinary marine fish shaped like a long knife, and because the production season is in autumn, it is called saury fish. The English name translates to "A Autumn Afternoon" on an autumn afternoon, which is also translated from the time reflected by the saury.

The protagonist of the story, Hirayama, has an early death of his wife, and the eldest son, Hiroichi, has married another family, and he lives with his daughter and younger son. The daughter Michiko is 24 years old and has reached the age of marriage, but still assumes the role of a mother/wife, taking care of her father and brother.

"The Taste of Saury": The Cycle of Life, Why is the Fate of Parents Saury? True love needs to let go of a faint melancholy tune

After discovering that she could not let Michiko become an old girl, Hirayama actively arranged for her marriage. After his daughter got married, Hirayama realized in his loss that he needed to face life alone.

"Autumn knife fish" symbolizes that Hirayama's life has entered the "autumn" stage, the original state of children full of halls is gone, when the children either become a family, or get married, only to face the rest of their lives, a state of depression and sadness instantly surged into the heart. This is a cycle of life and the fate of all parents.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > true love needs to be let go</h1>

Hirayama has lived with his daughter Michiko for many years and has become accustomed to having someone to take care of. When his friend came to be a matchmaker to introduce his daughter to him, he still did not understand it, thinking that his daughter was still young and did not have to consider the matter of marriage.

First, when he was working, he found that the secretary was the size of his daughter and was ready to quit his job and go back to marriage, which touched him. Then, when it was time to meet with his old classmates, he discovered the secret of the teacher who lived alone: he was reluctant to let his daughter leave, and the daughter eventually became an old girl. Maybe it is accustomed to the care of the daughter, so it is reluctant to let go, but this also delays the daughter's youth and happiness.

Hirayama, whose heart was shocked, did not want to repeat the mistakes of his teacher, so he put the marriage of his daughter on the important agenda. First expressed his thoughts to his daughter, then asked his younger son about his daughter's emotional dynamics, and then let the eldest son go as a lobbyist to understand the views of his daughter's favorite object. Because she did not pay enough emotional attention to her daughter, she missed her love with her favorite object, Mr. Miura, so Hirayama actively promoted her daughter to meet with the object introduced by her old friend.

When his daughter finally got married smoothly, Hirayama felt relieved that her children finally had a reliable landing; on the other hand, she felt lost and hurt, and her daughter who had been raised for many years walked into someone else's home, leaving her alone to face life alone.

"The Taste of Saury": The Cycle of Life, Why is the Fate of Parents Saury? True love needs to let go of a faint melancholy tune

Children are not treasures in the hands of their parents, nor are they easy tools to use, and parents cannot hold them in their hands because they are "useful" (material care and spiritual comfort). In real life, there are many people whose lives have been delayed and rubbed shoulders with happiness. Therefore, if parents truly love their children, they must let go when they should.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > faint melancholy tune</h1>

"The Taste of Saury" is an old healing song, and when it is truly integrated into it, you can taste the rest of the rhyme. Director Yasujiro Ozu places the camera in scenes such as the home, office, and tavern, showing the mood and sorrow of the characters through trivial life.

There are no really big people in the movie, more ordinary people in life, living ordinary lives. Men go to work during the day, go to the tavern to drink and chat at night, come home drunk at night, while the wife or daughter waits for them to come home; the working wage earners cannot afford to buy modern electrical appliances and some luxurious hobbies, such as Hongyi and his wife borrowing money from their fathers to buy refrigerators, one person wants to buy golf clubs, one person wants to buy designer bags; after the marriage of children, the old husband and wife stay alone in an empty house, facing the lonely life of life alone...

"The Taste of Saury": The Cycle of Life, Why is the Fate of Parents Saury? True love needs to let go of a faint melancholy tune

The film narrative is very restrained, telling the things that life must face in the extremely plain, although there are all kinds of helplessness, but in the faint sadness, there is also a hint of open-mindedness to see through life.

This may be a film that requires a certain age experience to really appreciate its charm, but it does not prevent us from seeing it earlier. Sincerely recommend to everyone, I hope you can also get the comfort of the heart.

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