
[The 100th anniversary of the founding of the party] Ma Jin: Remembering his grandfather Ma Sulun

author:United Front New Language
[The 100th anniversary of the founding of the party] Ma Jin: Remembering his grandfather Ma Sulun

"Inheriting the spirit of our grandfather and the cause of multi-party cooperation is the unshirkable historical responsibility of our generation of non-party figures." Looking back at the life of his grandfather and the main founder of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy, Ma Sulun said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from China News Agency recently.

This year marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China. Looking back at the past, from new democracy to socialism to socialism with Chinese characteristics, since the democratic parties accepted the leadership of the Communist Party of China, their original intention of cooperation has never changed, and their ideals and convictions are as firm as a rock.

Ma Sulun's life experienced the Qing Dynasty, the Beiyang warlords, the Republic of China, and all the way to the People's Republic of China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

"Only by following the Communist Party can we walk on the right path." Ma Suren left political advice.

Speaking of her grandfather Ma Sulun, Ma Jin was most impressed by april 27, 1985, when she went to Beijing with her parents to attend the "Commemoration of the Centenary of Ma Sulun's Birth". "On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Zhongxun spoke highly of his grandfather's revolutionary life," Ma Jin recalled, one of which was that "he was a public servant with unlimited loyalty to the people of Chinese, and a close friend who shared the honor and disgrace of the Cpc and shared the same heart and guts." ”

When his grandfather died in 1970, Ma was 3 years old. Although she had never met her grandfather, the image of her grandfather became clearer and clearer in her mind by consulting the materials and listening to her father's story.

"My grandfather and Li Dazhao and other early CCP leaders were all close personal friends." Ma Jin said that in particular, with Li Dazhao, he and Li Dazhao experienced many struggles such as the "wage claim movement" and the "Bang Cai movement", and the revolutionary friendship and personal friendship were very strong.

In 1924, Ma Sulun was appointed Vice Minister of Education. At that time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a secret report that "Li Shouchang, the leader of the Communist Party", was actively active in various schools and consulted the Ministry of Education to find out the pursuit. Ma Sulun knew that "Shou Chang" was a sound of Li Dazhao's character "Shou Chang", and when he was about to suppress the message, he quickly secretly informed Li Dazhao to hide in time.

Covering up for the early leaders of the Communist Party in emergencies was more than once. Ma Jin recalled that his grandfather had a vivid record in his book "Stone House Yu Shu": In Beiping, Chen Duxiu, the leader of the Communist Party of China, came from Shanghai and lived in the home of Liu Shuya, a Fujian Sihutong at the foot of Dongcheng. One day after dinner, Yu suddenly had the news of the arrest of duxiu, and the schedule was tonight. From Yujia to Fujian Sihutong, it can be more than 10 miles, eager to tell, but to borrow the telephone to speak Shen Shiyuan. Shiyuan yu shifangyuan, close to Shuya's house. However, there was no wording, and cangshu told the former literature to leave the Shuya Institute for a long time, and Gai was not allowed to disclose Chen Duxiu's name. Shi Yu and Shi Yuan were both professors at Peking University, while Du Xiu was a dean of liberal arts. The old man went far away to tell the solo show, and immediately avoided it. The next morning, shou chang disguised as a village elder, DuXiu as a sick person, took a mule car out of Deshengmen and left ping.

After Li Dazhao's sacrifice, Ma Sulun also shed tears and wrote poems: the materialist view of history is relatively new, Li Junwu looks forward to the crown of humanity; even if Chai Shi Cheng Ren goes, infinite youth follows the truth.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, China was faced with a choice of two destinies. A large number of democratic and patriotic people have united to form an important patriotic democratic force. In December 1945, Ma Sulun, Together with Wang Shaojun, Xu Guangping, Zhou Jianren, Zhao Puchu and other progressive figures in the cultural, educational and industrial circles, initiated the establishment of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy in Shanghai, and he was elected as a standing director.

On June 23, 1946, during the peace talks between the CPC delegation and Chiang Kai-shek in Nanjing, the Shanghai People's Peace Petition Group also went to Nanjing to call for peace. When the petition group arrived at Shimonoseki Station, the Kuomintang dispatched secret agents to fight violently, and Ma Sulun and other representatives were seriously injured, which was the "Shimonoseki Incident" that shocked China and foreign countries.

At that time, CPC deputies Zhou Enlai and Dong Biwu rushed to the hospital late at night to offer condolences. Zhou Enlai said to Ma Sulun: "Your blood will not be shed in vain. Ma Sulun said, "China's hopes can only be pinned on you." Ma Jin said that after she consulted the information, she found that there was a sentence behind her grandfather, which the outside world rarely knew -- Ma Sulun said, "I always advised you to ask for fewer soldiers and less guns and ammunition, it seems that your soldiers cannot be less, guns cannot be less, bullets cannot be less." ”

"It's a big change." Ma Jin believes that his grandfather did not fully identify with armed struggle before. After the Shimonoseki Incident, my grandfather offered to carry out an armed struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries. "This is a change in thinking and cognition in a long struggle. In the face of a series of brutal crimes committed by the Kuomintang reactionary government, my grandfather realized more and more deeply from his heart that only the Chinese Communist Party was the real hope of China. ”

Since then, in response to the "May 1st Slogan" of the CPC Central Committee, participating in the preparations for the New CPPCC, participating in the founding ceremony... Ma Sulun actively participated in all aspects of the work to greet New China. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ma Sulun served as the first Minister of Education and the first Minister of Higher Education of New China.

"The existence and development of China's democratic parties is inseparable from the leadership of the Communist Party," Ma Jin said, saying that his grandfather always advocated that "all democratic parties are part of the patriotic united front under the leadership and help of the Communist Party, and have the same goal of struggle with the Communist Party." ”

In 1995, Ma Jin joined the China Zhi Gong Party and grew into a member of a democratic party. "As latecomers, we should inherit not only the blood of our ancestors, but also their spirit and character, that kind of ideological advancement, firmness in faith, and consciousness in action." Ma Jin said.

(Source: China News Service)

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