
Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!

author:Peach Taotao Movie

Before "Hacksaw Ridge", Andrew Garfield's image in the movie can basically be summarized by "soft cuteness". Whether it's "Boy A", "Don't Let Me Go", "Social Network" or the "Amazing Spider-Man" series that made him popular, Garfield is full of juvenile atmosphere.

"Hacksaw Ridge" made him the first Oscar nomination for Best Actor, and also let everyone see more possibilities for Garfield. Then to the same-sex theme stage play "Angel in America", Garfield finally developed a charming and feminine side.

Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!
Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!
Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!
Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!
Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!

Garfield's character in Angels in America is a gay character diagnosed with AIDS. In order to play this role well, Garfield seriously experienced gay life, watched "RuPaul Disguised Queen Show" every day on weekends, and even said that "I am now a real comrade with no same-sex sexual experience" and made a big oolong of "coming out".

Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!
Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!
Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!
Andrew Garfield: Please keep dreaming about him and don't wake up!

photographed by eliot lee hazel for flaunt杂志2017年

Garfield is still a straight man, a delicate boy in high-waisted pants. Ladies and gentlemen, please continue your dreams and not wake up.

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