
Satin: Follow the grandmother to "make teahouses"

author:West China Metropolis Daily
Satin: Follow the grandmother to "make teahouses"

Mr. Satin

Sha Ting (1904-1992), a famous modern writer, formerly known as Yang Chaoxi, also known as Yang Ziqing. A native of Anxian County, Sichuan. The representative works are "In its Fragrant House Tea House" and "Gold Rush", which depict the life of the townships and rural areas of sichuan in old China with the technique of social analysis and the subtle and deep style, and portray the ugly faces of a series of grass-roots rulers. His major works include the novels "The Tale of the Sleepy Beast", "The Return of the Homeland", "Lao Wu", the novella "Muyu Mountain", etc., and the "Shatin Anthology" (four volumes).

Satin's "enlightenment education" as a child came from several sources: one was his mother and uncle, the other was his wet nurse, and the third was a private school teacher.

His mother told him to always "think of others"

Mr. Wu Fuhui's "Biography of Sha Ting" said that Sha Ting's father was named Yang Yiqian, a cowardly scholar, and a firm believer in etiquette. In Satin's own sporadic memories, his father usually wore Qing Dynasty robes and looked like he was sitting precariously.

In 1909, Satin's father died of illness. Since then, the mother has supported the portal independently. The mother's world also constitutes the world of Satin's childhood.

Satin's mother's surname is Zheng and her name is Miaozhen. The Zheng family was originally a Wang ethnic group in the city, and his mother's uncle, Zheng Xiangyuan, was a famous person in this county, who had served as an official in Huamachi, Gansu. Mother uses all her energy to devote herself to the management of the family business, although she governs the family strictly, she treats the people below very kindly, and the odd jobs in AnXian are willing to work at the home of the "Yang Grand Old Lady" (Satin's mother), because she is fairly paid, the food is good, and the speech is listening, and she understands the reason.

Satin said that his mother was a kind woman, she often taught herself to do housework, she often warned herself: "If there are good things to think about others, others will always think of you." You have good things and don't think about others, just take care of yourself, and in the end you are left with only one person, and one person has no contact. ”

Satin said that his mother never lost her temper with herself and rarely nagged, but paid attention to cultivating good habits in his life, such as getting up in the morning to sweep the floor, putting messy things back in place, returning things borrowed from others on time, absolutely not telling lies, not without filial piety, and so on.

The grandmother took his little hand and "made a teahouse"

An County is on the edge of the junction of mountains and the Western Sichuan Plain, and 82% of the territory is mountainous.

At that time, the social life of the townships in Anxian County almost had a teahouse flavor, thick and vulgar. Sit in a teahouse, watch a wild stage play, celebrate a festival, eat, and take place in a noisy and noisy manner. At this time, the person who was importantly affected in Satin's life appeared, and she was the grandmother with the surname Zhu.

Zhu Da Niang, a native of Yong'an Township, took Satin with her for the longest time and remained at his house after weaning. Little Satin grew up eating Zhu Daniang's milk.

Sha Ting later recalled that when he was a child, he often accompanied his mother to play in the street, dragging her to the half-side tea shop to listen to the money board and bamboo piano, and listen to "Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness" and "Ji Gong Biography". At that time, outside the thick curtain of the smoke house, there were often walking monks who set up a stage in the tea house, and they talked and sang, all of which were historical legends one by one.

Little Satin didn't understand much of this, so Grandma Zhu took his little hand and spoke to him with relish.

At that time, rappers had to hang a sign on the stage and write the word "Holy Oracle", which told legendary stories, and the characters only had dialogue and action, and there was no superfluous description. Although Grandma Zhu was illiterate, she had heard and heard a lot since she was a child, and she had seen and heard a lot, and she knew the doorway. All of this made Satin appreciate the relationship between people in secular society more than the average child, and also laid the foundation for his later writing of realist works such as "Ding Lame Gong" and "In the Ancestral Hall".

In addition, Satin's uncle Zheng Muzhou had a great influence on his personality. His uncle was a legendary figure created by the special environment of northwest Sichuan, and he often took Satin to sit in a teahouse and listen to social dramas.

At the age of seven, he went to private school, coinciding with the change of Xinhai

Despite her poor family,her shrewd mother was frugal and, when Satin was seven years old, she invited the most learned teacher in the county at the time to teach her son.

His earliest enlightenment teacher should be Sun Yongyi, and the "Biography of Sha Ting" introduces some details: Sha Ting was seven years old and was born to study in a private school, coinciding with the change of Xinhai, when he read and dropped out, this "soil" education was maintained until his youth. Satin was not in school at this time, and he often stood outside the schoolhouse, listening to the buzzing sound of reading inside, looking at a gap to lure the older children out to play, or throwing a stone into the school to make trouble with the school master.

One day in the spring of 1911, the family invited Mr. Sun Yongyi to give Yang Chaoxi a mask. Sun is a primary school teacher in the county and has a deep foundation in his old studies.

Perform three kneeling and nine prostrations, and bow down to the teacher. Mr. Sun accepted his mother's red seal of "Zhen Jing", turned the "Three Character Classic" carried by Satin to the back page, and taught him to read the last eight sentences, "Early Childhood Learning, Zhuang Zi Xing, Shang Zhi Jun, Xia Zemin, Glory of Fame, Show Parents, Light in Front, Yu Yu in Back", circled it with a Zhu pen, and taught him to read it three times. Then let him sit down, took his hand, and filled in the four big red mold characters of "Kindergarten Learning and Grand Practice". This is how Satin's reading life began.

Later, Satin's mother hired a gentleman named Jiang Pinshan to sit in the museum. Jiang Pinshan is also a Mulberry Jujube person, former Qing Xiucai, the characters are very well written, Anxian Park originally had a "Tianxing Lou", three large character plaques are written by him. Satin later wrote well, related to Chiang's inspiration.

Once, Satin used the literacy textbook "rotten", just a few lines missing the comment. Mr. Jiang wanted to find someone to make up for him, but he suddenly offered to try it himself. This was a surprise to the teacher and praised him. Satin's Chinese literature is very careful, and his homework is getting better and better.

And lifelong friends Ai Wu to fight each other

Later, while studying at the Provincial First Normal School, Satin met his lifelong friend Ai Wu. These two teenagers met unexpectedly in Chengdu, and they dreamed of one day using their own pens, their own articles, and their own voices to teach the world's talents and revitalize the social country.

The Provincial First Normal School is a prestigious school that brings together a large number of outstanding cadres of the New Culture Movement. Some of them became Communists such as Zhang Xiushu and Yuan Shiyao, and the revolutionary old man Wu Yuzhang also attended classes at school.

Sha Ting is a writer with a unique artistic style, his works are mainly based on the sichuan township as the background of the story, using cold, objective, revealing, satirical techniques and implicit and deep artistic temperament to describe the real society. The typical details of the characters are carefully depicted, and a picture full of social customs is painted. His novels are known for their strong sense of humor and strong local color.

All of this is inseparable from the good enlightenment education of his mother, uncle, grandmother and private school teacher in his hometown when he was a child. Li Shiwei

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