
The local feelings of the first secretary of Linyi: the beauty of Sha Ting

author:Luwang Linyi Channel
The local feelings of the first secretary of Linyi: the beauty of Sha Ting

Luwang August 25 news spring satin is the most beautiful, the most sensual, to the ridge casually look, full of scenery. The water radish tassels in the vegetable garden grow really vigorously, fresh and tender water spirits, "click" screw down, taste a bite, that is called a crisp, but unfortunately the head is too small, just a little spicy, not enough vegetables; neat cucumbers, kidney beans play with each other, vines leisurely wrapped around the pole, like a snort, careless hook; see the bluestone fenced well, always want to stretch their heads to look at their own shadow, for this matter, when they were young, they were not beaten, next to a "ya" type of wood, like a slingshot, horizontally fixed with wire, Build a pole of about 5 meters in the vertical direction, tie a stone to the tail, hang a bucket in front of it, the ancient lever principle helps the industrious farmers draw water year after year, and the cracks in the well wall grow a lot of wild mint, which is cool, like a purple sand pot brewing good tea, ice to quench thirst. Cut out two old tire skins, cut through the middle, cross through, nail the sole of the whole piece with small shoe spikes, wrap a piece of standing rubber in the back, a pair of fashionable "Yimeng sandals" are ready, put it on, stand on the stone block by the well, let each bucket of water flow from the foot surface, pour through a furrow, and then change another furrow, let the ground drink a painful pleasure, vegetables, hurry up, grow up to lead you to the market, see the world.

The local feelings of the first secretary of Linyi: the beauty of Sha Ting

Catching up with the market is the most interesting, the lunar calendar every second and seventh is the Satin set, which has not changed for decades. The bag of fertilizer was laid on the ground, and the fresh vegetables were carefully taken down from the tricycle. Eggplant, chili peppers, carob, ginger, potatoes, persimmons, full of dengden. In the long bazaar, there was a row of uncles sitting on the matza, sweatshirts stained with mud spots, buttons were ornaments, never buttoned, cigarette boxes were in the pocket of the left chest, hey! Yimeng Mountain, the grade is quite ok, and then glance at the lighter, which is printed with "***ktv", hehe, uncle, you are busy every day; the peddler who kills chickens has a knife falling, but the mouth can't stay idle, "You look at these little roosters, how red the crown is, they are all free-range in their own orchards, shoot two pieces of ginger, grab a chili pepper, put on the shelf firewood and fry, ensure that it is delicious, take a pancake dipped in the soup, it is delicious, don't bite your tongue down, hahaha..."; The small restaurant on the side of the road is slightly noisy, and the small fire stews a pot of pig under the water, The fragrance, straight into the nose, the hostess will remind you: don't order this, you can't eat, not fresh enough. What about the boss? The one who tops the spoon is, don't ask, it's his girlfriend who helps serve the dish.

Catch a trip to the set, you can read the simple folk style, pull a time, you can taste the local customs.

The local feelings of the first secretary of Linyi: the beauty of Sha Ting

The beauty of Satin, the beauty of the golden autumn.

For me, who grew up in the countryside, I still remembered the various fruits in autumn, especially sweet potatoes. Satin belongs to the hilly terrain, sandy loam, abundant groundwater sources, pure water quality suitable for irrigation, sweet potato yield is very high. Use the soil lump to build a furnace, first grab the soil to try the wind direction, leave the furnace door, this is a delicate job, the hand is clever, the hurry is not OK, the speed is not OK. The apple branches that were trimmed last year have long been dried thoroughly, just make firewood, burn the stove red and red, put in seven or eight freshly planed sweet potatoes, shouting "one two three", snapping, a few old guys with shovels at the same time to shoot the stove down, sharply covered with thirty centimeters of dry soil surface, wait, forty minutes out of the oven, well, this is the taste! Burnt yellow oil, sweet and soft, silky and slag-free, melting in the mouth, as if suddenly returning to childhood, and it seems to have always been there. Sweet potato, a native treasure, I am familiar with the whole step of planting it, supporting ridges, scattering seedlings, cultivating soil, turning seedlings; familiar with all the links of harvesting it, seedlings, planing, slicing, drying; more familiar with its various methods, stewed sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potato soup, pressed noodles, dried pancakes, steamed melon seedlings, dried potatoes... Among the ways to eat, the most hungry is the dried melon pancake roll pork head meat, the pig head meat must be cold, wrapped in soy sauce color, with frozen kind, and then a small plate of leek flowers, comfortable, smooth, reliable. Wait a minute, I swallowed.

The local feelings of the first secretary of Linyi: the beauty of Sha Ting

Ditches and bumps, flowers and grasses that can't be named, and whether there is anyone who looks at it, lets their own nature grow wildly. When you encounter an unknown plant, you will also stop to appreciate it, just like the niece who has not been seen for many years, and grows into a big girl.

The air was filled with all kinds of scents, and if you sniffed deeply, you could even distinguish several of them; a handful of grass, the grass fragrance emanating from the section of the leaves, it smelled so good, grab a handful of wet soil, two pink earthworms are busy, you shade me, I loosen the soil for you.

Close your eyes, open your hands, raise your head slightly, and calm your mind.

Don't move, a piece of dew, is sliding down the hair, touched the eyelashes, "poof", fell to the ground, the dust bounced outward, like a little girl practicing dance, the tip of the toe just tiptoe up and down.

Hopefully, every day's dream will be the same picture.

The local feelings of the first secretary of Linyi: the beauty of Sha Ting

Who is not industrious, who is not on the move, who is not grateful?

Is Satin so beautiful? Don't just listen to me, just take a look. (Correspondent Zhu Guanping)

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