
Characters | Song Qing: Where the post is, the responsibility is there!

author:Chengdu Metro

This is the nth time we have been "pigeons released".

"Oh, I'm really sorry, there's going to be a meeting upstairs, I have to go and take care of the meeting, you can sit down for a while." On the other end of the phone, a sweet, spirited voice apologized one after another.

This is not surprising, even if the time for meeting and communicating has been made yesterday, it may be changed to the next time because of a temporary event or meeting. After dealing with things, just arrived at the office, a phone call can make her disappear in the blink of an eye.

Persevere, rely on responsibility

Characters | Song Qing: Where the post is, the responsibility is there!

This kind of busy life like a bee flying around, customer service team leader Song Qing has passed 4 years.

This Nanchong girl, who just turned 24 this year and has a somewhat cheerful personality, is a typical "Rong Drift".

4 years ago, with excitement and curiosity, she joined the "Chengdu Rail" family and became an ordinary customer service of Chengdu Rail Resources Management Co., Ltd.

In 2019, the resource management company put forward the strategic goal of "building a rail economic ecosystem", and each rail resource person shoulders the historical mission of strengthening and expanding the rail economic cause.

Customer service this seemingly inconspicuous job, Song Qing has never forgotten his original intention, down-to-earth, silently adhered to, with ordinary writing dedication.

"Always on standby, everywhere on the battlefield", recalling herself 4 years ago, she grinned, "At that time, I was a workplace white, and I was glad of my persistence."

The pressure brought by the work really gave Song Qing a lot of setbacks that year. Customer service work requires the quality of everything, professional business level, and good emotional management skills. These skills, which are obtained on paper, are ultimately shallow, and they all rely on continuous summarization and exploration in the work.

I remember a visitor reception, because she did not know enough about the company's business information, she was sweating profusely and broke the siege with the help of colleagues.

At that time, I was very discouraged and felt that I was useless; but when I thought about it, where the post was, where the responsibility was, everything was difficult at the beginning, as long as I was willing to spend time and use my brain to study, nothing was set in stone. Song Qing secretly cheered himself up.

Colleagues said that in the days that followed, the new little girl seemed to have changed as a person.

Company information, phone numbers, people and things, department files, and even table and chair placement, flowers and grass maintenance, she is like a powerful water-absorbing sponge, constantly learning and absorbing.

During that time, she could often be seen in the office area with a small book and sneak around, chasing old colleagues to ask this and that.

In this way, through his continuous efforts, Song Qing grew up rapidly, "played" all the work on the post, and adapted to the efficient work rhythm and high-quality work requirements of a rail resource person.

Do your best, by ambition

Characters | Song Qing: Where the post is, the responsibility is there!

After serving as the customer service team leader, she led all the customer service department personnel and was active in the front line of the job.

Once, in order to ensure the smooth launching ceremony of the Tod comprehensive development project in Chengdu, she and her colleagues in the department left early and returned late, and were busy until late for several days.

The rail group party congress, the 2019 work conference and other large-scale conferences, the crowd is always indispensable to her and colleagues of the beautiful blue figure.

A "thank you" from colleagues and customers is the biggest compliment to us.

Although the work is hard, now as an "old employee", she does not forget to care about her new colleagues.

Her cheerful and lively "pleasing" personality and serious work attitude have won the unanimous recognition of colleagues, and everyone regards her as a "confidant sister".

Relying on the tenacity and momentum of Nanchong sisters, Song Qing has become the company's "soft hand with awards".

Excellent employees, advanced individuals in quality and safety, excellent team members, advanced individuals in annual work... Behind the honor, witness her hard work and dedication.

I think that the position does not distinguish between the weight and the seriousness of the work, which reflects their own value and the meaning of the work. Song Qing often put this sentence on his lips.

"If you don't do it, you have to do it no.1", this is Song Qing's ambition, and she always practices the pursuit of excellence of track resource people, writing a fulfilling life in a small job.

Live out the excitement, rely on the atmosphere

Characters | Song Qing: Where the post is, the responsibility is there!

4 years of full life has given Song Qing progress in her career and made her feel indebted to her family.

The little princess in the family who was once in the family has now been transformed into a customer service team leader who can stand alone, and her intense and fast-paced work has made her deeply appreciate how difficult it is to solve the multiple choice question of "fish and bear paws".

"People, you still have to be more atmospheric, life and work can't all be occupied, but you can try to balance it." Song Qing said this and did the same.

As soon as she has time, she will go out with her soon-to-be-married boyfriend for a relaxing day, or go to a movie, eat a hot pot, and enjoy ordinary but real small happiness.

She is also a young literary and artistic woman, who likes to tinker with handicrafts, uses her spare time to make storage boxes, and won the second place in the company's young employee creative competition. Under the appearance of maturity and perseverance, the freshness and femininity of the little girl are still lost.

Characters | Song Qing: Where the post is, the responsibility is there!

She used her youth,

In their own posts,

Always adhering to it

"Customer first, attentive service" purpose,

Dedication to duty, strive to forge ahead,

Keep up with the pace of reform, transformation and development of the Rail Group,

In the process of strengthening and expanding the economic undertakings of the track,

Write your own fanghua.

That beautiful blue,

Will continue to be active in every corner of need.

The phone on the desk rang again.

"Hello, customer service center..."

The blue figure disappeared from our field of vision again.

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